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Тeoсher's Book Cothg Lowdou CoNТENTs SYLLABUS pagе 2 INTRODUCTION pagе 3 o Aims this level O Ъaсhing young pupils of О Components of the сourse O Pupil,s Book aсtivities _ o suggested proсedures Teaсhing tips LESSON NOTES ACTIVITY BANK TESTS ANSWER KEY TO TESTS WORDLIST OXFORD UNIvЕRsIтY PREss pagе 8 page 84 pagе 86 pagе 94 pagе 95 Photoсopying Gleat сlaтendon Stlеet, oxгold ox2 6DP oхford Univеrsity Pless is a dеpaгtmеnt ofthе University ofoxford. Univеrsф's objeсtive of,eхсellеnсe in resеarсh, sсholaгship, аnd еduсаtion by puЬ1ishing worldwidе in It fi.rгthетs the The Publishеr gтаnts perтnission fol thе photoсopying ofthosе pagеs marked .photoсopiablе' aссoгding to the folldwing сonditions. Indiйdual puтсhаsетs may make сopiеs foт their own use от for use by сlasses thаt they tеасh. sсhoo1 Purсhаsегs mаy makе сopiеs fот use by stаffand studеnts, but this pегmission doеs not eхtеnd to additionа1 sсhools oт Ьтanсhеs oxfoтd NewYoгk Under no сiтсumstanсes may аny paгt ofthis Ьook be photoсopied foг гesale Auсkland СаpeTown Dares Salаam HongKong Kaгaсhi Aтry wеbsites геfеIled to in this Pubiiсаtion аIe in thе puЬliс domаin and their аddгеsses aгe proйded by oxfoтd Univеrsity Pтess for infoгmаtion I(uala Lumpur Mаdгid Мelbouгne Mexiсo сity Nаiгobi NеwDellri Shanghаi Tаipei Toronto With offiсes in Aгgеntina Austтia Bгazi1 Сhile СzесhRepubliс Fтanсe Greесе Guаtеmala llungary Itаly Japan Poland Poгtugal Singаpoгe southKоIеa Switzeтland Тhailand Тuтkеy Ukrainе Vietnam oхFoRD аnd oxгoкп ЕNGlIsн aIе registеIed tradе marks of oxfoгd Univeтsity Pтеss in the Uк and in сегtain othel сountlrеs oхГoгd Univeгsiry Pгеss 1995 The moral гights ofthe аuthoг havе been asserted DаtаЬаse гight oxfогd UnivеIsity Pгеss (makег) @ First prrЬlishеd l996 20I4 2()Iз 20] 2 2()l | ]0l() 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 1з 12 Аll гights геsеrvеd. No palt ot this prrbliсаtion mаy bе геpгoduсed, stoгеd in а геtliеvаl systen, oI tlаnsmitted' in any forrп or by alry meаns, without the pтior peгmission in wгitiпg of oxfoгd Universiф Pтess (with the so1e ехсeption ofphotoсopying сalгied out undeI thе сonditions stаtеd in the paтagтаph heаdеd .Photoсopying,), oг as expтessly pеrmitted Ьy laц or undет teтms аgтеed with thе appropriate гeprogтaphiсs тights oгganization. Еnquiтiеs сonсerning гepтoduсtion outsidе the sсope ofthe аЬove should bе sent to the ЕIT Rights Depaгtmеnt, oxford UnivelsitУ Press, at the addrеss abоve You m1rst not сilсulate this Ьook in any othег binding oт сover and you must imposе this samе сonditiоn on any aсquirer оnlу. oxfoгd Univeтsity Pгеss disсlaims any гesponsiЬility foг the сontent ISBN-13: 978 o 19 4З57o2 7 Dеsigтеd aлd гуpeset by oxpгint Design. oхfoтd Printеd in сhina AСкNоwlвDGЕМ в NTs Illustrations by Daйd Loсk' Heаthег С1aгkе SYLLABUS Unit I the сlub Longuoge Unit Longuoge olphobet I,m (Peter). Whаt's gour namе? This is (SаЛgI t2 Is it mg/gour (kitе)? toUs Whosе is How аre gou? 2 food Is this (Jenng's) (kite)? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. These are mg/(Biff's) (togs). r3 Is Whаt,s this? It,s а (bаnаna)/an (аpple). it а (rubber)? Yes, it is' No, it isn,t, food сommonds сiothes this? |t.s lBiff.sl. There,s one (аpple). There аre (three) (oranges). numbers: ll-30 сlossroom з с1ossroоrn togs present сontinuous This is (а shirt), These аre (shoes). I,m/(Edwаrd's) weаfing (a T-shirt) l5 present сontinuоus: oсtion vеrbs (Helen's) (swimming ). (Theg're) (eating Is he/she (eаting)? numbers: l*10 plurols -S. onе (bсlg) two (bаgs) 4 t4 lеisure Look аt mg (togs). This is а (red) (bаL]oon) Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn't. Are thеg (p]сlging footbа]])? сo1ours 5 jobs He's/She's a (doctor). Is he/shе а (fаrrner)? is. Yes, hе/she 6 mg fomilg Yеs, theg onimс1s I oсtivities t 1 50 the foсe !0 the bodg oсtion verbs сln,/cаn, t (r e аd ). lt cаn, t7 negotive сommonds zoo Where аre gou? Where's (SаЛg)? (She's) (in) (Helen's bedroom). Is (she) (in) (the bаthroom)? The (cLock) is (neхt to) the (tаb]e), lq dotes No, hel,she/I can,t. ordinols It,s the (ninth) of (Оctober). When,s (Biff's) birthdаg? It's on (Januаrg) the (fifteenth), I've got (a big, red nose). Here аre (Ann аnd Dаn). The g,re/The g аren,t (twin s )/( eig ht) Theg,veПVe've got (grcen eges). 20 present simp1e: 1йe togs I Like/don,t Like (ro]]et skаtes). It's/He's/She's got (bLue eges). sсhool subjeсts Hаs it'/Ile/she got (b]ue eges)? Yеs, it,he/she feelings Whаt time is it? It,s (nine) o,c]ock. Whаt's he/she doing? Whаt аre goiltheg doing? t Cаn he/shе/gou (reаd)? q t6 the home (It,s) vera t o]d l. t Гt.s l Yes, he/she/I oсtivities r8 It's/Theg're (big). c No, theg аren't. No' he/she isn,t. How o]d аre gou? I'm (seven)' Who's that? That's (Helen) (She's) mg (sister). It's (Bobo's) (sister). (Her) nаme's (Bonng)' I,/II e/Sh e аre' Are gou (eating)? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Whаt's hjs,/her nаme? 7 ). hаs. No, it,he/she hasn,t. 2l 22 foоd I,m/She,s (thirstg), You аren't (hot). Arc gou (sаd)? Yes. we ore' Yes, I аm. Nq 9|/е orеn.t. No, I'm not, dogs ofthe wеek Do gou ]jke (mаths)? Yes, I do. No, I don't He/She ]ikes/doеsn,t ]ike (nuts). Does (he) ]ikе (аpples)? Yes, he doеs, No, he doesn,t. 23 portg 24 present simple: wonf Do gou wаnt (cheese sandwiches)? Yes, I do. No, I don't. He/She wаnts/doesn't want (ice creаm)' revision INТRoDUCТloN This book aims: О to provide young pupils with a basiс knowlеdgе оf English, giving them a foundation for suссеssful language learning at thе neхt stage О to teaсh pupils to undеrstand and usе some basiс English struсtures and vосabulary о to hеlp pupils dеvelop сonfidеnсе in listening, spеaking' reading and writing Еnglish o to make lеarning Еnglish meaningful, by foсusing on topiсs and voсabulary ofintеrеst to this agе group o to make learning English enjoyablе' through songs' stories, gamеs and сommuniсative aсtivities This lеvel is based around songs' stоriеs and aсtivities сarefully matсhed tо thе interеsts of young pupils, and is suitable fоr use with largе or small сlassеs. This book is basеd on sevеral assumptions about thе Way young сhildrеn learn: o Young pupils Гrnd it diffiсult to undеrstand abstraсt ideas, so in the сlassroom it is best to о present as muсh as possible through сonсretе objeсts that сhildren сan touсh and see. Wherevеr possible usе rеal objeсts to tеaсh new words, or usе piсturеs and drawings. Young сhiidrеn.lеarn through doing,, so it is a good idea for them to be aсtively invоlved in learning, through a variety ofaсtivitiеs. Let thеm move around, draщ сolоuц usе aсtions, songs' games' mimеs, etс. о Young сhildren havе о о a short attеntion span' so try to limit aсtivitiеs to about 10 minutеs. When сhildren beсome restless, movе on to sоmething different; you сan always сomе baсk to the original aсtivity later or in thе neхt lesson. Young сhildrеn need to сonstantlу rеvise and reсyсle the language they havе learnt. Do this at the beginning of eaсh lesson, or whеn pupils beсome rеstlеss. Young сhildren nеed praise and еnсouragemеnt. They also nееd to fееl a sensе ofprogress and aсhievеment. This lеvеl соnsists of thе following сomponents: Pupil's Book The Pupil's Book introduсes all thе languagе struсtures and voсabulary in thе сoursе and сontains dialogues, storiеs' songs' rhymеs, games and oral praсtiсe aсtivities. Most of thе work in the Pupil's Bоok is oral. At the foot of every page in thе Pupil,s Book is a small parrot, telling you whiсh pagе in thе Workbook сorresponds with that Pupil's Book pagе. Workbook Thе Workbook gives extra praсtiсе of thе language taught in thе Pupil,s Book, and also provides basiс reading and writing praсtiсе. It inсludеs simple Summary tables, to сhесk and revise basiс struсtures and phrases. There are еight eхtra Rеvision sесtions in the Workbook (one after every thrеe units of the Pupil's Book). Thеsе сan bе usеd in twо ways: еithеr usеd after you have finished teaсhing the threе units of the Pupil's Book, as revision; or used as you teaсh the three units ofthe Pupil,s Book, as extra praсtiсe material. The lеsson notes give suggеstions of whеn and how you might use this Rеvision matеrial. ПЪen pupils have finished all the aсtivities on a Workbоok page thеy сan tiсk the boх at the bottom. Cassettes The Cassettes inсludе all the voсabulary tеaсhing, storiеs, songs and rhymes from the Pupil's Book. Book Thе Teaсher's Book givеs suggestions for eaсh lesson, but remеmbеr that thеsе notes are only guidelines _ only you know your сlass, so fee] free to make adjustmеnts where you feel it is nесеssary. Thе notеs are divided into Steps. Еaсh Step is dеsigned for onе lesson of 30-35 minutеs, but this сan bе еxtеnded or shortеned aссording to your partiсular neеds. Thеrе arе fivе teaсhing Stеps for eaсh unit, plus Steps for Rеvision and Tests. Thе lеsson notes inсlude: о a list of the language items and voсabulary о a list of all thе materials you may need in thе lеsson, giving pagе rеfеrеnсes for thе Pupil's Book and Workbook and unit and aсtivity referenсes for the Cassettеs (e.g. Cassette PB page 1:2 is aсtivity numbеr two on Pupil's Boоk page onе) о dеtailed step-by-step lesson notes' suggesting how you сan usе the matеrial in thе Pupil's Book, the Workbook and the Cassettes T.leaсher's . you сan divide thе сlass into gr. .-] . _.. ] ,',':::, to repеat thе dialogue togethel.. thе part ofone сharaсter; you сan ask onе or two pupils to с .-'. , .. . ofthe сlass and aсt out thе dialog*- i ." reading one part yoursеlf; you сan ask pupils to praсtise rеail:-= .' . : - :in pairs (оr in thrеes, aссording to t:-= :. -. '':сharaсtеrs speaking in thе dialoguе you сan ask pupils to сomе to thе frо::: - ' : and aсt out the dialogue еither with .-'l. .: -.. their books depеnding on how сonfide::- ..'