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Trang chủ Giáo dục - Đào tạo Tiếng Anh Korean grammar in use beginning to early intermediate ...

Tài liệu Korean grammar in use beginning to early intermediate


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ul/ Beginning to Early Intermediate 쫓쫓뜸핀1 m"",‘싫Y빼 * Contains all grammar points covered by TOPIK Levels 1 and 2! * Learn at a glance the differences between similar grammatical constructions! * Practice a variety of expressions used in the same situation! * True to life dialogues incorporating the introduced grammar points! 뼈 DARAKWON L - Preface 4 How to Use This Book 6 Unit 3. Particles 행 N이/가 68 G N은/는 - . 71 헝 N을/를 • Introductio n to the Korean Language 1. Korean Sentence Structure ........... “ . .. ’ ‘’ ... 2. Conjugation of Verbs and Adjectives “ ‘” ‘ 3. Connecting Sentences ............. . .. .. . 4. Sentence Types ‘ ~ N와/과. N(O I)랑.N하고 14 . 15 ‘ 74 명 N으| .. 78 링 N에 @ , 16 G N에 ~ """ ,,, 17 렁 N에서 5. Honorific Expressions ......... .. .. .. .............. 20 ..................... ‘ 핑 있다 (to exist/be. to have) ‘ 헝 Numbers 97 Unit ,, 102 ." , " .. """.".".",,,.,,,,,,,,. "".""." "", .. "", 99 """. 105 ‘ ’ “ ‘ . ... ‘ . 107 f!Þ N쯤 .""" ." ""."" ..... ..... . " .. " ... " '" 110 37 명 Time . 웹 N( O I)나 @ .. 31 91 , 휠 N만 - 휠 N(이)나 (1) .. " .28 생 Dates and Days of the Week. ...... " ....... ... . 93 탱 N(으)로 26 89 탱 N도 ‘ 탱 N밖에 ‘ 83 86 핑 N에서 N까지.N부터 N까지 Getting Ready 생 이다 (to be) 81 "" ......... . . "" ... .. . , .,, 렐 N에게/한테 • ... "." .... " 76 렐 N처럼 . N같이 39 1. Tenses , ’ 112 휠 N보다 114 링 N마다 116 헝 Present Tense A/써스) 닙 니 다 42 G Present Tense 45 생 A/V-고 .... …..... " ............................ 120 - 49 G V-거 나 ..... " .... .. , ...... , ...... ", ...... " ..... , .. 123 헝 Future Tense V-(으)2 거예요 (1), ." 52 휠 A/V-지만 헝 Progressive Tense V-고 있다 (1) " ,, 54 ~ A/V-(으) L /는데 A/V-아/어요 휠 Past Tense A/V-았/었어요 Unit 4. Li sting and Contrast .... " ..... "". "." " ...... " ... "" 125 (1) .......... " ........... "".127 링 Past Perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 56 Unit 2. Unit 5. Time Expressions 생 N 전에. v-기 전에 ...... "" .. "" ... "" .... 130 Negative Expressions 생 Word Negation G N후에. V-(으)L 후에 60 용 안 A/V-아/어요 (A/V-지 않아요) . . 62 생 못 V-아/어요 (V-지 못해요) 65 " " "" ............. 133 헝 V-고 나서 ....... ....... .............................. 136 ~ V-oν어서 ................................. " ...... 139 헝 N 때. A/V꺼으)2 UH .....: ........ " .... " ..... 142 웰 v-(의면서 ..... .............. 145 G N중. V-는 중 .. ...... ........ .. ... ..... 148 렁 v-자마자 151 휠 N 동안. V-는 동안 렐 v-(으)L 지” - --- ‘ ............. 153 - 157 • 생 v-(으) 큰 수 있다/없다 .. . , ..... … .... 160 ‘ . .. . ’ ...... . .. 생 V-(의세요 166 핑 v-지마세요 169 휠 A/V-Oν어야 되다/하다 헝 A/v-Oν어도 되 다 . . 207 생 V-(으) 2 까앞 @ . 210 G V-(으)2 까앞 @ 212 -- ---- --- 휠 V-(으)닙시다 명 v-(으)2 래요? CD Unit 13. Intentions and Plans 174 휠 v-(으)2 게요 .. 179 - 탱 v-고싶 다 182 휠 A/V-았/었으면 좋겠다 184 219 - 헝 A/V-겠어요 @ Unit 8. Expressions of Hope 214 헝 v-(의시겠어요? ................... …...... 217 171 . 