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Tài liệu Giáo án tiếng anh 6 trọn bộ


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Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 Planning : 16/8/2013 Teaching:19/8/2013 Period 1. híng dÉn c¸ch häc I. Môc tiªu chung cña m«n häc TiÕng Anh. H×nh thµnh vµ ph¸t triÓn ë häc sinh nh÷ng kiÕn thøc, kü n¨ng c¬ b¶n vÒ TiÕng Anh vµ nh÷ng phÈm chÊt trÝ tuÖ cÇn thiÕt ®Ó tiÕp tôc häc hoÆc ®i vµo cuéc sèng lao ®éng. II. Môc tiªu cô thÓ. - Häc xong THCS , HS n¾m ®îc kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n , tèi thiÓu vµ t¬ng ®èi hÖ thèng vÒ TiÕng Anh thùc hµnh hiÖn ®¹i, phï hîp løa tuæi. - Cã kü n¨ng c¬ b¶n sö dông T.Anh nh mét c«ng cô giao tiÕp ®¬n gi¶n díi c¸c d¹ng : Nghe - nãi - ®äc – viÕt. - Cã sù hiÓu biÕt kh¸i qu¸t vÒ v¨n ho¸ cña c¸c níc sö dông TiÕng Anh. - H×nh thµnh c¸c kü n¨ng häc tiÕng vµ ph¸t triÓn t duy .Nh÷ng kü n¨ng nµy sÏ gióp ph¸t triÓn kh¶ n¨ng sö dông tiÕng mÑ ®Î vµ gãp phÇn h×nh thµnh n¨ng lùc ng«n ng÷ toµn diÖn h¬n cho häc sinh. III. CÊu tróc s¸ch TiÕng Anh 6. *Gi¸o viªn giíi thiÖu cho häc sinh: - Cuèn TiÕng Anh 6 gåm 16 ®¬n vÞ bµi häc ( Units), mçi bµi häc t¬ng øng víi mét chñ ®Ò vµ ®îc chia lµm nhiÒu tiÕt häc ( 5 hoÆc 6 tiÕt/ 1 ®¬n vÞ bµi häc) ®îc ph¸t triÓn theo tr×nh tù c¸c chñ ®Ò. - Ch¬ng tr×nh häc trong n¨m: C¶ n¨m: 3 tiÕt. 35 tuÇn = 105 tiÕt Kú I : 3 tiÕt. 18 tuÇn = 54 tiÕt Kú II : 3 tiÕt. 17 tuÇn = 51 tiÕt - §iÓm : M: 1 15’ : 3 V: 2 HK: 1 - Cã ®Çy ®ñ trang thiÕt bÞ, då dïng häc tËp: M¸y c¸t sÐt, tranh ¶nh, ®å vËt minh ho¹ cho c¸c néi dung gi¶ng d¹y. - Tõ trang 10 ®Õn trang 175 lµ c¸c ®¬n vÞ bµi häc. Cø sau 3 ®¬n vÞ bµi häc cã 1phÇn Grammar practice ( Thùc hµnh ng÷ ph¸p). - Tõ trang 176 ®Õn trang 189 Lµ phÇn Grammar ( Ng÷ ph¸p) PhÇn tæng hîp c¸c kiÕn thøc ng÷ ph¸p trong s¸ch. - Trang 190 Lµ phÇn c¸c ký hiÖu viÕt t¾t vµ mét sè tªn ngêi vµ tªn ®Þa danh riªng. - Tõ trang 191 ®Õn trang 123 lµ phÇn Glossery ( Tõ vùng) PhÇn gi¶i nghÜa c¸c tõ liªn quan ®Õn tõng bµi häc. IV. Häc sinh: - Häc sinh ph¶i lµ chñ thÓ cña ho¹t ®éng häc tËp: cã ®éng c¬ häc tËp ®óng ®¾n, tÝch cùc & chñ ®éng tiÕp thu kiÕn thøc, ch¨m chØ ho¹t ®éng tham gia c¸c ho¹t ®éng giao tiÕp, m¹nh d¹n tÝch cùc & cã chñ ®Þnh, cã s¸ng t¹o sö dông TiÕng Anh trong ho¹t ®éng giao tiÕp. - KÕt hîp ho¹t ®éng häc tËp trªn líp vµ lµm bµi tËp ë nhµ. - Häc sinh tham gia ho¹t ®éng häc tËp díi sù híng dÉn cña gi¸o viªn. 1. Cã ®Çy ®ñ s¸ch vë, ®å dïng häc tËp phôc vô cho m«n häc TiÕng Anh 6. Bïi V¨n Hång 1 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 ( SGK, s¸ch bµi tËp, s¸ch bæ trî vµ n©ng cao, mét sè s¸ch tham kh¶o, cã thÓ dïng ®µi b¨ng ®Ó luyÖn nghe ë nhµ) V. C¸ch häc: - Häc ®i ®«i víi hµnh, ch¨m chØ häc tËp - §äc, nãi TiÕng Anh râ rµng, chÝnh x¸c, ®óng träng ©m. - ViÕt râ rµng, liÒn nÐt, ®óng chÝnh t¶. - KÕt hîp ho¹t ®éng trªn líp vµ lµm bµi tËp ë nhµ vµ giao tiÕp víi mäi ngêi trong thùc tÕ. - Cã kÜ n¨ng c¬ b¶n sö dông TiÕng Anh nh mét c«ng cô giao tiÕp ë møc ®é ®¬n gi¶n díi d¹ng: Nghe- Nãi- §äc- ViÕt. 1. Gi¸o viªn giíi thiÖu víi häc sinh mét sè c©u giao tiÕp b»ng TiÕng Anh thêng dïng trong mçi tiÕt häc. - Keep silent. - May I go out? - May I come in? - Thank you./ Ok. - Do you know?/ understand? - Sit down, please. - Stand up, please. 