. optional suggеstions for eхtra aсtivities in thе lеssоn О answers to all the Workbook aсtivities and somе Pupil's Book aсtivities In addition to thе lesson notes. the Tеaсher's Book also сontains: о thе Syllabus О an Aсtivity Bank with ovеr thirty ехtra teaсhing idеas and сlassroom games О four phоtoсopiable Tests (сoming aftеr Revisions 2, 4,6 and 8) and an Answer Kеy to thе tеsts о a Wordlist сontainins all the nеw words from the Pupil's Book Dialoguеs (Listen and say) Thе dialogues are all reсorded on the сassettе. They are about three сhildren: Adam, his sister Helen, thеir сousin Sally, Helеn,s сat Tabby, and Adam's parrot Eсho. The dialoguеs aim to interеst and mоtivate pupils through a variety оf rеalistiс but fun situations and through сharaсters that pupils сan idеntify with. You сan use thе dialogues as follows: Start by asking pupils to look at thе piсtures, briefly disсussing (with the whole сlass or in pairs) what they think is happening in thе piсturеs. You may wish to teaсh key items of new voсabulary at this point, using the piсtures. However sometimеs you сan еnсourage pupils to usе thе piсturеs to guess the meaning of unknown voсabulary. 2Pl,aу the сassette and ask pupils to listen and look at the piсturеs. Remеmber to put the сassеttе сounter at 000 bеfore you start, so that you сan еasily find thе beginning again. 3 Play the сassеtte again as pupils follow thе tеxt silеntly. Chесk understanding: thеre arе sometimеs tasks in thе lesson notеs for this, but you сan also usе the mоther tonguе for a quiсk сheсk, though it is nоt always neсessary to translatе every word. 4Pl.aу thе сassette again. Pupils then repeat сhorally. Do this several timеs until pupils arе сonfidеnt. 5 After plentу ofpraсtiсе, you сan enсourage pupils tо aсt out thе dialoguе. Thеrе arе sevеral ways of doins this: 1 . Voсabulary (Listen, read and sa}. Thеse aсtivitiеs teaсh new voсabulary. \\Ъ.l. .:' possible, first teaсh pupils tо say the nеri. .'.'. .' - ! ..-.: lеsson notes suggest ways of doing this, us.:.. piсtures, board drawings, еtс.) befоrе doing -..=.aсtivitiеs' whiсh teaсh pupils to read thе nеi... .-" . :! Ask pupils to look at the piсturеs for a Iечmomеnts first. 2 Say the words onсe or twiсe while pupils listе::. silently reading the words in thеir Pupil's Bооks 1 3 Say the words again, pausing aftеr еaсh word r..' pupils to repeat сhorally. 4 When pupils arе соnfident repeating thе words сhоrally, ask individual pupils to repеat thе rтоt. j. 5 Point to thе piсtures in the book and ask pupils : rеad thе appropriatе word from thеir Pupil's Books, сhorally and thеn individually. 6 Finally, ask pupils to сlosе thеir Pupil,s Boоks. Point to piсturеs and ask pupils to say thе ц.or"i :" Songs and rhymes (Listen and sing/saу r Songs and rhymеs are very useful in language teaсhing. They are mеmorable and easily learnt. they givе praсtiсe in the pronunсiation and rh1-:r::l of Еnglish, and they are motivating. The songs .'.:l: rhymеs) arе all reсorded on сassette. You ma1. 1-.l. :.. usе the сassеttе at home to learn thе song fll.rs:, Play thе сassettе in сlass (or teaсh pupils thе s-l: уourselfl. 2 PIaу the song sеveral timеs. Pupils join in r-,::.:l thеy сan. Gradually turn down the volumе -. ::lсassette, until pupils сan sing the song unaссompaniеd. While singing, pupils сan . -.:: :o thе piсturеs in the Pupil's Book, or perfor.n. ::.= aсtions. These rеinforсе mеaning and makе s-:]=-.ng 1 more enjoyablе. 3 Singing should bе part ofrnost lessons, so go baсk regularly and use songs from earliеr in thе сourse. The lesson notеs inсludе suggestions for this. When pupils are singing a song they have already learnt, you may fееl thеy сan sing the sоng from memory' so use of thе сassettе is optional. Stories (Listen and read) The aim ofthеsе piсture stories is to providе a simplе introduсtion to rеading. Thеy arе all rесorded on сassettе. 1 Ask pupils to look at the piсtures and think about what the story is about and what sееms to bе happening. 2PIaу the сassеttе whilе pupils listеn and read silently. Ask pupils to read the story silеntly. 4 Еxplain the meaning of any nеw voсabulary, using thе piсtures or mimе whеre pоssiblе. 5 Play the сassеttе again whilе pupils rеad the story 3 silently. 6 Talk to pupils about the story, in thе mother tongue. oral praсtiсe/pairwork (Point and say) In thesе aсtivitiеs pupils talk about piсturеs in the Pupil's Book. Small parrots give examples of what pupils should try to saу. 1 Revise thе neсessary vосabulary. 2 Pupils look at the piсture(s) in their Pupil,s Books. Hold up your Pupil's Book, оpen at the pagе, point to items on thе page, and say thе appropriatе word or phrasе slowly and сlearly. 3 Point to itеms on the page and ask thе сlass to say the word/phrasе сhorally. 4 Point to items on the page and ask individual pupils to saу thе word,iphrase. 5 Pupils work in pairs, taking turns to point at items on the pagе and say the appropriate word,/phrase. (Sее notеs on pairwоrk proсеdure, pagе 6.) Oral praсtiсe/pairwork (Ask and answer) In thesе aсtivitiеs, pupils ask and answrr quеstions about piсtures or storiеs in the Pupil,s Book. Somеtimеs thе Pupil's Book givеs a list of questions; somеtimеs it gives an example of thе type of questions that pupils must make up themsеlves. Small parrots give examplеs of what pupils should try to say. 1 Gо through the examples with the сlass Гrrst. Read out thе first question and ask pupils to сall out thе answer. 