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Tài liệu Grammar friends 6


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F[onnigon Elleen Fg..ft|em*r OXTORD TINIVERSITY PRBSS OX-FORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6op Oxford University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOxford. It furthe$ the University's objective ofexcellence in research,scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary ltaly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Thrkey Llkraine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxrono ENGr,rsH registered trade marks of are Oxford University Pressin the UK and in certain other countries @Oxford University Press 2o1o The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoro zOU 2Oa3 20L2 zot't zOtO 1098 7 6 5 4 3 2 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. 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Oxford University Pressdisclains any responsibility for the content rsBN: 928 o 19 478oo56 (Student'sBook) rsBN: 928o 19478or79 (Pack) Printed in China ACK N OWLEDGEMENTS lllustratim by: Stephen Elford md Andrew Hemessey c@r imge: Stephen Elford Ths tublidffi wouu ahol*2 tDthan*thcfilNfngfor tfuirkindpmlsintorefrodwe phatigrapls and othtr cowightffirerial: Almy pp.12 (Ozimges/gaUery), 15 Uchem Wijnmds/?icture Contact/paraglidiag, Steppenwolf/yacht,Jane Shauck Photogxaphy/Olly), 22 (BarryLewis/ choir), 35 (girl ballmnisvjetrGrenb€rg), 40(H. Mark Weidman Photogaphy/mixing chcolate, DarirJenkiru/chtrolate moulds), 44 (Hm4uenther Oed/Vuio images/ 54 (Collen Miniuk-Sperry/compass on map], cu factory, Colin Underhi[/hsporter), 60 (Skyscm Photolibrary/Stonehenge aerial), 68 (vm hilveNuldcmGs), 78 (Anthony Kaynigbvplue taking off, Tatim Gribmova/Ntr York from air), 82 (Chtrles Willim Lupicaltheme park): Getty lmages pp.12 (Christoph Wilhehlfui/aftist), 15 (Cuie), 88 (Smi STkis/Photogapher's Choice/surfing, Picturegildenfhe Image Bmk/boy); Otrord UniveEity Presspp.12 (girl), 16 (climbing, Tony), 22 (boy playing guitar), 35 (hot air ball@m), 40 (conveyorb€lt, child), 54, (compass, orientees) 60 (stoneh€ngemain), 66 (postcsd sceDe),78 {girl and air hostess),88 (beach); Photolibrary p.82 (Chad Ehle$[,lordic Photos/rcller cmterl, Confenfs StarterAfierthe holidags present The simple continuous ond Thepostsimpte continuous ond Postforms 4 I p F ir st r ize ! Begoing ondwi[[ to Thepresent continuous futuremeoning with 2 Wil.L hoveong we homework? First conditionoI Second conditionoI L4 A cetebrotion just, perfect Thepresent with since, olreodg, getondbefore for, Thepostsimple perJect ondpresent 20 3 ReviewI 26 4 Mokin go m o d el perfect Thepresent continuous 30 5 Mokin g in g s th (t): Thepossive present simple ondpostsimple (2): Thepossive present continuous 36 (3): Thepossive future (4): Thepossive present perfect 42 6 G oo did e o s Review2 48 7 Discoverg pronouns where Relotive ond 52 8 A specioI ploce (1): Thepostperfect offirmotive (2): postperfect negotive questions The ond 58 Third conditionoI ModoI verbs 64 9 Active Living Review3 10 Trovel 1l lournegto spoce 1 2 G o in gptoce s 70 (1): Reported speech stotements pronouns Reflexive 74 (2): Reported speech questions (3): Reported speech commonds requests ond 80 Wish togs Question 86 Review 4 Grommor reference 92 Irregu[or verbs 96 The presentsimpleand continuous; the past simpleand continuous Past forms After fhe holidnys €re{ { G o -1-r. holidays? what didyoudo in thesummer goes thebeach to on uy familyalways we holiday. summer, went snorkelling. This t'm Wow! that sounds amazingl goingto attheweekend. thebeach You'll have greattime a One atthe besch. day,I was swimming whent saw a turtle!lt was beautiful! p*fhe present simple present ond t continuous to We usethe present simpte tolk obouthobits thot oreolwogs true.We use the ondthings present continuous totk oboutwhot we ore to doingnow. Bobbg alwaysplagsin the schoolfootballteam. to Iulia's listening hernewMP3player. Thepostsimple postcontinuous ond We usethe postsimpleto tolk oboutcompleted octions the post. usethe postcontinuous in We to totk obouton octionthot went onfor some time. Weoften usethe postcontinuous describe to whensomething things thot werehoppening elsehoppened. Post continuous Post simple Ryonwosswimming whenhe sowa turtle. 3, Circle correct the onswers. 't Coro's the kitchen. in sf,l.ti.-U"iiiy bokes cokefor o Mum'sbirthdog. tokingo photoof?There's nothing seehere the moment. to of 2 Whotdo goutoke/ oreUou s to the 3 Vi s i t o ru s u o [[g me o reu su o tl g co / coming see doLphins. plogs ls ptoging 4 Helen oLwogs tennis Tuesdogs. on / snow/isn't snowing the moment. of 5 It doesn't 6 I'm not coming don'tcomerightnow,but I'[[ seegouLoter. / recactes recAcling 7 MgfomiLg rubbish everg week. /'s ore 8 Ourcousins stoging stoywith usof the moment. / rightnow. 9 Peggy leoves leoving schoot /'s Storter Complete conversotions. the present the Use simple present or continuous the verbs the box. in ond hove Josk--troin notknow notfeel. wanf' do meet to b u go p re se n tfo r mum. mg Yes. He t tr lamie thisevening. Io mi e ?I t o b eo n o t h L e t e f t h e m o m e n t . o 90u o s t o m o c ho c h e ? Writesentences questions. the present ond Use simple present or continuous. 1 Mu m / o lwo g s/ shop/ ot the morket. 2 I / oct/i n the p Log ot the moment. / 3 lud go n dT i n o do/o j i g so w o t th e mo ment. / / 4 T h o tp l o g e / n e vefr sco re o n gg o o [s. r / 5 Sid n e / d o h i sho me w o rkri g h tn o w . g / 6 Whg/ Kim/tough / now? 7 Thebogs plogfootbo[L rightnow. / / 8 Whot/ tooLs we /ofien / needT / Storter 4 Writesentences. the postsimpleondthe postcontinuous. Use First oction s".onJo.iion 1 we / sit down i when/ the pLog stort. / z | / c h o o s e /o b ro ce te tfo rMu m when/ Mum / comeinto /the shop. 3 Louise toLk/ to Am_g / when/ the bus/ orrive. 4 When/ Horriet Lookfor some ptosters / / she/find / herwotch. I l ' 5 Theteom/ troin when/Ted/ hove on occident. / 6 il.; some stones JrrLL. / the t *" twotk oround ruins / l --i 7 The octor performonstoge / / when thedirectorstort to Lough. / / / 8 W h e n r / co rrg /so me o ttl e s b / the corrier /breok. bog 9 when / theg/ shop it / stort/ to roin. I W e w e r e s ittrn cd o .'. .'