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Thích hợp cho người học đã có khả năng nghe nói cơ bản, nắm được các mẫu câu đơn giản và có vốn từ vựng khoảng 800 từ. Gồm 25 bài, chủ yếu giới thiệu về từ ngữ thông dụng, các mẫu câu điển hình, các loại câu phức trong tiếng Trung Quốc, và các tình huống giao tiếp đơn giản trong sinh hoạt, học tập, xã giao thường ngày v.v.
/4, TI <) j::*;:;:ii; i;i:i::.', ".,,:r:j r:a!:{a:!}}:a.:t:r!r::tii{:::$:a;a*t:!::; I vrv? www.qlc.Go.iP EA=8ffifiFilEfr I=?? ffih EL"-i h]- i": - :)- fr ;t#r r',r 0 rJ. -;-'-: ]i r' rfi ( rltEt i: itt:\ aa 6 , Oit!< L iL j-ir,r.6,i./jr. Lo6t. lL-i ({*ffi ru gofcffi ,r€A i. 6 * 3" irii,r.6,{tjL. * tJr, L* nl-to)6Lf:j.-r,, 5iarr.9]( i t rdn n t<(,(, a - L I: IJL,L3 t L a +,2fr rq$iib4 a ,,rir tz z* L/:. nl"Loa+,Lt:t, trJt, i:frxH -qfJtsr/r& E EL = j t*/_Lj Ltf/r t ti/":rr<'"r)Lr ,,t: Ltr/" .a#w.t*lr 4#rtj. bE+:*+gtafar. ill$Aa;ii,*,t:,tg.n, ?$.*ati h/"1q, * L/:" 1116 U : ri a ,1L-e) t .L. 6,/a/jr- 6jir,t, ti{, : Z <3 in,\ ?LtJ tr}"1q, i i:,8.i"/16r.6 urL!.ril,rr. | t :: :: .h' i: IlA :l L-r 4h' * ,,/: lj lj^ ,,r. A A ,,i nh -:-ffijFffii:ftv., BA;E&6*ffitl:iEv.ffi*Ftr.r* 6 J i. hiiafu*Z am vl Wvt tsttte,# ti D n,|, D +. .t4 .ir- EtElD< ( /:-E v." ;,i'-: t: taA : a.rr< L uh 6ri,jl'{,A/jr' /:r.}:i :i-Et. tjj : 4#t*. E4;+6Er;{,gtof,mt+ftfei:ffFuL/:t*rt Llao(v.* j-r., I;EoL*r ll, 6jir,t. 5 ?'C* tt\ ?Ltr 2 6a#Mwrsht&i: L alrHL L(v.*f" ("f ,.a. fit#r,trer u(/jrt tr-ir't. !j@3-lj /:( brih,r,hL',qa t,t: L *i tr,ji -e ll a ( . .$' /:-,L a; s,sffi o *€+ f . H u (. tBffi wg t L /: v. f i: {, ttm L ( v. /: la r b vt* z q,HF4 D t tfa(r..*f" IthL r. t (hsi 0*=o#F 1 l. ) 4*tr, Unit E I ! ;, I . &, i rlt. (. ra:y ha{ffiFtL(v\*f" J 'l/ t:r\ t) iiL\ oJ htr\ #4 > hIEffi irr\Ji u ,jt\ ffigIEffi rtz h ofitlh Unit O4 t nit 05 I 3 o)t\!< U tJlr 6^/jr' E*ffiI8ffi O1 Unit 02 Unit O3 zt t*.t" Affi fE7: ;*,$Ao FdE i: A b ri #E-f;*IE z< a $aLa E[E+69 X#r*. *&&ix1jt-ry aHfl',t afiAo<. 6 Step I : i rtr' t a i:ffiFl L< bu) if _ 1 Z Z <3 #< r.ff#iiA,ffifuir.i4u.#rlirftAer * " BitB tht2fi aU.J.a(ffiE)tt,t 6,i,lJl. , EffiA! id:d trLLba -c:)n,t, t bt Z L : &PfrWtffi ( t:a)tt:,L.wrfiJt->ri a*H,Erg-" tEoH * ry 4 .l rtdrF.ataa--* !. tirjlfn Antf) 3 l tLl:L b Lr L./,t-r.a 9 r,r. t. tLi-.-|. + Step I Step f:dt *tt ?az-- v l-T+ht:z t t#,u< ar6 (* t 2 lLhLei6Lt:t' tr( &t-= y l. O#FHF,SF€od.*t (tlrL3 V atL 3 t $/"lit' at$o)tr frrl"1:F€tffiv'< E L L tth tJt-L* 6'& +am f Fl L: d^/jl. tt u?it' HtLa /: E i:. Itt'L* L U.lttLbl,t:t\- t' * l*L L trl" 6,{til'li :t Ail,& L E rr t] * " L tt L* z th,afid) * /cil,$f;8fr4;2i{ L i:+ - < }^< ( /:-E v'. (* t' ,' *f. lFffiF'lffiI fl2fr al F'5 EE A H H U t $tJ 6,|rt' b 4 *9-.*HatF{FE LHI-Y/*,a$atffi* aa ji $ht:\\ a)oF"lE) t- lc F"5€fr I J f ,r. tb 3) &t-=v I o#FgFfiEo Hffili. .D-ITd)ED -ef. b< - O Step nLLeit'hri\' 1 5e {, ( n/i\0, (ffiHI t z bt litJ t'B lr ^'i' '' 7a. t rtr&> L. L lf'elttrr-"frr4lbt D*t. ./). t t*ilf /3VrL. I ( fh-(vr6l*fo#+<'iffrtr. frv./:L 3l:*rr' b /sv.i. b LrL* t /u" b* u S;*#H ,'#tfr < &H*'au'tl*. : : r#or4 iutH' i-( < /i6 v." O l=oF:*IItul (unit ot . 