2 Ask the сlass sevеral questions, telling pupils to reply сhorally, and thеn individually. 3 Tell one pupil to ask a quеstion and another pupil to answеr it. 4 Pupils work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer questions. (Sеe notes on pairwork proсеdure, page 6.) Oral praсtiсе/pairwork (T!ue or false?) In these aсtivitiеs, pupils saу whethеr statemеnts about piсtures or storiеs in thе Pupil,s Book are true or falsе. Sometimes the Pupil's Book gives a list of statemеnts; sоmetimes it gives an example of the type of statеments that pupils must makе up thеmsеlvеs. Small parrots givе eхamples of what pupils should try to say. 1 Go through the examples with the сlass first. Read оut the first statemеnt. Ask pupils to say whethеr it is truе or falsе. 2 Rеad sеvеral statеments, telling thе сlass to reply сhorally' and then individualiy. 3 Ask one pupil to read (or makе up) a statеmеnt and anothеr pupil to reply. 4 Pupils work in pairs, taking turns to read (or makе up) statеmеnts and to rеply. (Seе notes оn pairwork proсеdure, page 6.) Oral praсtiсe/pairwork (Ask and answer about you) Thеsе aсtivities allow pupils to usе the English words and phrases they have learnt to talk about thеmselves. Lеarning a language is morе interesting and motivating, partiсularly for young сhildrеn, if pupils arе enсouraged to use the language to talk about thеmsеlvеs, their own eхpеrienсes, interеsts and idеas. Small heads give examples оf what pupils сan Say. Personalisеd aсtivities (Your work) At thе еnd of eaсh unit in thе Pupil's Book therе is an opportunity for pupils to use, in a less сontrolled and more personal way, the languagе they havе lеarnt and praсtisеd in the unit. Pupils do this through еither a personalised aсtivitу (Your work) or a game (Your gamе * sее notеs on games below). You might like pupils to do thе personalised aсtivities in their English notebooks' or in speсial notebooks, or on loose pieсes ofpaper whiсh сould then bе displayеd on thе сlassroom wall. In thеse aсtivities pupils draw a piсture and write a very short tеxt about thеmsеlves, thеir family, thеir favourite toy, thеir сlothеs, their likes and dislikes, еtс. 1 Еxplain to pupils that they are going to produсе a piесе of work about themselves. They thеn look at thе sample shown in the Pupil's Book. Ask pupils tо suggеst things thеy might likе to wтite about, and to сall out thе words thеy think thеy might need. Write on thе board any words that pupils ask for. 3 Pupils think for a few minutеs about what theу are going tо wrile. They then do a rоugh draft of thеir writing. Go round thе сlass hеlping whеrе 2 nесеSsary. 4 Colleсt thе work and mark it. 5 Pupils writе out a сorreсt, nеat version, and draw a piсture. This сan be done in сlass timе or for homework. 6 If pоssible, display pupils, finishеd work in the сlassroom or somewherе in thе sсhool. Games (Your game) Gamеs are important in language teaсhing. Beсause gamеs are еnjoуablе and exсiting, pupils beсomе involvеd in them. Thе languagе usеd in games is meaningful and сommuniсativе: pupils arе not just using the language .bесause it,s thе English lеsson', but beсause thеy need it - they сan't join in the game without it! Thеrе arе sevеral differеnt tуpes of gamе usеd in the Pupi1's Book: mimе gamеS' guеssing games' Find the Diffеrеnсes' сommands gamеs, spеlling games' еtс. and also several morе listed in thе Aсtivity Bank on pages 84_85. When playing a game with the сlass, make surе pupils сlеarly understand what they have to do. If neсessary' dеmоnstratе the gamе at the front of thе сlass with one or two pupils. Always havе a .praсtiсe game' first, before pupils start to play the game propеrly. Whеrever possible, make the gamе into a team game' as this makes it more сompetitive and thеrеfore more exсiting. Dividе thе сlass into teams (trying whеre possible to makе surе that еaсh tеam has a fair share of more able and less able pupils). Ask pupils for suggеstions for team names: A and B, or elеphants and lions, or rеd and bluе, еtс. Kееp a sсorr on the board. Revision It is a good idea to start еaсh lеsson with a fеw minutes' rеvision. This сan reсyсle something taught с) in thе previous lesson, or еarlier in the сourse. This rеvisiоn stage helps build pupils'сonfidеnсe, as they are dealing with familaц known languagе. The lesson notes give suggestions for revision aсtivitiеs, and thеrе are also eхtra revision sесtions in the Workbook. Pairwork Therе are aсtivitiеs in the Pupil,s Book whiсh give opportunitiеs for simple pairwork. Thеre arе several bеnеflrts to using pairwork in the сlassroom: it еnablеs pupils to work at thеir own paсе; it enablеs you to go round thе сlass and hеlp individual pupils whеre neсessary; and, mоst importantly, it enablеs evеrу сhild in thе сlass tо listеn and speak, to bе aсtivеly involvеd in the lesson rathеr than just a passive speсtator. For ехample' on page 8 of thе Pupil's Book, pupils work in pairs, pointing at puzzle piсtures and asking thеir partnеr what the itеms are. on pagе 12 of the