176 ‘ ‘ 헝 A/V-지 않아도 도Ict(안 A/V-Oν어도 도|대 -- ’ ‘ 222 ......... 225 G V-(으)래요 @ .. 228 Unit 14. Background Information and Explanations 휠 A/V-(으)L/는데 @ 232 헝 v-(으) 니 까 (6) .... ... ... ...... ..... . ..... 235 - Unit 15. Purpose and Intention -힘 v-(으)러 가다/오다 . 238 -- Unit 9. Reasons and Causes 헝 A/V-아/어서 (6) .... 용 V-(으)L 적이 있다/없다 -‘ - 명 A/V-(의면 안 되다 204 - -- 163 Unit 7. Demands and Obligations , Permission and Prohibition 휠 v-아/어보다 - Unit 12. Asking Opinions and -Making Suggestions Unit 6. Ability and Possibility 핑 v-(으)근 줄 알다/모르다 Unit 11. Trying New Things and Experiences 훨 v-(의려고 .. 188 헝 A/V-(으) 니까 @ 191 휠 N 때문에. A/V-기 때문에 193 Unit 10. Making Requests and Assisting ---- ’ 생 v-Ou어 주세요. v-oν어 주시겠어요? - 198 -- 핑 v-Ou어 줄게요. v-아/어 줄까요? ... 201 ------ 헝 v-(으)려고 하다 .. ... .. 240 243 ’ 웰 N을/를 위해(세. V-기 위해(세 - 245 헝 v-71로 하다 .... .... .......... ....... .. ..... 248 Unit 16. Conditions and Suppositions 행 A/V-(의면 252 행 V-(의려 면 255 휠 A/V-O배도 .. ‘ 257 Unit 17. Conjecture Unit 24. Irregular Conjugations 힘 A/V-겠어요 @ 260 생 ‘- ’ 불규칙 (I rregular Con jugation) 326 ~ A/V-(으)2 거예요@ 262 휠 ‘ E ’ 불규칙 (1때비ar C。미ugation) 헝 A/V-(으) 큰까요? @ 265 휠 ‘ 님 ’ 불규칙 (Irregular Conjugation) 332 ~ A/V-(으)L/는/(으)2 것 같다 267 @ ‘ I ’ 불규칙 (Irreg미ar Co미ugation) 329 335 헝흩 ‘르르르’ 불붉규칙젠(Irπ q 때 r언e 밍 때gu비Jlar 뻐뻐」기 녕베 ar Co 떼 떼 on 메 n1Jψ 씨 jμμugat 매밍@때 명얘떼 g 찌 attionαm 빼 삐 oαm 미 n1) . 원 3 3연7 Unit 18. Changes in Parts of Speech fþ Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 관형형 -(으)L/-는/-(으)근 N G ‘、A ’ 불규칙 “(1Ir연때g야여미뻐 lar Co 。미ugation) . 342 272 ~ A/V-기 275 휠 A-게 278 ~ A-아/어하다 281 19. 링굉 ‘녕응’ 불규칙 “ i (1Irπr때 멍gul e 뻐뻐」기빠 |녀ar 바 Co αm뻐lÍL 。 띠 njL ψjLμu뼈 j Expressions of State • Appendix 생 V-고있다 @ 284 Good Things to Know 핑 V-oν어 있다 287 Answer Key 생 A-아/어지다 290 • Grammar Explanations in Korean ~ V-게되다 293 • Grammar Index 20. Confirming Information 생 A/V-(으)L/는지 296 용 V-는 데 걸리다/들다 299 휠 A/V-지요? 301 21. Discovery and Surprise 생 A/V-군요/는군요 304 ~ A/V-네요 306 22. Additional Endings 생 A-(으)L 가요? v-나요? 310 용 A/V-(으)L/는데요 312 23. Quotations 생 Direct Qu이ations ~ Indirect Quotations 316 ‘ 319 휠 i Ð 뼈 Innc 때 띠d띠 1C 1 322 .346 354 360 . 375 1. Korean Sentence Structure 2. Conjugation of Verbs and Adjectives 3. Connecting Sentences 4. Sentence Types 5. Honorific Expressions 1. Korean Sentence Structure Korean sentences consist of either “ a subject + predicate (verb)" or “ a subject + object + predicate (verb)." 캐럴이 subject 가요. + predicate 사과를 subject + object 먹어요. + predicate + predicate 도서관에서 에력이 subject 책을 임어요. object + predicate + Eric reads a book in the library. Eric eats an appl e. Paπicles 자요. subject Car이 sleeps. Carol goes. 에릭이 캐럴이 are attached to words in Korean sentences. They express the role that their respective words play in the sentence. After the subject of a sentence , the paηicle 01 or 가 is used. After an 。이ect, the particle 을 。r 를 is used. And after an adverbial , the particle 에 or 에게 is used. (See also Unit 3. Particles) 에릭 이 사괴를 먹어요. 