02 . 03 . 04' 05) : ff i r' trat t\ \trlil, .*Hl iltJ ., - L' t a:*H,IJl (Unit 01 . 02 . 03 . 05) : *ffit * 9 L(v.6 0fi' OL r'Alrt' +'o 8i 3 l*i )t fet'ar$Elst.wPgxtFafr Dl' L LriL]( L i* ary d L '(. Afr1firffi, lF:rt., *.H, Ifr ifilrrDtj. ffiv.(f <"i:4F1f Troitffi!vrr.f" a:rfl. j60i:si ii< LDi Lf,:gi 7/ Di L t 6 LtilJ "E/"lgt ,ry*.H, f€trgn;F1re D&4t 4ltl* L/e. TuWzJ,b+)J+W.p.r.'u(.€rp L/e li*r9-*r. =t L D@ Li@ ffi(:Li:6{Htt*Lri. i Lp VhDr) tJ ltt\ l! b/" 2l' Uritfl' lefr#a't'ffitlEffif 6.1 (unit o+ ' 05) : bbWffiTl*.Zb#rH,ti-o(" ti/r ( . v'6v' Or,lfL $lJ L- L tF: r. i'l: B 6 btsav.fit-ilffiBtHtrtl6,z(v)*f" .:rlt. /c ( 3 /-aa L iff afiaH,ia : $lf I Z ILl"L|a It bl" b ^/. Fo/r Doit /:rDi:. IkffitAbt< H < frFH tLt f" * te, H.Z(*i < L'fFfUfabv' r' ,'/. t h/rLsa *.-;/:Ev'fi Affi < #RE 6 L*f. @ a.)'L TILLIi 1) ISEI nLLti a# I#El ti. t* (. t L 6/,ft. * L 6t/jh i) ;6v.(ffi< FdFE-] tr=977'nar'*f" 6 Lr f'< l:/! *i/,-iit' ltt' f, e SA.r:h |ffi,l'rcffi< FdEl i*. CD i3#.p*75r1.(v.*-tir. I+cEE;{.f Aat rr-("5 fl.f I I ( ffii,r. l-;frA"rfi4< F"lEl *f ,'b. tL/'Lsa + i_bffiHt L< ( /i 6 v.. * L * *iArit. lir. €/'tih 1-6v.(ffi < F"5E_l l*, CD i:Sfr75s1-(v\6 aac, zctrLtffi I Arr b@v'< < fi8v.o Efl {,/"rt' rii,l:( L 6 3 ,'ht 3 al,.ji t ,D *lfic/:#t#( 6 a;, *1frt ffiv.(E$tffitrbfrEt d- (L'6 nrot.i 6..$Fd€rr D: * * L 3*rf" l,r f b L" tJ'Tt*. f#Zf V/"Eri r),1.'F ,'rdl tZ i-b itt' {/wf,h ) aPfrWa@rt" a ali€ ifli € ftt*ar, BA?< roi8*r.*rt a*z t v<*Ert*oa'ino. * a trl!r" "oi{* z : t4i{r. B:I ] (2') co#ff, (2) B:L B:l e , 1 51., 6. rieiu-L*'.r< ] n. Hufr*,,rt+u", L t.L..--, b. D+, EI*tr(!'ttj5*f" (3rt I (,r)t I &f+a.ert t:u'. I €lr$uu'*rA-tnrf. r#,r:6$$r.*r< rau.. B:[ lo e. ::, €re. f - t, Ai *4lLLrl Lt" tirr#v,rv,rir,i.. ttt 5 b, Siie!'a<" c. t r"t lJ-. ] A : r< {,/.a t Toaf a. L?,3*E*eLit" l:uo"ff r :1.$1.15 q.1'a1 a. A : E)i. ttrr{Jfi SEg-15*iAL(nlt€ot. z A:+E.4*L(tg-wil4> 4a6aaztatLd.tt@ <*5!-l t:@ol tt.tl\* t. Lbif?2d,L*l'6tuq -drtu@hq*fr *lrr:oErnol,l@b& ?,[email protected] €H=*€a 93, .EeEn16dt€, E! -:o& kzEtt I €Etq4. + q{{9 l+tE {4rn* 4 ioAEaaofiE 4- €,r{t<' /6.,\ r6r a'#4t' Lt, < 6 tr6 LA*rrr(f€H L( ( ff3v'. * i'< i:& 6,{,tl' ,'hL' Ufo>mp6oitri., tJr'ir,\ CD t:$*-g6 ir-(v. _ irji#rc1*. fgl$tltnaX,*.+Agta fi-(v. *f. lf 6t' tlu:a L ^rI a{Fakz / $./t 1) 7 l. B',r F"iFgoM+*anV:-A*. 6n,t:h ,'trtil*il*i /: D L/cHiFEaWXfiiXtfrA /:v'WEI"++lr-L( ( /iEv'. *ri'btdtt"> /: 4 F{E.i This book is a workbook designed for the study of the listening comprehension portion of the new Japanese Language Proficiency Test which began in 2010. The new test contains a wider range of listening comprehension questions and listening ability is measured in various different ways. This book offers exercises specially created for learners ofJapanese who want to take the test so that they can become accustomed to the test format and get higher scores. Exercises in this