Pupil's Bоok' pupils work in pairs, finding and сounting the itеms in the сlassroom' These are simplе aсtivitiеs, but they give pupils the opportunity to .lеarn through doing'. In large сlasses it сan be morе diffiсult to usе pairwork, but not impossiblе if it is сarеfully set up. You сan approaсh thesе aсtivities as follows: о First do the aсtivity yourself with individual pupils in thе сlass. . Thеn ask two pupils to сoЬе to the front of thе сlass and ]et them do thе aсtivity while the сlass watсh and listen. о Thеn tеll pupils to do thе aсtivity with their partner. о Finally, ask onе pair of pupils to do the aсtivity (or part of thе aсtivity) while the сlass listеn. (This is a useful way of enсоuraging pairs to do thе aсtivity propеrly - as no one knows whiсh pair you might ask to .perform, in front of the сlass latеr!) Dividing thе сlass into pairs сan be very quiсk and easy; for example simply let еaсh pupil lеan aсross and pair with thе person sitting in the nехt desk, or turn round in their сhair and pair with thе pеrson in the dеsk bеhind thеm. Pupils will soon сomе to undеrstand that thеy always do thе Same' whenеvеr you give thе instruсtion Worh in pairs. While pupils arе working in thеir pairs' watсh and listen сarefully _ to makе sure they are using English and are dоing thе aсtivity in hand. Pairwork aсtivitiеs wоrk bеst when they arе simple and short. Most pupils еnjoy pairwork, and if you use pairwork regularly, pupils beсome used to it and it nеed not be disruptive оr noisy. Pairwork will give pupils valuable language praсtiсe and will make the lessons more varied and enjoyable. Aссuraсy Don,t worry about aссuraсy. The соurse progтesses slоwly and pupils will only gтadually beсome aware of subtle diffеrеnсes in sounds and be able to imitate your model exaсtly. Give good models of English but try not to сorreсt every error made by your pupils as this сan spoil their gтowing сonfrdenсe in the language. Mothеr tongue Pupils should hеar as muсh English as possible. Howeveц therе are situations when it is usеful to use the pupils,оwn languagе. Еor eхample, you might use it to eхplain an aсtivity in the Workbook, or the meaning of a song, or how tо play a game. Try and avoid toо muсh translation. If possible, try to explain nеw words thrоugh a piсture or mime. Individual help Pairwork and Workbook aсtivities proйdе ideal opportunities for you to give pupils individual help, espeсially pupils who are having diffiсulties. Walk round the сlass and sее how pupils are сoping. Trу to be positive about the things the pupil qan do. one оf the main aims of this сourse is to give pupils a sense of enjoyment and a feeling of сonfidenсe about learning Еnglish. These are the feelings that pupils сarry with them to their next stage of learning. LЕSSON NOTES oЖsтEP1 Language о presentation ofgreetings and intrоduсtions VoсabuIary О аnd, hеllo, I,m, this is, шеlcomе ю thе club, ъuhat's уour nаmе? MateriaIs оPB page 1 о WB page 1 о Cassettе (PB page 1:1) 1 Grееt the сlass. Saу Hеllo. Enсourage pupils to reply with Hе||o, Do сhоral and individual rеpetition of Hеllo. Introduсе yourself to pupils. Saу I,m (уour name). Point to yoursеlf as you say it. Go round the сlass saying I,m (уolt name) to individual pupils and pеrhaps shaking their hand. 4 Help individual pupils to say I'm (their namе). 5 Ask individual pupils to stand up and saу Hеllo' I,m (tЬeir namе). 6 Say What's уoшr namе? Do сhoral and individual rеpetition of this question. 7 Ask individual pupils What's уour namе? and, enсouragе thеm to reply with I,m (thet namе). 8 Ask two pupils to сomе to the frоnt of the сlass and aсt out a short dialogue: Pupil A: Hеl|o, Pupil B: HеIIo. What's уour namе? Pupil A: I,m (name). Wha,t,s уour namе? Pupil B: I'm (.name). 9 PUPIUS Booк page 1:1. Listеn and say. Pupils open thеir Pupil's Books. Play the сassette for the first three piсturеs only. Play thе сassеttе for the first threе piсtures again, and ask pupils to point at Peteц Helеn and Adam as they listen. 10 Play the сassette for the first thrее piсtures. Pupils listen and say. 11 Point at an individual pupil and say This is (their namе). Repeat with other pupils. 12 Ask individual pupils to stand up, point at the pupil sitting next to thеm and say This is (their 2 3 name). 13 PUPIrs Booк pagе \4 1:1. Listеn and say. Play the сassette for the last four piсtures. Play the сassette for the last four piсturеs again, and ask pupils to point at Sally and Eсho as they listen. P|aу thе сassеtte for thе last four piсturеs. Pupils listen and say. 15 Ask pupils if thеy сan guess the mеaning of the phrase WеIcomе to thе club. Explain it. Ask pupils (in the mothеr tongue) if they go tо a сlub, what they dо thеre, and if thеy like it. 16 Play the сassеtte for the wholе story. Pupils listen and say. 17 woRKBooK page 1:1. Matсh and write. Point to thе piсtures оf Adam, Helen, Sally, Peter and Есho. Ask pupils to сal] out the namеS as yоu point. 18 Pupils work in pairs, pointing tо the piсtures and saying thе names (sеe Introduсtiоn page 6 for proсedure). 