에릭 이 subject 도서관에서 책을 읽어요. adverbial While the predicate of a Korean sentence always comes at the very end of the sentence , the order of subjects, objects, and adverbials changes depending on the intention of the speaker. Regaro ess of their order in the sentence , however, the role of each of these be<경use of the particle attached to it. paπs can still be identified 사과를 。bject 에릭이 + subject + Eric an apple 먹어요. 책을 verb 。 bject eats a book 도서관에서 adverb + 에력이 + subject in rhe library Eric 읽어요. + verb reads In addition , when the subject can be c1 early understood from the context , it can be omitted. A 에릭이 뭐 해요? What is Eric doing? B (에릭이) 사괴를 먹어요. (He is) eating an apple. A 어디에 가요? Where do (you) go? B 학교에가요. (1) go to school. 2. Conjugation of Verbs and Adjectives One of the characteristics of Korean verbs and adjectives is that they both are conjugated according to tense , p이 iteness level , passive and causative forms , and speech styles. Verbs and adjectives consist of a word stem and word ending , with their base forms comprised of the word stem plus 다 This form is also called the ’ dictionary form.' Accordingly, a dictionary search for such words will reveal their base forms , such as 가다 (to 9이, 오다 (to come) , 먹다 (to eat) , and 입다 (to wear). When conjugated , the word stems of verbs and adjectives d o not change; rather, 다 is replaced with the appropriate form depending on the speaker’ s intention . • Verbs 갑니 다 (g이goes) 가 다 가(다) +-닙 니다 (present formal ending) 가십 니 다 (go/goes) (referring to a superior/elder) word stem word ending (ro go) 개다) +-시- (honorific) + - 닙 니 다 (present formal ending) 갔습니다 (went) 개다)+-았'- (past tense) + --'습니다 (present formal ending) Introduction to the Korean Language 15 • Adjectives 좋습니 다 (is good) 다 흔를 좋(다) +-습니 다 (present formal ending) 좋았습니 다 (was good) word stem word ending (to be good) 좋{대 +-'았- (past tense) + -습니다 (present formal ending) 좋겠습니 다 βeems be good) 좋(다) +-겠- (guess) +-습니 다 (formal ending) 3. Connecting Sentences There are two ways to connect sentences in Korean. One is by using conjunctive adverbs (e.g. , 그리고 (and) , 그렇지만 (but) , 그런데 (so/therefore)) , and the other is by using conjunctive endings (1.) And (2) Conjunctive Adverb Connection 바람이 불어요. 그리고 추워요. Conjunctive Ending Connection 바람이 불고 추워요. It’ s windy. And it's cold It's windy and cold But m g ·m CO 뼈 . 뼈 뼈 m-. 빼 C 4 ‘ l .nn Conjunctive Ending Connection 김치는 맴습니다. 그렇지만 맛있습니다. Kimchi is spicy. But it tastes good. 김치는 랩지만 맛있습니다. Kimchi is spicy but tastes good. ( 3 ) Soj Therefore 16 Co njunctive Adverb Connection 눈이 와요. 그래서 길이 많이 막혀요. Conjunctive Ending Connection 눈이 와서 길이 많이 막혀요. It's snowing. Therefore the traffic is bad It's snowing, so the traffic is bad. When connecting two sentences with a conjunctive adverb , it is sufficient simply to place the c。미 unctive adverb between the t wo sentences. However, when using a conjunctive ending , the ending must be attached to the word stem of t he predicate of the preceding sentence to connect the two sentences. (1) 바람이 불다 + -.고 + 추원요 (2) 김치가 랩다 + -.지만 + 맛있어요 (3) 는이 오다 + -아서 + 길이 많이 • 바람이불고추워요. • 김치가 랩지만 맛있어요. 