. e ":i e plou stor ted. r r1 \ - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 Complete conversotion. the present the Use simpte, present the continuous, the postsimpleor the postcontinuous the verbsin brockets. of Lewis. good see bock school.t heord (heor) gou Bil,tg HeL[o, It's to gour of I obout occident. lewis Yes, it m o u n t o in h e nI w (cl.imb) o up a B il. t g O h l T o mmg i dg o u '-so (fol.l.)overrock. o (hove) occident the whengou1 (woLk) u po h i L L . LewisWet[,it woso vergbig hil.l.! I1 t (get)betternow.I 1 [.g --- gouinJootbol.L proctice Bil,l,gSee soon, then! 6 Storter just (notcon) wotkot ol.L ofterthe occident, mg but (do) exercises everg dog. verbs I Requlor t-. ThepostsimpLeform regutor verbs the some is of osfor the postporticipLe. odd -d or -edto We the boseform. Wheno verbendsin consonont + -9,we chonge to -ithen odd-ed. Wheno -g verbcontoins shortvowelond endsin o one consonont, double consonont. we the tl- t Irregu[or verbs verbs ofien Thepostsimpleform irregulor is of difJerentfrom postporticipLe. hove We to the remember Lookotthe of irregulorforms. List irregutorverbs poge 96. on 6 Comptete toble of regulor ond irregulor verbs. the Boseform Post simple Postporticiple mok e I mode see sow fLs 3 mode peeI send 2 peeted sent 6 put show showed enter entered 10 L-: - in Complete conversotion. the postsimple the postporticiple the verbs the box. the Use or of spend finishH work be wont see go t Su z g H o v e o u -d p n e o n g th i n gn te r esting g i r ecentlg? Hele n Ye s , I ' v2 e q u i teb u sgOnS otur dog, . I3 1 She'd 6 Suzg I've Helen BethondI1 - before, she' but theJiLm with Beth. to the cinemo to see ogoin. it Howoboutgou? the lostfew dogsdoing thot project school nextweek. for 8together ours, it's on so now. Su z g L u c k g o u ! Storter $ns€ ps-*m*F Be going to and will The presentcontinuous with futuremeaning ART COMPETITION PRIZE FIRST RYAN 0v cRsst goingto Good work,Ryan! They're putyour painting theart gallery. in Your mumanddad will besoproud. t131.il:.Ii!=i-:::.r:r:::i': :j - -:' h wiu, to i\ e" going I T Weusebegoingto + boseform tolk obout to plonsonddecisions modeeorlier. we goingto see play thisevening. We're a ! We usewitl or won't pLus boseform totk to oboutinstontdecisions offers or Weotsousebegoingto + boseform moke to o prediction bosed o situotion on thot is ho p p e n i nn o w . g goingto win the race! Look! Leo's It's roining.I'Il takean umbrello. Weolsousewi[[ or won't + boseform moke to predictions. I'll be thirteennext year. I won't befamous whenI grow up. t Co m p t e t eh e se n te n ce s. se'|'[o r w o n' t. U It beo lovetg dogtomorrow. I t o L d u z go g e tso me i scu i ts,u tI'm sur e S t b b she Jor get. wotchit onthe Inter net. T h em o t c h s n 'to nT V We i . I n 2 0 5 0t,h e re b eo n gco rs the r oods. on M u m ' s o t o h e o d o ch e .I g her - - moke o cupof teo. does. findo goodpresent sheoLwogs T h ep h o n e 's n g i n gIt ri . p roboblg beJor me. Em i Lg I J i t k e e p so i n i n g , e r w Unit1 proctice hove Loter. footbolL I look of the chort. Writepredictionstfoittr or won't.Use in the negotive wiLl. ong sentences. 