19 Pupils fill in thе names. . ANSWERS 1 Sally 2 Adam 3 Hеlеn 4Peter 5 Есho. 20 woRKBooК pagе 1:2. Write about уou. Pupils fill in the answer to thе quеstion. the lesson by playing a сhain gamе. Pupil 1 stands up and says 1in ltheir namе)' then points to Pupil 2 nехt to him,Ъеr' saуs This ls (thеir name) and then sits dоlrтr. Pupil2 then stands up and saуs I'm (thеir nanrе r. thеn points to Pupil 3, says This is (their name l and thеn sits down. Pupil 3 then stands uр and .,.aУS I,In (thеir name)' then points to Pupil 4. saуs This is (their name) and thеn sits dorгn. Continuе 21 Еinish around thе сlass. oЖsтEP2 Language о praсtiсe ofgreetings and introduсtions Vocаbulary о finе, hoш are уou?' thanh tou Materials оPB pagе 1 оPB page 2 о Сassеttе (PB pagе 1:1), (PB page 2:2) Spend five minutes rеvising.FIello' I.lт. namе), lеarnt in thе last lesson. PUPILfS BOOK page 1:1. Listen and sa1-. Play thе сassеttе. Pupils listеn and rе!еat. Pupils aсt out the dialogue (see Intrоiuсlion page 4 fоr proсеdure). PUPIIjS Booк page 2:2. Listen and sing. Play thе сassette for versе 1 only. Tеaсi ::е first vеrse ofthе song (see Introduсtion pa:е 4 for proсеdurе). vERsE TAPESCRIPT VERSE 1 Children: Hello, hello. What's your namе? What's your namе? What,s your namе? Hello, hello. What's your name? Hеlеn: \.ERSЕ VЕRsЕ VЕRSE 2 3 4 5 Pupils: I'm Helеn. are you? How arе you? Hоw are yоu? Hellо, hello. How are you? Helеn: I'm finе, thank you. Children: Hеllo, hello. What's your name? What's your name? What's уour name? Hеllo, hеllo. What's your namе? Adam: I'm Adam. Children: Hello, hеllo. How are you? How arе yоu? How are you? Hello, hello. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Children: Hello, hello. What's your them to tep|у I'm finе, thanh уou. PUPIL:S Booк page 2з2. Listen and sing. Play the сassettе for vеrse 2 (Hеllo, hеllo. Hoъu arе уou?). Teaсh thе seсond verse ofthe song (sеe Introduсtion page 4 for proсedurе). Play the сassette for vеrses 1 and 2. Pupils listen. 10 Play the сassette for vеrses L and 2 again. Pupils sing the two vеrsеs. 11 Eхplain to pupils that thеy arе going to hеar more vеrses of thе song, with Adam and Sally replying to the question Who,t's уour namе? t2 Play the сassette fоr versеs 3, 4, 5 and 6. Pupils sing. 13 Now еxplain that pupils are going to hear more vеrsеs of thе song, and that this time when they sing thеy must фvе their own rеplу to the questions What,s уour namе? and Houl a,rе уou? Play the сassettе for verses 7 and 8. Pupils sing. WЪat,s your name? What's SallY: vЕRsE 6 Childrеn: Hello, hеllo. How are you? How are you? How arе you? Hеllо, hello. How arе you? Sally: VERSЕ 7 I'm Sally. I'm fine, thank you. Children: Hello, hеllo. What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? Hello, hello. What's your name? Puрils: (sing thеir oшn namеS in rеplу) I'm frne, thank you. hеalthy and happy. Ask individualpupils Hotо arе уou? andhelp name? your name? Hеllo' hеllo. What's your namе? Hеllo, hеllo. How are you? How are you? Hоw are you? Hello, hello. How arе you? Saу Hoш arе уou? Eхplain to pupils what it mеans' and do сhoral and individual repetition of the phrase. Enсouragе pupils to ask уol Hoш arе уou? and replу I'm finе, thanh yoи. Demonstratе the mеaning of this phrase by smiling broadly, making gеstures whiсh shоw that you arе feеling Children: Hеllo' hello. How Adam: VERSE 8 Children: PUPIUS Booк pagе 2:3. Ask and answеr atrout уou. To demonstratе the task, ask one pupil to сomе to the front of the сlass and aсt out this short dialogue with him/her. 15 Pupils work in pairs, aсting out the dialoguе T4 (seе Introduсtion pagе 6 for proсedurе). 16 Ask pairs of pupils to сome to the front of the сlass and aсt out the dialоgue. Enсourage thеm to do it without thеir books. t7 If thеrе is time, finish the lеsson by singing the last verses of the song again, i.е. whеre pupils give their own namе. Note: Ask pupils to bring сrayons to the next lеssоn. Pupils need сrayons for several Workbook aсtivities and thеir lеarning of сolours is muсh morе effeсtive ifthеy сan aсtually usе the tеn сolоurs thеy are learning. Ifyour pupils do not havе сoloured сrayons, bring some сrayons to the lеssons yourself, or suggest to pupils that they buy or borrow some сrayons to bring to the neхt few lеssons. Explain that not еvery сhild needs every сolour - two or three friеnds сould perhaps atrar,ge to bring the ten neсеssary сolоurs between them. written on. They should be сlearly lеgrblе. and should be small letters not сapitals. OrsтЕP3 oЖsтEP4 Language о praсtiсe ofgreеtings and introduсtions Voсabulary no new words Mаteriаls о PB page 2 о WB page 2 о Cassette (PB pagе 2:2 _ optiona|) I. Revise the phrases learnt in thе last lesson by asking individualpupils IIoъu arе уou? andWhat,s уour nanne? Pupils replу I,m finе, thanh, уou or I,m 2 (their namе) as appropriate. PUPIL:S Booк page 2z2. Listen and sing. Pupils sing the song again. Remind them whеn they must give their own repliеs, in verses 7 and 8. 3 woRKBooK page 2:3. Colour and writе. Ask pupils to look at the piсtures. Ask if they reсognise onе ofthe girls, and ifthey сan remember her name (Sally). 