믿댐요 → 눈이와서 길이 많이 막혀요. 4. Sentence Types Korean has four main sentence types: declarative , interrogative, imperative , and propositive. Moreover, the sentence type is influenced by Korean speech styles , which can be divided main type 않 sε: fo αorrπrm 。 때 na 려1 띠이이 po lite , in 께 마 nlf。 뼈 αrπrmπm 때 na 려1 po 띠이이|’te ’ an 며 d in 빼 1 used mos 앙t in in 미 1끼to three including the military, news reporting , presentations, meetings , fo αrma 。 허10αrpαub 비비 lic 잉 s itua 하tio αn 。 며 1녕 s, and lectures. The informal p이 ite style -아/어요 is the honorific form used most in daily life. Compared p이 ite to the formal style , the informal p이 ite style is softer and less formal , and therefore it is used mainly among family members , friends , and other close acquaintances. Furthermore , although the formal p이 ite style has different forms for each of the four sentence types (declarative , interrogative, imperative , and propositive) , the informal p이 ite style uses the same form for all four types. Thus , sentence types in this style are determined by the situation and sentence intonation. For this reason , the informal p이 ite style is less complicated than the formal polite style. As for the informal plain style -아/어 , it is mainly used among int imate friends , by superiors toward persons of lower-rank , and among family members. It is considered rude to use the informal plain style w ith somebody one does not know personally or with whom one is not very close. Here we examine the formal informal p이 ite p이 ite and styles only. (1.) Declarative Sentence Declarative sentences are used when explaining something or responding to a question. (See also Unit 1. Tenses 01 Present Tense) CD Formal Polite Style Declarative formal polite sentences are made by adding -(스) 닙 니 다 to the word stem • 저는학교에갑니다. I go to school. • 저는빵을먹습니다. I eat bread. Introduction to the Korean Language í7 @ Informal Polite Style Declarative informal p이 ite sentences are made by adding -아/어요 to the word stem. • 저는학교에가요. I 90 to schoo l. • 저는빵을먹어요. I eat bread. (2) Interrogative Sentences Interrogative sentences are used when asking a question. (See also Unit 1. Tenses 01 Present 1겉nse) CD Formal Polite Style Interrog하ive formal polite sentences are made by adding -(스) 닙 니까? to the wo여 stem. • 학교에 갑니까? 00 you 90 to school? • 빵을먹습니까? 00 you eat bread? @ Informal Polite Style Interrogative informal p이ite sentences are made by adding -아/어요? to the word stem. Because they have the same form as declarative sentences , they are made interrogative by being spoken with a rising intonation at the end of the sentence (and also by adding a question mark to the written form). • 학교에 가요? 00 you 90 to school? • 빵을먹어요? 00 you eat bread? (3) Imperative Sentences Imperative sentences are used when making a demand or giving advice. (See also Unit 7. Demands and Obligations , Permission and Prohibition 01 V-(으)서|요) CD Formal Polite Style Imperative formal p이 ite sentences are made by adding -(으)십시오 to the word stem. 오 오 쓰 으 시 시 시닙 시님 에” 이민 고 。 채「 채「。