2. Gi¸o viªn gi¶i thÝch cho häc sinh c¸c ký hiÖu viÕt t¾t trong SGK - N (Noun): Danh tõ - V ( Verb): §éng tõ - Adj (Adjective): TÝnh tõ - Adv (Adverb): Tr¹ng tõ - Pre (Preposition): Giiíi tõ. - BA (Pritish English): tiÕng Anh - Anh - AE ( American Eng lish): TiÕng Anh - Mü 3. Gi¸o viªn giíi thiÖu cho häc sinh c¸c ®¹i tõ nh©n xng vµ tÝnh tõ së h÷u: §¹i tõ nh©n xng -> TÝnh tõ së h÷u. I -> My You -> Your He -> His She -> Her It -> Its We -> Our They -> Their 4. §éng tõ "Tobe": Th×, lµ,ë... ë th× hiÖn t¹i ®éng tõ "Tobe" cã 3 h×nh thøc lµ Am; Is; Are, ®îc chia theo c¸c ng«i nh sau: I -> Am eg: I am a student. He/She/It -> Is. eg: He is a teacher You/We/ They -> Are. eg: They are Hoa and Lan 5. Bµi tËp:GV: §a bµi tËp - H: Lµ bµi (15P) §iÒn "Am; Is hoÆc Are" vµo c¸c chç trèng trong c¸c c©u sau: Bïi V¨n Hång 2 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 a/ I......fine, thanhks. b/ She ....... ten years old. c/ They ....... going to school. d/ He ......a doctor. e/ We ..... students. GV: Ch÷a bµi. VI. Cñng cè: GV: Cñng cè l¹i néi dung tiÕt häc V. Bài tËp vÒ nhµ Xem tranh bài 1 (Unit 1) *Comments:................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................. Planing:18/8/2013 Teaching:.../8/2013 Period 3 Unit 1 : Greetings. Lesson 1 : A 1 – 4 (P.10- 11). I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to know how to greet and introduce herself or imself with : “ Hi / Hello” and to introduce yourself with “ I am…../ My name’s…..” . count numbers from “ 0” to “ 5” II. Language content - Structure: My name is……….. I am ………………. - Vocaburary: Hello, Hi, name, am, is, are, I, one, two, three, four, five. III. Teaching aids. - Student’s book, picture, word card. IV. Teaching methods - Communicative method and the other methods V. Procedure : Language content Teacher’s and students’ activities 1. Warm up. Bïi V¨n Hång - Ask the S to look at the picture of the page 10 on the board. - Guessing game about this topic. - Ask the S to say about greetings in 3 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 Vietnam. 2. presentation : - Vocabulary : Hello =hi I -> I am… My -> My name… - Structure: I am + name (tªn m×nh) My name is + name(tªn m×nh) 3. Practice Student 1 :Hello . I am Lan Student 2 :Hello .My name is Hoa. 4. Production Ex1: Dialogue build. Eg 1: Lan: Hi. I am (Lan) Nga: Hi.I am (Nga) Eg 2: Ba : Hello. My name is (Ba) Nam: Hello. My name is (Nam) Ex2: Writing sentences a. I am … b. I’m … c. I…….. d. …. am …. e. Hello. My name is….. 5. Sumary - Homework Doing ex 1,2 (page 4- workbook) - T asks sts to listen and repeat - T asks sts to say “hello” to one another and introduce their names - T calls 1 student write down the structure on the board. - Sts write in to notebooks - T asks sts to practise greeting and introducing themselves. - Sts practise. - T asks sts to practise in pairs - Sts practise in pairs. - T asks sts to write full sentences - Sts write in to notebooks *Comment: ................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................... .................... Planing:25/8/2013 Bïi V¨n Hång 4 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 Teaching:..../8/2013 Period 4 Unit 1 (Cont) Lesson 2 : A - Hello ( 5 -> 8 ) I.Objectives By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to : - Greet one another. - Ask about the health. II.The contents - Vocabulary : How ,and ,fine ,Mr ,Miss ,… - Structures : How are you? I am fine , thanks to greet each other III. Teaching - aids : Books , pictures , CD player IV. Procedure The contents Teacher’s and students’ activities 1.Warm up - Checking the number of the sts. - Asking sts to talk about the health 2. Chech the old lesson. - Sts do ex 1,2 - T asks and sts answer 3. New lesson. *Presentation - Vocabulary : How ? are How are you ? you and Miss Mr ( give some pictures) Fine - Structure : How are you ? I am fine, thanks - Gives some words: tired, so so, happy, …. - T gives some newwords and asks sts to listen and reapeat *Practice Hello,….. How are you? Hi , I am ….. And you ? I am ……thanks *Production Ex 1:I am …. Ex 2: Write sentences Bïi V¨n Hång - 2 sts go to the board and do - give feel back and correct - Sts write and read them - T asks sts to practise in pairs and write structure on the board - Sts write and practise - Sts practise in pairs - Sts practise in pairs - T calls 2 sts go to the board and introducing yourselves 5 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 A: Hello , …….. - Sts practise in pairs How ……………….? B: Hi , I ………. - T asks sts to write full sentences then ……………………..? practise in pairs A: ……………………… - Sts practise in pairs 4. Homework: Doing ex 3, 4 in to notebooks * The comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………....................................................................................................