book include those in which learners can enrich vocabulary and those which involve reading and answering questions. You may think that these exercises are unrelated to listening comprehension, but, in fact, they foster basic skills. Listening comprehension is just another part of understanding Japanese. It is an activity in which people comprehend the gist of a story by utilizing various techniques such as knowledge about sounds, vocabulary, sentence patterns, context' and topics. Use these techniques efficiently, and practice while reviewing your listening skills in order to get closer to achieving the listening skills ofnativeJapanese speakers. The structure of this book corresponds to the listening comprehension questions in the Japanese Language ProficiencyTest, but, as mentioned above, the aim of this book is to foster basic skills to develop listening ability. Consequently, its contents are not only for those who want to prepare for the test but also for those who want to use this book for their regular listening classes, or for those who want to do listening exercises at home. {& Features of 1l this Book This book's units are structured according to the Japanese Language proficiency Test. Unit 1 Task-based Comprehension Unit 2 Gomprehension of Key points Unit 3 Comprehension of General Outline Unit 4 Verbal Expressions Unit 5 Ouick Response 2) Thir book is structured so that you can start with exercises to acquire basic skills and doing exercises which are close in format to the real test. Acquiring basicskills lExercisesl Step These exercises help you to acquire the necessary skills in order to be able to answer each test question. There are four exercises: hearing sounds, vocabulary and expressions I I for listening, hearing grammatical patterns, and understanding the feelings of the speaker. Step 2 Checking what you have learned in the You will find these format Step 3 exercises at unit [End-of-unit Exercises) the end of each unit. These exercises have the same as the Test. Answering questions with the same format as the test [ActualTest Exercisesl We have prepared tests with the s"-e-format as the actual test. The number of questions is different from the actual test, but you will become accustomed to the test and be able to checkyour skills with these exercises before you take the test. 3l The aims of the exercises in each unit are as follows. O Step 1 lExercisesl @Hearing sounds (Units 01 .02.03'04'05) langrage. If you do not know about these changes, you may not be able to identi$r words or grammatical patterns, even those that you know well. speak @ : Some sounds can change in spoken If you do not have many opportunities to with native speakers, this section will help you to recognize changes in sounds. Vocabulary and expressions for listening (Units 01 . 02. 03 . 04 . 