늘 18 Please write in your notebook. Please read the book. @ Informal Polite Style Imperative informal p이ite sentences can be made by adding -아/어요 to the word stem , just like in the other sentence types described above. However, using -(으)세요 in place of-아/ 어요 is considered a more p이 ite expression , and therefore -(으)세요 should be used. • 공책에쓰세요. Please write in your notebook. • 책을읽으세요. Please read the book. (4) Propositive Sentences Propositive sentences are used when making a suggestion or agreeing with someone else ’s suggestion. (See also Unit 12. Asking Opinions and Making Suggestions 03 V-(으)닙시대 CD Formal Polite Style Propositive formal p이ite sentences are made by adding -(으) 닙 시 다 to the word stem. -(으) 닙 시 다 can be used when the person being spoken to is younger or the same age as the speaker. It cannot be used when speaking to a superior. It is considered improper etiquette to use this expression toward a superior or elder. • 11시 에 만납시 다 Let’s meet at 11 0 ’clock • 여기에서 점심을 먹읍시다 Let's eat lu빼 @ Informal Polite Style Propositive informal p이 ite sentences are made by adding -아/어요, just like in the other sentence types described above • 11시에 만나요. Let ’s meet at 11 o'clock. • 여기에서 점심을 먹어요. Let ’s eat lunch here. The preceeding sentence types are summarized below using the verb 가다 (to go) (1) go. (1) am goi ng. 갑니까? 가요? / 가십시오. 가세요. 갑시다. 가요. • Shall (we) go? • Go! Let ’ s go. The subject is omitted and understood by the situation or context. Introduction to the Korean Language 19 5. Honorific Expressions Due to the influence of Confucian thought on Korean society, it is common fo r Korean speakers to use both honorific and humble forms of speech in conversation according to age, family relationships, social status, and social distance (degree of intimacy). (1.) Honoring the Subject of the Sentence Honorifics are used when the subject of a sentence is a person older than the speaker, a senior member of one ’ s family, or a person of higher social rank. To honor the subject , -(으)시 IS added to the stems of adjectives and verbs. For verb stems ending in a vowel, -시 is added , and for those ending in a consonant, -。시 is added. ·뀔톨야09 0) 가 + -시- 가 + -시가 가 + + -시- -시- + + + + -닙니다 -어요 -었어요 -(으)근 거예요 • • • • 가십니다 • • • • 읽으십니다 가세요 가셨어요 가실거예요 .푹I를l· (to read) 읽 읽 읽 읽 (2 ) + + + + -.으시- -.으시-.으시- -.으시- + + + + -닙니다 -어요 -었어요 -(으)2 거예요 읽으세요 읽으셨어요 읽으실거예요 • 선생 님 께서 한국말을 가르치 십 니 다 The teacher teaches Korean • 아버지께서는 작년에 부산에 가셨어요 My father went to 8뼈n last year. Honoring the Li stener Honorifics are used when the listener is older or of higher social status than the speaker and also when the speaker and listener are not acquainted with each other, regardless of age. Final endings are used to express the degree of respect , and they can be formed from each of the formal p이 ite , informal p이 ite , and informal plain styles. See also Korean Sentence Structure 4. Sentence Types) 20 도와주셔서 감사합니다. (formal 도와주셔서감사해요. (informal 도오댄|서고마워. (informal plain s띠리 p이ite style) p이ite styl리 (3) Other Honorifics CD The honorific forms of some verbs are not expressed by adding -(으)시 to the verb stem but rather by using a different verb form altogether. Base Form Honorific Form Base Form Honorific Form 자다 (to sleep) 주무시다 말하다 (to speak) 말씀하시다 데려가다 (to take) 모셔가다 먹다 (to eat) 잡수시다/드시다 있다 (to exist) 겨|시다 마시다 (to drink) 드시다 • 어머니께서 집에 안 계세요. • 내 일시 간 있으세요? 