…… Planing:26/8/2013 Teaching:..../8/2013 Period 5 Unit 1 (cont) Lesson 3 : B - Good morning (1 -> 6) I.Objectives Help sts to learn how to greet people ( in the morning , in the afternoon,in the evening ) to say goodbye, to count from 1 to 10 . II. Contents - Vocabulary : good morning , good afternoon ,good evening, good night, good bye, we , are , children. - Structures : good morning / afternoon …to greet each other “we’re ….” to talk about “us” III. Teaching aids : Pictures ( in the book), cassette. V. Procedure : Teacher’s and students’ activities The contents 1.Warm up : - Checking the numbers of the sts Bïi V¨n Hång - T asks and sts answer 6 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 2. Check the old lesson : - Review the old structures. ? How are you? 3. New lesson - Sts write on the board then ask and answer - Vocabulary : Good morning Good afternoon good evening good night good bye/bye we, child – children. - T introduces the new words and the time when we say these words : “good morning ,…” - (T can draw some clocks showing when we can say “good morning ,good afternoon ,….”) * Presentation * Check the new words : Read the vietnamese meaning of these words - Structure : How are you ? We are fine. - T has sts read new words and practice pronunctation -> check vocab by showing some words in English asks sts say it ( them ) in Vietnamese - T gives the situation using the the question : How are you ?” *Practice B1. Hello, Miss Hoa. This is Lan Hello, Lan . How old are you ? I am eleven - T asks sts to practise with structures - Sts work in pairs - T asks sts to practise in pairs - T introduces Miss Hoa , children - Sts listen B4. How old are you ? I am ….. - T asks sts to read B3 and then asks a student to practise with T. Then practise without book - T calls 2 sts to practise complete - give feed back and correct *Production Ex : Complete the conversations. +Minh: …..evening , Van. Van: Hi , Minh …………..you ? Minh: …. … fine, thank … …. …. ? Van: fine, ….good bye Minh: … +Mai: Good …,…..Cuong. Mr Cuong: Good morning, Mai Mai: Mr Cuong ,… … Trang Mr Cuong: ….,Trang. How …you? Trang: … … eleven … … 4.Summary and homework: Bïi V¨n Hång - T asks sts to to fill the missing words, Practice in pairs - give feed back and correct 7 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 - How old are you ? - Iam fine …. - Doing ex 1,2,3 (page 6,7) * The comment : ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………….................................................................................................... Planing:26/8/2013 Teaching:..../8/2013 Period 6 unit 1 (cont) Lesson 4 : C - How Old Are You ? (1 -> 2) I. Objectives By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : Count to twenty. II. Contents: Numbers ( from one to twenty ) III. Teaching aids : Real objects (numbers) , students’books and teacher’s book IV. Procedure. Teacher’s and students’ activities The contents 1.Warm up : How are you, today ? 2. Checking up 3. New lesson - T asks , sts answer - T asks sts to greet one another *Presentation -Vocabulary : one six eleven sixteen two seven twelve seventeen three eight thirteen eighteen four nine fourteen nineteen five ten fifteen twenty eg: T: 12 15 ten eight ........ *Practice - T counts from 1 to 20 in English and asks sts to repeat them. - T gives the number from 1 to 20 on board - sts copy and read S: twelve fifteen 10 8 ........ T. Gives numbers/ words. S: say words/ numbers Dictation and picture cue drill 04 8214076 054 843 832 091 3433565 051 826 699 08 5571313 071 839 739 033 612 300 024 085 199 eg : What’s your number ? oh- five- one, eight- two, six- six, Bïi V¨n Hång - T reads and sts write down - T asks - Sts read the numbers 8 THCS T©n LËp nine- nine. Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 *Production Survey: Name Telephone number 1. Hoa 2. Lan 018 853342 …………. * Productio: eg: T. writes: 7, 16,18,20,17,12;11. S: seven,.... V. Sumary T. Write some numbers on the boad S. Writes words ( without open the book) - Home work - Count to twenty * The comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………. Planing:03/9/2013 Teaching: 06/9/2013 Period: 7 Lesson 5 : Unit 1 (cont) C – How are you ? ( 3 -> 6) I.Objectives. Futher practice in number 1-> 20 to count and give telephone numbers. - Introduce oneself and others - Say how old one is and how old others are II.Contents. - Vocabulary : year - old - This is.. Bïi V¨n Hång 9 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 - Structure : How old are you ? I’m …. year(s) old III.Teaching aids : - Pictures ( in the book) IV.Procedure. The language contents 1.Warm up : Jumbled words lewte v tgieh ntreno uf neelve Teacher’s and students’ activities - T asks sts to use jumpled words to write the correct words - Sts go to the board -> write them. - T checks trenite h eevse n 2.Checking up : 3. New lesson *Presentation - This is …. - How old are you ? S1: I am … This is ….. T : How old are you ? S2 : I am ….. years old * Structure : This is + name How old are you ? I am (number) year(s) old *Practice C3 +Hello , Miss Hoa .This is Lan - Hello , Lan . How old are you ? - I am 11 + Hi , Ba .This is Phong . - Hi , Phong . How old are you ? - I am 12. C4 - Practice with your class S1. How old are you ? S2. I am twelve. *Production Ex. Correct their mistakes. a. I are Minh . b. How old you are? c. I’m fiveteen years old d. My name are Linh. Bïi V¨n Hång - Sts introduces herself and introduces others I am …… This is …… - T asks a student to introduce - T asks sts to write structure and practise - Sts write and practise in pairs - T asks sts to practise in groups - T makes a model first then asks sts to practice in pairs - Sts correct their mistakes 10 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 e. We are fine , thank you. - give feed back f. I’m Hanh , and this Phuong * Sumary: - This is.... - How old are you? 4. Homework : - Count numbers from one to twenty - Study heart the structures. *The comment : ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Planing:8/9/2013 Teaching:.../9/2013 Period 8 Unit 2 : At School Lesson 1 : A – Come in . I.Objectives. By the end of the lesson students will be able to use simple commands in class. II.Contents. - Vocabulary : come in, sit down, stand up ,open, close . - Structure : commands ( come in, sit down, stand up …. ) III.Teaching aids. - Word flashcards, pictures, boards . IV.Procedure The contents Teacher’s and students’ activities Bïi V¨n Hång 11 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 1.Warm up : How are you, today ? - T asks - Sts answer 2.Checking up : Checking the number - T calls some sts read and write the number - S1. reads and S2. writes 3.New lesson *Presentation - Vocabulary : - stand up - sit down - open – open your book - close – close your book - come in * Checing new words : - T introduces the new words by using the pictures on book - Sts read choruslly and copy - T asks sts to read new words and practise