1 troffic in the streets x 2 trofficin the skg / 3 corS x 4 electronic tibrories ,/ flgingcors 6 poper book 5 ,/ x 7 electronic shops book ,/ 8 moneg PoPer 9 pot[ution x x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 Complete sentences. will, '[] or won'tondo wordfromthe box. the Use 'n#h*n*-ru 1 We '[[ wrlte 2 Fiono 3 4 Tom's vergshg.He 5 It'ssunng.I 6 Detectives 7 8 Rob 9 I'm eteven geor.I this 10 Dod's osleep.I o lettertothenevwpoperobouttheschool.p[og. to useherdod's computer. mg birthdogsq)n.I'm vergexcited. pl.og. in the school. on umbre[o with metowork. the monsoon. cokefor gou. some hisroom morning. doit thisofiernoon. this He'[[ twelvethis geor. with footboLL hirnloter. Co m p [ e t eh e se n te n ce s. se:i ' t U ond o verbfrom the box. toke switchon heLp fol-t oiJ not moke be not woLk notgo Look!He the Lodde r. trffiP Theg - I -r.- ,,;,";'' :i'...*:,.'== .. . , - th e p ri n te r. She He o photogr oph. tr somebre o d . Sh e fO to school Un it1 to schoo L. o beoutifud og. L 5 Writeoffirmotiveond negotive sentences. be goingto. Use I Gorg beo footbo / LLer / Gorg'sg-o-ulg be o Jootbq[[er. to 2 SoLl.gleornChinese rY / gomes 3 GinoondChorles pLogcomputer / / 4 Mg brother livein Fronce I / 5 Youond Bob/ wotchTV X 6 Mg brother invento computer gome/ / 7 I/beonTV I 8 I / do mg homework / 6 Tickthe correct Sometimes bothsentences correct. ore sentences. 1 Thot's phone.It'l.t foro.@ the be Thot's phone.It's going betoro. [-l the to 2 When Potrick oLder, going beonostronout. he's to is O When Potrick otder, beonostronout. is he'[[ LJ 3 You're going tofind the miLk thelridge.[_-l in You'tLfind mil.k thefridge. in the [-l 4 We're going do our homeworktogethertonight. to [-l We'[[do our homework together tonight.[-l 5 Mum's noise. breok It'L[ cor's moking stronge o ao*n. [--l Mum's noise. going breok cor's moking stronge o It's to ao*n. [--l 6 Look!The going cotch boLL. dog's to the Look!The dog wil.l. cotchthe boLl.. Circte correct the onswer. ' 'tt /Q1_ge'ngl}et reodg the portg. Poulo I '------for Kim O K . I 2 ' Lfl ' mg o i n g Ji n i sh ffth e p r epor otions, [ike. to o if gou Poulo Whot3wi[[ gou/ oregougoing do with those to decorotions? Kim 1 4 ' l L' m g o in g p u tth e mu p n e o r door . to the / Poulo I ' m s u r e t h eg s'l L'sg o i n g to L o o kn ice.Ihopeever gone6wi[[ f /' sgolngtocome. Kim Don'tworrg. expect I there''LL oregoing betotsof peopLe. ot theJoodl to Look 1 8 There won't / 's goingto betoo much. Tom gou! Ie ' l L/ ' m g o in g h e L p fi n i shi t o L Lfor to to UnitL , ..,J v 1. 1. I(( .,J , lf 3t ; ^ /C . r & i1 1 ,l.'\ ' J " ,''," ii. i.s vLsitin3 t, 're leavrnq ,, . . .., \ :' ;ti ,r .| | :.u', -iL lt r i )_. ..r- I t.',\r i , , i : 'l l f.. v\. .' itt, iiL r ' r ,. .. . r/1 q i v i n q \-/ ! " . t, .i' t ,.: . : i l - r '.{.1 !) / ti , li^ ) t ,.a _ ' tI S qi .V tnq J :i .', J ' , r. " J s comi na J , ,t r. , ,'s takinq photos .i iil J Ii Lnj i r i ;fl l -J , - r i, r f r ir Ci , ri i -,rr 1 i S Openi ng ! i ,, J 1 tti .:t:i l, ..r ' l i ' . t,".. jia-. 