죽다 있다 (to die) (to have) 돌아가시다 있으시다 Mother is not home right now. 0 0 you have time tomorrow? @ Some nouns have honorific counterpaπs. Base Form Honorific Form Base Form Honorific Form 나01 (age) 연세 샘일 (birthday) 샘신 말 (words) q c=f스 C그스 집 (house) 댁 밥 (m eal/ food) 진지 이름 (name) 성함 사람 (person) i tIj 아내 (wife) -닙i=!-'2J • 할아버 지, 진지 잡수세 요. Grandpa, please have some dinner. • 부인께서 도 안녕하십니 까? How is your wife? Introduction to the Korean Language 2 @ Honorific paπicles can be used a야er nouns indicating people. 이/가 • 꺼|서 은/는 • 께서는 • 동생 이 친구에게 선물을 줍니다. 에게(한테) • 께 My younger sibling gives a present to a friend. • 할아버지 께서 친구에게 선물을 주십니다. Grandpa gives a present to a friend. • 저 는 딸기를 좋아해요 I like strawberries • 할머니 께서는 딸기를 좋아하세요 Grandma likes strawberries @ Nouns designating persons can be made honorific by adding the suffix-님. Base Form 선생 (teacher) Honorific Form 선생님 Base Form 교수 Honorific Form 교수님 (professor) 사장 (president) 사장님 박사 (doctor) 박Á~님 목사 (pastor) 목사님 원장 (director) 원장님 • 저희 사장님은 마음이 넓으십니다. 。 ur company president is a generous person. • 목사님 , 기도해 주셔서 감사합니다. Pastor, thank you for your prayer. @ Respect can be expressed toward the listener or target of an act ion by using the following words. 22 Base Form Honorific Form 말하다 (to speak) 말씀드리다 주다 (to give) I 리다 Base Form 묻다 (to 보다/만나다 Honorific Form ask) (to meet) 여쯤다 웹다 • 아버지께 말씀드릴까요? Shall we speak with Dad? • 할아버지 께 이 책을 드리세요. Please give this book to Grandpa. @ The speaker can also show respect toward the listener by lowering h is or her own status. 나 → 저| 우리 → 저흐I Our • 저 도 그 소식을 들었어요 (4) CD 말 → 말씀 Words 1 also heard that news • 저 희 집 에 한번 놀러 오세요. Please stop by our house sometime • 부장님 , 말씀드릴 것이 있습니 다. Chief, 1have som하hing to tell you Things to Remember when Using Honorifics In Korean it is common to address others by repeatedly using their name or title rather than pronouns such as 당신 (you) , 너 (you) , 그 (he/him) , 그녀 (she/he끼, a nd 그들 (t hey/ them). “요코 씨, 어제 회사에서 재준 씨를 만났어요? 재준 씨가 요코 씨를 그가{x) 당신을(x) 찾았어요. 그러니까 요코 씨가 재준 씨한테 전화해 보세요" 그가(x) 당신을(x) "Yoko , did you see Jaejun at work yesterday? Jaejun (He) was looking for Yoko (you) , so Yoko (you) need to give Ja에 un (him) a call.“ 당신 tois aaddress used mut뻐 anyone title of address other than used onemai매 ’s spouse. Similarly, 너 is a mutual title used only among close friends. • 여보, 아까 당신이 나한태 전화했어요? Dear, did you call me? • 너 는오늘뭐하니? What are you going to do today? Introduction to the Korean Language ~~ ι; @ Special expressions such as 성함이 어떻게 되세요? (W hat is your name?) and 연세가 어떻게 되세요? (How old are you?) are used when asking the name or age of someone you don ’t know or when the person you are asking is older or has a higher social status than you . • 