05) : In spoken language, there are often words and expressions whose meanings are understand from their sounds. In this section, we deal difficult to with onomatopoeic words, mimetic words, loanwords, words of Chinese origin, and honorific language, and you and understanding. guess or will study listening grammatical patterns (Units 01 - 02. 03 . 05) : It is difficult to have an immediate understanding of the relationships between speakers or the directions of objects @ Hearing or actions in a conversation. In this section, we deal with modifying nouns, the causative, the passive, the causative-passive and benefactive verbs. These are grammatical patterns that you have studied in beginner's and lower-intermediate levels; you should become accustomed to listening to them, too. @ Understanding the feelings of the speaker (Units 04 . 05) : There is more than one expression that can be used in a number of different in a certain situation and we ways. express our feelings and intentions This section contains listening exercises focusing on various situations so thatyou can memorize avaiety of words and expressions.Youwill also practice listening to fixed expressions such as salutations which are usefirl to know. O Step Z [End-of-Unit exercisesl End-of:Unit exercises have the following three steps. First, do Exercise 1 by yourself After this, you can check the key points to - see how and where you need to listen and what you need to consider in order to answer the questions. Then try Exercise 2 which has the same format. C Step 3 [ActualTest Exercisesl We have prepared two tests which have the same format as the actual test. The following table shows a comparison of the numbers of questions in our tests and in the actual test. N3 l0 Actualtest This book 6 questions 5 questions 6 questions 5 questions 3 questions 2 questions 4 questions 3 questions 9 questions 7 questions .::!;':.:,:1,,: i!:r,::,:.rr:i :.:;..,::!::!:,::i:,1. ,1.:*:];:::il.:t :i::t! ji:,:.::r,!l::::l::l:;t:1 :t:i jt.:.::.:::;l t::uii::i;ti:!;:ii:r::r.:ri::r; 1) lExercisesl lExercisesl have two sections: reading questions and listening questions. You do not need the CD for the reading questions. You can check these with the text, so practice reading carefirlly and understanding these questions. You will need the CD for the listening questions. Answer these questions while listening to the CD. There are different types of questions such as those in which you write the words you hear and those in which you choose the best answer from the options provided after listening to a conversation. Here are some examples of exercises for understanding the feelings of the speaker . .,You,can listen to exereises with this symbd,. ' ,,theCp. Herc,listentotheGD and considar ens to find tfie best answer. the c otf;.'<. *&ciita*it urllttot. {8il tE' Ha;i;ar< r:.', &.#26( itF4". , L?< _1 : AO*;Er:tt't 6E i. L rrbEb$ot-Fa a h' a e t:tr'" o+D 6 1 r @ (flr lal (r) t I (2) [ ] (3) t I (i] : I (5) I l +8, EjFLt< iLtJvillro a. L&, $*l:*t{,L*-t-. B::al :otFff, }uo'di:;1.&!'(6!.1'("Lr ira {: t}lt/-. B:i l ,r , Hii. rru.+H4ia.#1.