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Tài liệu Phú thọ quê hương đất tổ t13


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Trdng nu, trdng hoa Planting buds, planting flowers Photo: THANH THU'i 153 Nhh tho TO Hiru, Nhit tho Huu Thinh thdm Thdn Gia Diin (Ha Nam Gia Di6n hamtet (Ha Hda), the first head office of Vietnam Arls & Hda) tru sd diu ti€n cfia HQi vdn nghQ ViQt Literature Association r H)i VHNT Phrt Tho. Poet T6 Hftu, poet Hfru Thinh visted the Society of Literature and Art of Phfi Tho. Photo:VAN TRANG \ Photo: CAO KHAC THUY il H II 2, 3. vdn nghQ si, Nhi b6o Leaders of the Province met Artist and Joumalist Linh dqo tinh g?p m?t cilc Cdc vdn nghQ si Phi Tho 154 Phi Thq Attists - Photo: T)NG NGOC Trong thu vipn tinh In the library Photo:TIJNG NGQC Sich b6o crta Ding d6n ving cao Parly newspaper being introduced to mountain areas - Photo: ANH BAO l5s Ruoc inh Bec ffong ng|y HQikhdePhiEting Procession of the picture of lJncle Hd at Phi Ddng Sporls Events Photo: H6NG HANH Khai mac H|i kh6e Phi Ddngndm2M} The opening CeremonY of Phi Ddng Sports Events in 2OOO ! Photo: TRONG BANG Dar hli Thd thao PhoIo: H)ANG SAM Sports and Games Min d\ng di6n trong butii *hai mpc dqt h}i T.D.T.T Pertormances on the opening day of Sports and Games .J Photo: HAI BANG 159 VHTT Nguyin Khoa Diim trao bing khen dctn vi hoat dQng vdn h6a xuit sdc cho d/c Trin Ngoc Qu€, T6ng gi6m d6c Cdng ty gi6Y Bai Bing. BO trudng -Minitt", of cultural and sports awarding the honour cultural activipaper ties to the Mr. Trdn Ngoc Qud, general director of Bdi Bdng com?anY' Photo: TR7NG BANG aoaiinam gia gii'i iA airn b6ng chuy€n nfi toin thi diu c6ng ty gidY qu1c ndm 2001 t(i chftc tai nhi to General Director of Bdi Bdng Paper Co. Mr Trdn Ngqc Qud offering a souvenir flag particifalp,d in the Women's Vo1eybatt National_Champ.ionship in the delegations who Photo: VAN TRANG 2001 held in the companyb Spotts House Photo: HUNG SON H6i kh6e Phi Ddng ndm 2001 Phi Ddng S1otts Festival in 2001 Photo: TRONG BANG 160 Trong ngiy H6i Thao Competitions Photo: udNe uANu Nh} thi ddu cia Cdng ty gidy Bai Bing. Sport hall in Bdi Bing paper company. M6t si5 crtp vO dlch vi cip luu ni€m th(i thao cia C6ng ty gi6y BAi Bing d4t duqc. Several spotl cups received by Bai Bang paper company. photo: TRONG BANG r61 I Niim vui Joys of chiiSn Chi6c crtp crta d6i vd dich thing Victory The cup of the chamPionshiP team J Photo:TRONG BANG Tinh fiy, HDND, UBND Tinh tuy€n dwng vi trao thuvng dOi b6ne thiiSu ni€n giitnh chtrc vO dich toitn qui5c ndm 2001 The Provincial PartY Commiftee, People's Council, and PeoPle's Committee awarding the National championshiP to the winning 2001 r Photo: TBQNG BANG teenager team in t62 I
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