pronuncation - By showing some words in E , asks sts to say them in Vnese By showing some words in Vnese , asks sts to say them in E - T asks Sts to do the action with the words T reads - T reads loudly - Sts do * Structure : Imperative sentence eg : Open your book Listen to me Close your book - T asks sts to look at their books and read - Sts read loudly A1. Look at the pictures Come in Open your book Sit down Close your book - T asks sts to match and write - Sts work in groups *Practice A2. Match and write a. Open your book b. Sit down c. Come in d. Close your book e. Stand up A3. Play Simon says *Production Ex1: Matching A B 1. stand a. in 2. open b.your book 3. come c. up 4. close d. bye 5. good e. down 6. sit f. your book Ex2. Some pictures Bïi V¨n Hång - Sts play - give feed back and correct - T asks sts to match - Sts do individual 12 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 - T gives some pictures and sts do activities 4. Homework - Sts work in groups - Learn by heart the new words - Doing ex A1,2 (page 11 ) * The comments ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….. Planing:9/9/2013 Teachng:.../9/2013 Period 9 Unit 2. B. Where do you live? (B1 + B2) I. Objectives By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : - Ask and answer about the name - Ask and answer about the address II. Contents - Vocabulary : what, where, street, city , live . - Structures : What’s your name ? My name is …. Where do you live ? I live in / on … III. Teaching aids - Pictures , books , flashcards , CD player IV. Procedure Bïi V¨n Hång 13 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 The contents Activities 1.Warm up : - T checks number of sts in the class - Greeting - Checking the number of class - T asks sts to review ( work in pairs ) 2.Checking up - Greeting and asking about the name , age, health - What’s your name ? - How old are you ? - How are you ? 3. New lesson *Presentation - T gives the new words * Vocabulary : - T has a picture, introduces : city , what street (Tran Hung Dao street ) where - Sts read chorusly, copy live on house - in a house - T introduces about accomadation street - on street from house -> street -> city city - in a city - Sts write down and listen * Structure : Where do you live ? - T calls sts give structure -> write on I live in a house the board on… street - Sts write it in a city in Hoabinh town *Practice eg: What’s your name ? My name is Huyen Where do you live ? I live on Tran Phu street in Hoabinh town - T asks sts to practise asking and answering questions about “what” “where” ( work in pairs or groups ) - Calls 2 or 3 pairs of sts make a dialogue in front of the whole class *Production Ex1 : Survey Name Street 1…… 2……. 3 .….. City / Country Ex2 : Complete the dialogues + Mai : Hello . My name’s … What’s …. Name ? Lan : …… … + Peter : …… name ? Jane : … ah. What’s … … ? Peter : … … Peter. 4. Homework. Bïi V¨n Hång - T gives sts flashcards - T asks each sts to ask and fill in information about 3 others - Sts do - T asks sts to complete the dialogue - Sts practise in groups - give feedback 14 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 - Making sentences with structures - Doing ex B 3,4 ( page 12,13 ) * The comment : …………………………………………………………………………………... ............................................................................................................................. Planing:10/9/2013 Teaching:.../9/2013 Period 10. unit 2. B3 -> b6 I. Objectives By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : - Asking and answering about the name. - Speaking , writing every letter ( a-> z ) to talk about your name II. Language contents - Vocabulary : how, spell , …. - Structure : What’s your name ? My name is …. How do you spell it ? …. …. …. III. Teaching aids : pictures, tape... IV. Procedure Contents Activities 1.Warm up : - T asks How are you, today ? - Sts answer 2. Checking up. Question: 1.What is your name ? - T calls some sts answer 2. Where do you live ? 