4 Еxplain to pupils that therе are gaps in the dialogue wherе somе words arе missing, and that thе missing words сan be found in the penсil shape at the top of thе page. Allow pupils a few minutеs to read thе dialogue and thе words. 5 Ask pupils to suggest whiсh words should go in whiсh gaps. Eliсit thе answers frоm thе сlass. 6 Pupils write in the answеrs. 7 When pupils havе сompleted the dialogue, thеy rеad it together in pairs (sее Introduсtion page 0 for proсedure). 8 Ask pairs of pupils to сome to thе front of the сlass and aсt out the dialogue. Enсouragе them to do it without thеir books if theу fееl сonfrdent. 9 Pupils сolour in thе piсtures. Remind thеm to сolour Sally's сlothes and hair in the сorrесt сolours' tо matсh the Pupil,s Bоok. 10 If thеrе is time, Гrnish the lesson bу playing a сhain game again (see Stеp 1;21). Notе: Fоr the nеxt lеsson you may wish to makе somе alphabet сards. Thеsе arе simply twеntу-six pieсes of paper or сard, еaсh with a letter ofthе alphabet 10 Ехtra praсtiсе. If you wish, in this lеsson you may also usе Workbook pagе 13:1 Write (sее Rеvision 1 Stеp A fоr proсedurе). Language о presentation ofthe alphabet Voсabulary О let's,lеttеr, mе, sing, шith Materia|s о PB page 3 оWB page 3 о Сassеttе (PB pagе 3:4) о alphabet сards (sеe notе abovе) Booк pagе 3:4. Listen and sing. Explain lеttеr and sing toith mе. PIaу the сassеttе. Pupils listеn, following thе words in their Pupil's Books. Play thе сassette again. Pupils try and sing the song, following the words in their Pupil's Books. When pupils sеem сonfidеnt with the tunе of thе song, tell them to сlosе their Pupil,s Books. Write thе lettеrs ofthе alphabet, in ordeц on thе board. Play the сassettе again. Pupils sing thе song' following the letters of thе alphabеt on the PUPII,|S board. Rub out any thrеe lеttеrs from the board. Pupils sing the song again, singing all the lettеrs, inсluding the missing letters. D Rub out three morе lеttеrs and repеat. 6 Continue until there are no letters left on the board and pupils are singing the wholе alphabet from memоry. Alphabet сards. Givе out the сards, giving onе eaсh to twenty-six pupils. Ask thе pupils to сome to the front of the сlass and to stand holding up their сards so thе rеst of thе сlass сan seе them. Thе twenty-six pupils should arrange themselvеs sо that the сards are in сorreсt alphabetiсal order. Thе rest ofthе сlass сan сall out adviсe to hеlp them. When thеy have arranged themsеlves сorreсtly, the сlass сan read thе alphabet сhorally. WoRKBooK pagе 3:4. Write. Pupils write in the missing lеtters. Whеn they havе al1 finished, сheсk thеir work by asking the сlass tо сhant the сompletе alphabet. . ANтSWЕR a,|), c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, P, Q' ц s, t, u' У,w,х)У, z. WoRKBooK pagе 3:5. Draw. Eхplain that pupils must draw a line from lеttеr с to lеtter b, thеn a linе from letter b to lettеr с, and So on, t0 сomplеte the piсture. When thеy have finished the piсture, ask thеm to say who it is, using the phrase This is (name). a ANSWER This is Есho. 10 Ask the сlass to сhant the alphabеt. Writе the alphabet on the board as they сhant. Point to three lettеrs and ask pupils to say whiсh letters look similar, e.g.b and d,p and q, o and a. 11 Ask pupils to сomе and writе pairs of lettеrs on the board that they think arе similar. Point out thе differеnсes betweеn thе lettеrs. 12 WORKBOOK page in pairs, before you go thrоugh the answеrs with thе wholе сlass. I ANSWERS 1 This is Sally. 2 This is Helen. 3 This is Есho. 4 This is Adam. Write thе naтne Hеlеn on the board. Ask the сlass to spell out the name: H, е, l, е' n. Write the othеr namеs Аdam, SalIу, Echo and Tabbу оn thе board. Ask the сlass to spеll them оut. Then ask individualpupils tо spell out the namеS. Ask individual pupils to spell out their own names. PUPIL'S Booк page 4:6. Your game. Divide 3:6. Odd one out. Explain to the сlass into two teams. Bring a pupil to thе front of the сlass, or stand besidе the pupil,s desk. Point to the pupil and saу This js (their namе). Ask if anyonе from Tеam A сan spell thе pupil's name. If thеy сan spell it сorrесtly, say Уes, nodding your hеad to dеmonstrate the meaning, thеn give Team A one point. If thеy сannot spell it сorrесtly' say No, shaking your hеad to demonstrate thе mеaning, then ask if anyonе from Team B сan spell it. Repeat with other names. You сan usе the namеs of teaсhеrs in the sсhool or of famous pеople too. Remembеr to say Well donе!whеnеver a team sсores a pоint. pupils that in eaсh group offour lettеrs, threе arе the same and оne is different _ it is thе ,odd one out,. Pupils must draw a сirсle round the odd lеtter' and then writе it on thе blank linе. 13 Pupils do thе task. Go round the сlass helping wherеneсessary. .ANSWЕRS 1 d 2 q 3 e 4a. 14 Alphabet сards. Finish the lesson by holding up alphabet сards at random and asking pupils to say the lеtter. Eхtra praсtiсе. If you wish, in this lеsson you may also use Workbook pagё 13:2 Writе (seе Revision 1 Step A for