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Tài liệu Lợi thế và bất bợi của mua sắm trực tuyến


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Advantages and disadvantages of the shopping online Nowadays, shopping online is not only rather popular but also it is becoming a convenient way to buy and attract more and more people using it. The shopping online form was developed in many countries over the world as Japan, Korea, China, so on and in Vietnam, this pattern is being developed quickly. The success of some websites as vatgia.com, muachung.vn, nhommua.com,… and so on are one of the factors that represent the strong development of this kind in Vietnam. However, everything has two sides: positive and negative. And the shopping online form so does. There are many advantages of shopping online. Firstly, that is the advantage in term of time. With the traditional shopping, to buy the things that you need, you have to wait until stores open. With the shopping online, you can completely master your own time because online stores open in twenty- four hours per day. Besides, when shopping on the online web sites, you will never have to worry about the weather because you only need to sit at home, office, or anywhere and click. The advantage of not moving when shopping online is to help those who cannot move or who move difficultly, such as the disabled, or who cannot leave work in opening-shop hours can still buy the products they need. The second advantage of shopping online is that goods in the online stores are often cheaper than in the traditional stores. The understandable reason is that the online stores do not need to give the cost of leasing business premises, hiring staffs to manage operations while stores in the real world need. when you buy a product with great value, you feel anxious when carry a large amount of cash? With online shopping, you will not have to worry about that. Because you can pay by credit card through the payment system of the site. One big advantage of online shopping is that you can compare prices of products similar to the products you want to buy, which does not take you a lot of time and money to travel among different stores. You may also read the comments on the product you are considering from the customers who already used it, not only from the sales staff. And moreover, you not only can buy the products in your local area, but also can buy anything over the world because the shopping online has no boundary. Only with the computer with the internet connection, you can buy everything that you wants in everywhere. However, the shopping online also has some limitations that enterprises still have not overcome. Normally, when shopping online, you only can see the products through pictures and very brief descriptions. This will make no peace of mind when you decide to buy a product. Because to attract the attention of customers, the image of the product sometimes will look much more beautiful than when you see it directly. Moreover, with products such as clothes or shoes, you cannot touch the products, even try them on, so you do not know if they fit you or not. The second disadvantage is that mistakes in transporting. What will happen if the transportation company damages the product in transporting and when you realize it, the delivery man has gone? You will not be compensated because businesses suppose that you ruin it? The last one is knowledge of using computers. The old often do not know how to use or not use the computer proficiently. Therefore, the shopping online cannot attract them and they still prefer the traditional shopping. The shopping online has some disadvantages, but it has overcome many limitations of the traditional shopping. It has gradually shown its advantages. Hence, we need to continue to develop forms of online shopping. For busniess, they need expand size of their online shop, set search models, utility services, create e-shop according to customer tastes. Also about customer, they shall enhance their knowledge about shopping online in order to easier for use this form. A: B, bạn có muốn đi mua sắm với t không? A: B, would you like to go shopping with me? B: um... tớ không chắc chắn lắm. tớ rất bận. B: Uh…I don’t know. But I’m very busy C: sao các bạn không mua sắm trực tuyến? nó rất tiết kiệm thời gian đấy. Và 2 bạn sẽ chẳng phải đi đâu cả, chỉ cẩn ngồi đâu đó và kích chuột. C: Why don’t you go shopping online? It is not time-consuming. And two of you don’t need to go anywhere, you only need to sit somewhere and click D: Ồ, đó là một ý kiến hay đấy. Tôi đã từng mua sắm trực tuyến. Nó rất thuận tiện đấy. Bạn có thể mua bất kì sản phầm nào mà bạn muốn vào bất cứ lúc nào. D: oh, that’s a good idea. I have ever gone shopping online. It is very convenient. You can buy any product that you want at anytime C: Chính xác! Hôm qua, cửa hàng KFC giảm giá bánh Bơ Gơ, nhưng 7 giờ sáng mới mở cửa cơ. Và lúc ấy thì t đã ở cơ quan rồi. Nhưng tớ lên trang web của cửa hàng đó và chỉ một cú kích chuột thôi, tớ đã có 1 chiếc Bơ Gơ rồi. Điều đó thật là thú vị. C: Absolutely! Yesterday, KFC shop discounted the price of humburger, but at 7 a.m it opened. And at that time I had already been in the office. But I shopped on its website with only one click, I had one humburger. That is very interesting. A: Um….t thì không thực sự thích thú với việc mua sắm trực tuyến. Đối với những mặt hàng như: giày dép hay quần áo thì chúng ta sẽ chẳng thể nào tận mắt nhìn thấy nó, hay chạm vào chúng. Mà chỉ có thể nhìn chúng qua những hình ảnh với lời mô tả ngắn gọn. A: uh. I don’t really enjoy going shopping online. With products such as clothes or shoes, we cannot see directly, or touch them. We can only see them through images with very brief descriptions. B: tớ cũng nghĩ như vậy. Thông thường thì những hình ảnh của sản phẩm trông sẽ tốt hơn nhiều so với lúc chúng ta nhìn trực tiếp. Và chúng ta sẽ chẳng thể chắc chắn rằng nó có phù hợp với mình hay không. B: I agree with you. Normally, the images of products will look much more beautiful than when you see it directly. And we are not sure that they fit us or not D: Nhưng mua sắm trực tuyến sẽ giúp bạn tiết kiệm hơn đấy. Vì các cửa hàng trực tuyến không phải chi phí cho tiền thuê cửa hàng, nhân viên quản lí cửa hàng như những cửa hàng truyền thống. D: But going shopping online will help you save more time. Because unlike the traditional stores, the online stores do not need to pay for business premises, hiring staffs to manage operations C: Hơn nữa, bạn có thể thoải mái so sánh giá cả ở các cửa hàng mà chẳng cần phải mất thời gian và công sức để đi lại giữa các cửa hàng khác nhau. C: Moreover, you can compare prices of products in online stores , which does not take you a lot of time and money to travel among different stores E xuất hiện: E appears E: Chào mọi người! Thật là khủng khiếp. Sáng nay, t đưa em gái đi mua sắm, thì gặp mưa. Tớ bị ướt hết. E: hi everybody. It was very terrible. This morning, when I was going shopping with my younger sister, it rained. I got wet C: Nếu c mua sắm trực tuyến thì sẽ không bị ướt như vậy. C: if you had gone shopping online, you would not have got wet like that E: um… nghe cũng hay đấy. Nhưng em gái tớ không biết sử dụng máy tính. Ông tớ cũng vậy, nên tớ thường xuyên phải đưa họ đi mua sắm. Nhưng tớ thì thường xuyên mua sắm trực tuyến, tớ cho rằng mua sắm trực tuyến có nhiều lợi ích đấy. tớ vừa dùng điện thoại đặt chỗ trong cửa hàng KFC rồi, chúng ta đi ăn trưa thôi? E: uh. It sounds interesting. But my youger sister and my grandfather don’t know how to use computer, so I often have to take them to go shopping. But I often go shopping online, I think that going shopping online has a lot of advantages. I have used my phone to book a seat in KFC store. Let’s go out for luch. B: Thật sao? B: really? E: tất nhiên. Đó chính là mua sắm trực tuyến. E: Of couse. That is the shopping online
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