할아버지’ 성함이 어떻게 되세요? (ωO 이)βSi 하때 irr 할아버지, 이름이 뭐예요? (x) • 사장님 연세가 어떻게 되세요? (이 Mr. President (of a company) , may I ask 사장님 나이가 몇 살이에요? ( x ) @ In most cases , the word 살 is not used to refer to the age of someone older than the speaker. A 캐럴 씨, 할아버지 연세가 어떻게 되세요? Carol , how old is your grandfather? B 올해 일흔 다섯이세요. Hew川 be 75 years 이d this year, (0) 올해 일흔다섯살이세요. (x) @ The t wo honorific forms of 주다 are 드리 다 and 주시다. When the giver is younger than the receiver, then 드리다 is used , but when the actor is older than the recipient of the action , 주시 다 is used • 나는 선물을 어머니께 드렸어요. I gave a present to Mom • 어 머 니 께서 나에게 선물을 주셨어요. Mom gave a present to me • 2L 나는 동생에게 선물을 주었어요 I gave a present to my little brotheνsister. 힘 이다 (to be) 헝 있다 (to exist/be , to have) 휠 Numbers 헝 Dates and Days of the Week 헝 Time 휩 이다 (to be) ’ A 무엇 입니까7 뭐 예요7) (= 의자예요.) 줬셈 What’s this? B 의자입니다. 륨짧 (= It’s a chair. A 한국 사람입니까7 (= 한국 사람이 에요7) Is she Korean? B 네, 한국 사람입니다. (= 한국 사람이에요.) Yes, she’s Korean. A 어디 입니까7 (= 어디 예요7) What country is this? B 한국입니다. (= 한국이에요.) It’s Korea. Grammar Focus ...... . 01 다 하taches to the end of a noun to make it the predicate of the sentence. 01 다 is used to express that the subject and predicate are the same thing. 01 다 can also be used to specify something. The formal descriptive form is 입니다 , and its interrogative form is 입니까? The corresponding informal forms , 여|요/이에요, are the same for both the descriptive and interrogative forms , with the nterrogative form rising in intonation as it is pronounced: 예요?/이에요? When the preceding noun ends in a vowel, 예요 is used , and when the noun ends in a consonant , 이에요 is used. The negative tonn of 이 다 IS 아니 다. (See also U미t 2. Negat ive Expressions 01 Word Negation) 사과예요. 책상이에요. 사과입니다 책상입니다. 나비 예요. 연필이에요. 나비 입니다 연필입니다. 어머니 예요. 학생이에요. 어머니 입니다 학생입니다. In COßversatioß .................. . A 무엇입니까? A What is this? B 가방입니다. B It’s a bag. 학생입니까? A Are you a student? B 네, 학생입니다. B Yes. 1’m a student. A A 누구예요? A Who is that? B 친구예요. A B That’'s my friend. 고향이 어디에요? A Where is your hometown? B 서울이에요. B Seoul. Look at the pictures and fill in t he blanks using 0 1다. A 시계 ? B 네, 시계 A 무엇 뻗볕f뺀~ ? B 모자 (3) ‘f ~빼 훌l A 가수 ? B 네 , 가수 (.1) A 누구입니까? B 선생님 rf Gett매 있다 야o existlbe, to have) 關명 개가의자위에 있어요. (= 개가 의자 위에 었습니다.) There’'s a dog on the chair. 우리 집이 신촌에 있어요. (= 우리 집이 신촌에 있습니다. ) Our house is in Sinchon. 남자친구가 있어요. (= 남자 친구가 있습니다.) I have a boyfriend. Grammar Focus ......... . 1 있다 expresses the existence or location of something and means ‘to be located in/on ’ in English Although 있다 is typically used in the form of ‘ NOI/가 N(place)에 있다’, t he order of the subject and place in the sentence can be changed with no change in meaning: ‘ N(place)에 N OI/가 있다. ’ The opposite of 있다 is 없다. When ‘N어| 있다’ expresses a place , the following location nouns can be used. 앞, 뒤, 위, 아래 (= 밑), 옆 (오른쪽, 왼쪽), 가운데, 사이, 안, 밖 G) 책상위 @ 책상아래(= 책상밑) on top of the desk under the d esk @ 잭상앞 in front of t he desk @ 책상뒤 behind the desk
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