1c t( Tl tt: .:i ,.r-' J,: i.u)t t:t r ; i j . r i t ; c i r - 'i , ; J . t r '; t t - r ; , - '. . ''a i. i' ,-''i. ir ,,.t .1 r r t , , , i , , ' 1 . , , i : ) t ) 'tt !t;.1 Jl Iffis Weu s u o [ Lu s e e p re se n t n ti n u o u s to|.k g th co to oboutsom ething is hoppening thot r ightnow. Weo L s o f i e nuse e p re se n t n ti n u ous toLk th co to oboutdefinite futur eor r ongements. We're hovinga singinglesson 4 o'clock. at I'm not doinganythingtomorrownight. Areyou leavingtomorrowmorning? W Co m p l e t e h e se n te n ce s. seth e p re sent t U continuous ond the ver bsin br ockets. 1 L o ter d o g ,we to 2 M g m um ( tr oveL) the oir por t. to (mo ke) coke ofier noon. o this (se eo fi L mo t the cinemo ) tonight. 3I 4 To n g 5 ]im on d Ko r L (sto rt) school nextweek. (m ove) house tom or r ow. 6 We (get) testresults our loter. 7 You (b u g ) n MP3pLoger Sotur dog. o on 8 The g 9 Lizzie 12 Un itI (p to ) otbo on Fr ido LL g. U Jo (sto gw i thfr iends ) nextSotur dog. t i'( i, t '1 .,.1 '.:,;1 . Lookof Kotie's diorg.Write questions ond onswers with the present continuous. G G G C G l\ondov e W*tesdatt take flowers to Grandtrto s wptch the tootball natch .a Friday wtth RosY a make co'ke G Saturdoiy a !*tdgL T""sW G {;ntsh the proict class 'G rC G unisithranlna anl brandpa G buynew shoes Sunduy have a PLcnk on the'heoch G I t Is Kotie hoving (hove) lunchin o cofeon Mondog? (pLog) sportonTuesdog? (Listen)to music Wednesdog? on (visit) g friendson Thursdo ? (hove)o picnic Fridog? on (hetp) Koren with her project Soturdog? on (wotch) f Lmon Sundog? o lO Complete sentences. the Writeobout goursef.Usethe present continuous. 1 At 10 o'clocktomorrowI 2 At 1.2 otLocktomorrow I 3 At 2 otlocktomorrowI 4 At 3 otl.ocktomorrow I 5 At 5 otlocktomorrowI 6 At 7 otlocktomorrow,I . ' ,. .irw'f=.. '. :-:J*.. ..,:id ff@ ; tg o,i,''{=E=+ i: = a ?= zZ s: rr?' iS # Firstconditional Secondconditional r i" i yourwork class, lf youfinish in I won'tgiveyou homework. any we'llplayfootball afterschool we if don't haveanyhomeworkl j,::-..:r.*=+=1. |?:..:l oddo commo(,). Whenthe wiLl./won't cLouse comesfirst, don'toddo commo. we to h *. usethefirstconditionot to[k obout iJ thot else I something wiil.hoppen something 'hop p e n s f i r s t . If the weather good,we'll haveo picnic. is We'll havea picnicif the weatherisgood. If it rains,we'll take the bus. Wemoke first conditionoL on if-ctouse the with ond o wi[[/won't clouse. Form if-clouse the with If + present simpLe. Form wi[[/won't ctouse the with witL/won't+ boseJorm. If you win the competition,we'll celebrate. Weconput the if-clouse first or the will/won't Whenthe if-cLouse clouse comes first. first, we Wemokefirst questions short conditionoI ond + + onswers with wil.L/won't subject bose form + + if-clouse. conolsouseif-clouse wil/won't We + subject boseform. meoning the some. + The is Will gou phoneme if gou passtheexam? Yes,Iwill. / No,I won't. If gou passthe exam, will gou phoneme? Yes,Iwill. / No,I won't. r Complete sentences. the WriteiJor -. 1 I g e tg o o dmo rksn mg e xo ms, i 2 juice I'L[d r inksomeoronge I ' m t h irs t g . 