(!,rirji.. B,t l r : r:(:i6D *fr.6, UleiUi*'-r< r:*u.. B:I l -r, €rr*uu.iitF-trrr. rr'.t 6#Lrr:ir ( r::u." B:l i a- +oa D5 4LildD*tAlr, Lr.L b. t+. itta < !'tr* c. +l!liift-l-h, d, ii, {0. e- ,.1!':+tl" l"d-. " b. J:fi€u'r*<. o. c. Btr.r) *J-. a. &"fa,tur+tr. \' f. r,. via*fl,LlLt:. ;.zr\ cDtdl'u. **cnraiirutA'trr6€ol:, {ts| ffit rr'€otr x tir,<<,:a.'" utrd.iaa;ttal*t. (fl) l6 L6L, E+Arli!'6-L+L'*fr\l Otcl 9l"l €'i"l etcl I ttoE*. -dt:r' 6ri(L'l:t* t!.it'i-tr.l ot I ot I ot I ot l (2) er, tn'c i" €41:Ell:61"r!'r'L,e''l:I"l or I @t 1 @l I @l l (3) ltiL, 6il D I < irlrrt+irlr.l ot I @r I Ot I @l l (4) Ita*tr. aa,tr2vt l. Lrtljrrt{'lrlrt'trll Ol I O)L ) Ol I @l l (s) l3o *o^C-t, Ir',/:fil. I ( rrilJq * L/:h.l or I oi I ot I @'t l t r I il 2l lEnd-of-unit Exercisesl Herewe exphin.how,d{t,figl';i;ibiiLi. Fit:r!,.wOr*,thrOugli:,ith cX' Aiie€; A .*. l 6 l "* ' l. FiD(' z. i!'r'S; , *E&iiraermnu, rxroiE r.-1. t ii;iacgtrsFdazg<" :@f"iFE(u. cfEF"iaftL,z< raL," znralie*r,r. ro t t'i +ai6*t. Ht,*r,t,oa1 ..^aht< t:tt,, < Z getartrr':Hfil& l!+il,t - 7 r) t Et&r 64'.til< 3 6, -,sgE:atH! \2. Hfr #o+a I etiattl t4x i & 2..\:" " -o, t L botula) ai. *S$Aion:ma. E#r.i,;r,zr& < *ar r * z. r*r t >ln€a <. 4. fdE,'ai <, Eit r, ; :i. cD aEFL'rp,3€ I ?&L.rar < tFr," - { a^- tt. 2 r J I L y > | )t b, t ti' 4, & ZI a 3.t t-n at L t a " ? ae) L, ftgz ^<. Eiir.msa*,r, i4lLri. Tr.k-bsed conprdensior exer.res :r€ncEs dd qnesdo6; can be done in thB following us. 1. Ltte, to briedns b es, vatding Frhtcd choias (bftes or illstudon* 3 Lbten - 6. qlBdons .Fh, od choo* ihe b6t answer fom anong thc cioices. In these hd of_udr ds, * 2, LGren pade s.ltug ks!,based CD, md solre ExeEhe 1. You diry. N*, -F4#E =lqtr), solw rhe extrd$s conpreheDston *erct€s wit hde placti.ily +46!trEfttrHln,+tu the in d 3 doE e&. wl: FF, [*en to scdtr &d hinr in 6e tolosng hodse pagc, e Ft dF on :=.g€ffiS&4. ,n-__.;j' F. olj rFpE dqi!, "&a.44". J]' cD 2iFE 4u There are keys and hints that 2. dqr*; =.n+H i+id Next, read the transcripts. you ctn Flflr. +c .T4 +41e1 i:e 4+r+ ?+qq : +9. 3€+r+ 43+S E:4. 2 .i4q 9: dq4 ( 3,tli grl:! ) eg = : 'lrl + d :tE€ :n cE'l +qlr] 7l* .i:]e +4r ql!:1.ri 6tqlg 94=,J4 := EI 34 r: +ol edrle. r|3 ltq,tq l +4*at'i. r49. +dt 2 .11tr1 Srnq SatE tollEElr,;* L(t' tt " iqidya n'i:tln'. p, ao. XS:aa$Ea <2 4. G&riEi < , Tt" o ltnH4*zf,Haala<. @ HrFl* h(rra*fi& la++4 ) r) t FLt&rf 6*YZil< " ^ iL a.n. O A i-ESE:IEEfu \(. i*frtro+t6E6ifi*ntEzA .@ t* t b@F"lEl ?d,'#E4B@P,3gt-. qHr:i&u'Va) <-trt 6bE-uzaar\t ),. sh;t@tr5*ctube5bnrh r a==94* UEiefi€. !l4"Jq +e +ta el q9t {4dr 9+q ii, rirrh. .....a, .r. ofiG-a-t ?tEr3-h. .iii, 3 0i Er:1,/:E)' t) o@fiLflq< 3. :66r:a:r.ttt'. F: EIL.rth" VaLJanr., b, .afX M : 4 > dv'\',r&'. e,oa, @EiZi-l2-A-L r.i< 6 L'L'ittr-" M : lll:,|t,: i 1'1. fAEriEi $o@igArl, :Ta*li uta+*itiu'L'tt3 rtri" F : rartr'. @f2]{!,jpda$4r t.ii((ti:1.. M:r'Li*D*L/." '*oT.uro <-tt,z*.-r*" qL a lP-gt) bt<>f - Xem thêm -

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