3. New lesson * Presentation - Pre-teach : a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. - Shark attact : - - - - - ( house ) - - - - - ( street ) - - - - (pen ) - - - - - (close ) - - - - - - - (good bye ) Bïi V¨n Hång - T gives the alphabet - Sts write and read ( repeat after the T ) - T calls some sts read the alphabet (correct their pronounciation) - T guilds the way to play this game - sts play in 2 team - sts in each team guess the letter that has in each word. 15 THCS T©n LËp * Practice Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 - Rub out and remember dialogue . * Model sentences : What’s your name ? How do you spell it ? - Word cue drill . eg : S1. What’s your name ? S2. ( gives real name ) S1. How do you spell it ? S2. ( gives real spelling ) * Write exercise B5 a. What is your name ? b. How old are you ? c. Where do you live ? d. How do you spell your name ? *Production . Sing a song of ABC ABCDE FG HIJKLMNOP QRSTUVW XYZ Oh, well, you see Now I know the A B C 4. Homework - Singing a song of A B C again - Doing ex B 5, 6 ( page 13 ) - Sts write their own names on cards to make the cues for the drill - T makes a model first then asks sts to work in pairs - sts work in pairs - Sts write in dividually - T calls some sts to read his/ her answer - Gives feed back and corrects - T asks sts to sing a song with alphabet - T sings the alphabet song first then ask the whole class sing after - Sts sing * The comment : ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Planing: 14/9/2013 Teaching:.../9/2013 Period:11 Unit 2: my school ( c1 ) I. Objectives: By the end of the lessom sts will be able to use : This / That positive statement and yes / no questions to talk about people and things at shool II. Contents: - Vocabulary : this, that, desk, … - Structure : This / That is my school Bïi V¨n Hång 16 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 III. Teaching aids : pictures, real things, cassette IV. Procedure: Teacher’s and students’ activities The contents 1. Warm up : * Jumbled words - T guilds then asks sts to play veengin = everning - gives feed back and corects treest = street lleho = hello yict = city teethirn = thirteen mnae = name 2. Check the previous lesso: T. Gives questions. Then asks Sts * Answer the questions: answer. a. what is your name? Sts. Answer the questions. b. How old are you? T. Gets feedback and corrects the c.Where do you live? mistakes. d. How are you? 3. New lesson * Presentation + Vocabulary : Matching a student trêng a teacher c¸i bµn häc a school häc sinh a class thÇy/ c« gi¸o a desk líp How do you spell it ? eg : S1. What’s this in English ? S2. ( a student ) S1. How do you spell it ? S2. ( s-t-u-d-e-n-t ) *Model sentences. - This is my desk - That is my school - Is This your …….. ? - Is That Yes, it is / No, it isn’t - Word cue drill to practise vocabulary and revise - feed back and correct - Sts work in pairs - T gives the model setence, explains the using - Sts read and write * Practice eg : S1. Is this your ( school ) ? S2. No, it isn’t Realia drill eg : S1. Is this your ( desk ) ? S2. Yes, it is - T uses pictures from B1 - T points to real things in and around the classroom - Sts practice in pairs * Production Correct the sentences a. I am pupil b. That is a teachers c. This are a classroom d. That is an bag Bïi V¨n Hång - Sts correct in pairs 17 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 e. This is a eraser 4. Homework - Learnt by heart the new words - Doing ex C 2 ( page 15 ) * The comment : ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Planing: 14/9/2013 Teaching:.../9/2013 Period 12 Unit 2: ( c2-> c4 ) I. Objectives By the end of the lesson sts will be able to : Ask and answer about objects in the classroom II. Teaching- aids : pictures and schoolthings III. Procedure : Teacher’s and students’ activities The contents 1. Warm up How are you ? - T asks and sts answer 2. Checking up - Ask and answer some questions they - What’s your name ? have learnt - How do you spell your name ? - Sts work in pairs - Where do you live ? - How old are you ? - T uses this dialogue to elicit and 3. New lesson * Presentation practice spelling the vocabulary * Vocabulary : Class : What’s this ? a classroom T : It’s a door a desk Class : How do you spell it ? a clock T : D-O-O-R a waste basket - T asks sts to work in pairs a pencil - Sts work in pairs the same as the an eraser dialogue build a window a schoolbag a ruler - Sts practise in pairs a board Bïi V¨n Hång 18 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 * Structure : What’s this / that ? It’s a / an … - T uses real things to ask and answer ( ruler ) -> What’s this ? ( close ) -> What’s that ? * Practice - T asks sts to work in groups / pairs + Real things ( ask each other using real things, schoolthings ) - T asks some questions to work as Ba ( introduce the picture ) - T asks sts to practise in pairs ( use realthings in classroom ) – door, window, book, ruler, … - T listens and corrects their mistakes - T instruction - Sts spell the letter on the board - Sts find out the words individually + Wordsquare - T asks sts : How many words have you foud ? W P E N S C E H - Sts work in 2 teams, in turn, to go to O E D D C L R D the board, circle one word D N E O H O A R N C S O O C S A - T checks and corrrect I I K R O K E O W L R U L E R B -> pen(s), ruler  window, board  pencil, pen, desk, door, school, clock, - T devides class into 2 teams. Each eraser student in each team choose the * Production sentence and do the task. The team has + Lucky numbers more correct answers is the winner. 1. How do you spell “DESK” ? - T checks and corrects 2. How do you spell “CLASSROOM”? 3. LUCKY NUMBER ! 4. How do you spell “CLOCK” ? 5. How do you spell “PENCIL” ? 6. How do you spell “RULER” ? 7. How do you spell “ERASER” 8. How do you spell “WINDOW” ? 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 --- 5 6 --- 7 --- 8 ---. 4. Homework : - Ask and answer using question : What is this ? * The commment : .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Planing 15/9/2013 Teaching:..../9/2013 Bïi V¨n Hång 19 THCS T©n LËp Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh 6 - N¨m häc 2013 - 2014 Period:13. Unit 3 : At home Lesson 1 : A . My house ( 1, 2 ) I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson student will be able to say what things are, asks and answer about things in their house. II. Teaching aids : pictures, wordcards, cassette III. Procedure The contents Activities - T guilds sts to play this game 1. Warm up : Hang man - Sts play this game -window 2. Checking up Saying in English some things they have - Sts say learnt 3. New lesson * Presentation - Vocabulary : matching a lamp a bookshelf a chair a couch an armchair a table a clock * Checing new words : Slap the board a bookshelf an armchair a telephone a stereo a TV a lamp - T asks sts to go to the board then matching - T guilds sts play Sts are devided into 2 teams, 2 sts from 2 teams go to the board and play. The team has more words is the winner - T says the words in Vietnamese the living room - Crossword puzzle H S A W T E L E P H O N E - T asks sts to work in groups table house stereo armchair window * Model sentences Bïi V¨n Hång 20 THCS T©n LËp
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