3 C h r i s L |' me u tto p to g wi co o h eJ in is h e s is h o me wo rk . h 4 w e m o ve o h o tco u n trg , to 5 C o r o n dP e n n g o n 'tw i n th e roce o w 6 I ' [ Lg oto th e co n ce rt 7 i t r o i n s mo rro w , to 8 g o ue o t u n h e o L th g o d s, fo t4 Unit2 I' [Lbehoppu. pooL. we' L[ o house bug with o swim m ing thegdon' tr unJost. come with me. Uou w e w o n' thove picnic. o go u wo n ' t b e v e rg h e o L t h g . Complete first conditiono]sentences. the I If Rgon 2We 3 If Penng 4 Iess 5We 6 If gou wlns (win)the competition, 't[ be he (bring) sun some creom Uou f (wotch)theJi[m, she (notget)fitif she (win)if we (be)verg hoppg. (bring) somefood. (be)scored. (notdo)ongexercise. (score) winning gool. the todog. (not hove) gourtroiners, gou (notpl.og) the teomtodog. on Write, or -. I If goutokesome photos witt goushow themto me? ! 2 Theproject workwon'ttokeo longtime[--l if weworkquickl.g. 3 We'[[hove weorsuncreom to *. decide goto the beoch. to O'f 1 If thewoves big won'tbeollowed swimin theseo. ore to D*. 5 I'[[ geto newmobile phone ,f at'. shop open. is ! 6 If it roins n. won'twolkhome. D a Writefirst conditiono[questions Keep wordsin the someorder. ond shortonswent. the 1 | /get goodresults I / studg everg dog { / ? 2 she/find o nicepresent I / giveherthe moneg/ I 3 we / buiLd tree house Dodl hel.p / o us / t he/plog voltegboU. /get homeeorl.g I / he 5 we / seethe oudience / /the stogeLights beon X 6 everuoneheLp ptonet theg/ recacLe plostic bogs/ the / / 7 gou/teU.ongone I / teLL o secretI gou / t it / becheoperwe/ bring ownfood{ our / w Ottg'btog s If I hqd the chqnce do to I ' d do p o ro g ti d i n g . on gs p o r t , l'd loveto ftg!If I hod wings, l'd flg reollg fost,likeo bird. I'd If I went porogl.iding, look down ot the eorthondtqke Lots photogrophs.wouLd of lt be reollg excitingl W T ong' biog s If I could do ongsporl, go I'd rockctimbing. would be lt omozing I leorntto ctimb if fromthe bottom the top of to o cl.iff. W Cor r ie'btog s If I hod lotsof moneu, bug I'd o big bootond leqrn to soit.lf I thenI' d inviteol L g did thot, m friends ond fomi[g soil round to the world.lt woutdbe oreotfun! Ji q Weu s e h e s e co n co n d i ti o n o I to L k bout t d to o h s o m e t h i ntg o t w e th i n kmi g h tn o th o p pen. If I passed exam,I'dbe veryhappg.(I don't the the think I'U pass exam.) harder, wouldn'tfail herexams. If shestudied she (I don't thinkshe'ltstudyharder.) We moke second the conditionot on with if-c[ouse o wou[d/wou[dn't-ctouse. ond with WeJormthe if-cLouse if + postsimple. WeJormthe would/wou[dn't-c[o with use + would/wou[dn't bose Jorm. If you plagedbaseball moreoften,you'd be healthier. Aswith thefirst conditionol, conput the we if-clouse or the would/wou[dn't-c[ouse first Whenthe if-cl.ouse comes Jirst. first,we odd o commo. Whenthe woutd/wouldn't-clouse comesfirst, don'toddo commo. we If shecamewith us,she'dhaveo greattime. She'd hovea greattime if shecamewith us. questions Wemokesecond conditionoL with + + would/wouldn't+ subject boseJorm + if-clouse with if-ctouse would/wouldn't+ or + subject boseform. WouldI learn English faster if I lived in England you for a month?Yes, would./ No,gou wouldn't. If I lived in England a month, would I for you learnEnglish faster?Yes, would./ No,you wouldn't. Unit2 5 Circlethe correctonswer. 1 If I wosgoodot moths, g"t /6;ho r goodjob. 2 l'dbe /'m vergcoldif I Lived Norwog. in 3 Woutdgoubeverghoppg Uouwon/win the roce? rJ 4 If gouwork/ gouworked o bonkgouUhove begoodot moths. in to 5 You burnif goudon't/ didn'tusesuncreom. d 6 lf gouwrote/ 'dwrite to her, d repLg. she 7 Wouldtherebeo lot of snowif I go / wentto Sweden December? in 8 Hewoutduptood fil.es heknew/ 'd knownwhere iJ the thegwere. 9 MrsCossidg guitorlessons shehod/would hovemoretime. if wouldhove 10 I wouldLeorn if Germon I tive/ livedin Germong. 5 Motch 1-8 with o-h. 1 g-- If I hodo hundred pounds, a Id tisten totsof popmusic. to 2 -*-- If I hodo newMP3ploger, b we'dbecome Jootbo[L o teom. 3 IU pLog o bigJootboLL club for c I'd bugsomenewtroiners. 4 plog, -----If I wosin o schoot 5 - P e o p l e w o u td to ke p h o to so fme d iJI wosJomous. e iflLivedinlopon. 6 f 7 IU leornIoponese g people wouldoskformg outogroph. 8 ' IJ I hodten brothers, if I wosgoodotfootboLL. If I wosfomous, h I'd Leorn mg words. o[L Completethe secondconditionoIsentences. Write the correctform of the verbsin brockets. 'd (meet) fomousperson, osk (osk) toketheirphotogroph. 1 If I -- met o t to (notgo)to school she (notbe)verywe[l. 2 Iulie if 3 If loe (do)herhomework, she 4 I f we (g o )o n p i cn i c, e w o 5 There (notbe)somuchLitter here iJthere 6 Mor ep e o p l e 7 I 8 If gou 9 We 10 If I - (u se )th e o r kiJit p (l"ike)the moreif it pork (eot) hundred gou o cokes, (go)tothe cinemo moreif we (go) ItoLg to thissummer, I (get) goodmork. o ( bug) some cheese br eod . meot, ond (be)morebins. ( hove) bigger plogor eo. o (notget)socrowded summer. in (Jee|.) sick. ([ive)closer. (eot)Lots pizzo. oJ Un it2 n B Complete sentences. the phroses the toble. the Use in 1 m g fo milg befomous 2 R go n b eo n o stro n o u t 3I hove job o 4* " n o t b u rnsomo n g fossiLfuels 5 Iulio h o ve g o ch t o 6 m gd o d sp e o k u ssi o n R 7 _\__ \ N r n ufo m Li ,; 1r f a, t weUuseour Jom e heLp people. to -al 2IT hed go intospoce do scientific to reseorch. 3r f -- Id bever gbusg. 4IJ ourplonet wouLdn' t sopolluted. be 5I J shed soi[ or ou thewor ld. nd 6IJ he' d to Russio holidog. go on Complete second the conditionoI questions write shortonswers. ond 1 gou/ besurprised / roin the desert in { / it wouLd .. - :,:, r.:t liiiseq lj i! iciLiLucLl1_tng 2 Oscor beo film stor/ he/go to schoolX / qo i\ci, r J ) : ' . . r . t .r'.'o : l n sta r, y,l c,u l a- he to S-Clia_Q_ii iig in,ouidn't {Jd 3 we / heorher/ she/ speoklouder / WouLd 4 w e / s p e o k ts JE n g ti sh e /g o to Eng[o / Lo o nd /w WouLd 5 theg/ hoveLots moneu theg/ bugo bighouse oJ / / TJ 6 g o u/ b es c ore /g o u /g o to th e mo o nX d Woutd w e / d r i n k b o ttl e f w o te r/ w e /b e thir stgX o o ry gou/visit Rome Vou/ speokltolion / / rf Unit2 . : Look the pictures. of Writefirst or second conditionoI sentences. c t r d n r e c q cl e (n o tre ca cL e )th i s t rubbish, I o c k (woste) Lotof moteriots. we cl \t/oste o IJ we (wotch) fiLmif he the ( under stond) it. 3 If gou Jou (g o )tob e de o rl g todog, T h e ird o d (n o tb e )ti re dn th e mo rning. i ( pickthem i f i t up) ( stor t) to oin. r 5 \ IfI I (see) dongerous o onimo t , (run)owogl Theg (notfoL[osleep) theg iJ (toLk) night. ol.L .a a ) I IfI') i (be) fomouspopstor, o (weor) of beoutifuL Lots (h o v e ) re mon e U , mo (s e e )t h e t c h . mo dres s e s ! Unit2
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