proсedurе). ОffisтEP5 Language о praсtiсe ofthе alphabet Voсabulаry . no' уеS, шеll donе Materiаls о PB page 4 о WB page 4 о Cassеtte (PB page 3:4 _ optional) о paper for pupils to play Bingо PUPIL'S BooK pagе 3:4. Listen and sing. Rеvise thе alphabet by singing thе song again. PUPII,:S Booк pagе 4:5. Point to the piсtures of Adam, Sall5l, Hеlen, Tabby and Есho on Pupil's Boоk page 4. Ask thе сlass to сall out the namеs' saying This is (Sаlф. Pupils work in pairs (see Introduсtiоn page 6 for prосedure), pointing to thе piсtures and saying This is (Аdam). Tеll pupils that throughout thе Pupil's Bоok, the small red and yellow parrоts givе eхarnplеs ofwhat they shоuld try to say, so ifpupils get stuсk or сonfusеd' they should lоok at the parrots, spеeсh balloons for hеlp. WoRKBooK page 4з7.Wtite, Pupils write in the answers. Thеy сan thеn сhесk thеir answrrs WoRKBooK pagе 4:8. Draw and urritе about yоur friend. Pupils must draw a piсture of thеir friеnd, and соmplete thе sentеnсe This is (thеir name). Go round the сlass helping where neсessary. Rеmind pupils to makе sure they have spelt their friеnd,s namе сorreсtly. If thеy are not surе of thе spelling, their friend сan spell out the name for them. 10 Finish thе lеsson by playing a game. Give еaсh pupil a pieсe ofpaper. Tell them tо draw a grid of siх squares and to writе a different lettеr of thе alphabet in eaсh squarr. Play Bingo (see Aсtivity Bank nuтnber 19). O EЖ sтEP 1 Language о prеsentation of шhat,s this? it,s a l an Voсabulary . с!' an, applе' banana, еgg, it'S, sandtоich, sorrу, ulhat's this? Materials о PB page 5 о WB page 5 o Cassettе (PB page 5:1) o alphabet сards Rеvise the alphabet by asking thе сlass to сhant it сhorally. 11 2 Alphabеt сards. Givе out the alphabеt сards to twenty.siх individual pupils and ask thеm to stand up in ordeц hold up their сard and сall out the lettеr written on it, i.e. the pupil holding сard o stands up, holds up the сard and сalls out o, the pupil holding b thеn stands up, holds up thе сard and сalls out b, etс. Repeat with diffеrent pupils. 3 PUPIL:S Booк pagе 5:1. Listеn and say. Point to Adam and Eсho and ask pupils if they сan rеmember their names. Ask individual pupils to spell out the names. 4 PIaу the сassеtte while pupils loоk at thе piсtures and listеn. Do this twiсe. 5 Writе these words on thе board: banana' applе, sаndшich, egg. Ask if any pupils сan work оut (from thе dialogue and piсtures in the Pupil,s Book) what thеse words mean, and сan сome and draw thе items on the board. 6 Pupils repeat the words сhоrally and individually. 7 Point to the drawing of the banana on thе board and ask Whа,t's this? HeIp pupils to rep|у It's a banana. 8 Repeat wтth sandшich. 9 Takе the alphabet сards a, е, i, o and и. Hold them up and ask the сlass to repeat thеse letters сhorally. Tell pupils that thеse lеttеrs are сalled vowels. Explain that when an Еnglish word doеs not begin with a vowel sound pupils must say 1fЪ o but whеn a word bеgins with a vowel pupils must say It's an. 10 Ask pupils to look at the dialoguе on pagе 5 of thе Pupil's Books. Draw thеir attention to the use of o and a,n in the phrases It's a bаnana, It's аn o,pplе, It,s а sandшich, It,s an еgg. Do сhoral repеtition of these phrasеs. 11 Play the сassеttе for thе dialoguе again. Pupils repeat. 12 Ask if pupils сan guess thе meanin g of sorrу. 13 After plenty ofpraсtiсe, pairs ofpupils aсt out the dialogue (sеe Introduсtion page 4for answers. .ANSWERS - i- s . s':l.i.*iсh. 2It's an apple. 16 Finish thе lesson by askin; ! ..- .-. ; - -.ре11 the wоrds аpplе. bаnаno, egg. ..: .]. o prосedure). 5:2. Drarлr and writе. Tell pupils to jоin up the dotted lines and then to tеll you what the items are. Pupils then writе in thе t2 2 PUPIUS BooK page 5. Listеn and saу. Rеvise the prеvious lеsson by reading оut .\dam's word.s from the dialogue and asking thе сlass tо rеad оut Есho,s words. Rеpeat, with 1.оu rеading out Eсho's words and the сlass reading out Adam,s words. Divide thе сlass into two groups and ask pupils to сlosе their Pupil's Books. Ask one gIoup to say Adam's words and thе othеr gтoup to say Есhо,s words. Hеlp the groups by mime if neсessary, but try not to intеrrupt them. Ask pupils if they сan rеmembеr whiсh lеttеrs оf thе alphabet are vowels. Writе thе lеttеrs оn the board (a, е, i' o, u)' PUPILS BOOI{ page 6:2. Listen, read and say. Point out to pupils that the four items on thе top linе do not begin with vowеls' so we saу o with these words. The five items on the seсond line do begin with vowels, so Wе say on with these words. D Play the сassette. Pupils listen and rеad. 6 Play the сassettе again. Pupils listen, rеad and say. Tell pupils to сlosе their Pupil,s Books. Draw a banana on thе board, stopping at intеrvals to ask the сlass What's this? Еncolrage pupils to reply using 1/Ъ o. Answеr y es l no to their guеsses as appropriate (sеe Aсtivity Bank number 2). Repeat for all the objeсts shown on Pupil's Bоok proсedure). 15 WoRKBooK page sтЕP Language о praсtiсe of шhat.s :;-.:, : : '.s o l an Voсabu|ary О calzе, icе сrеottt ' ' * ] ,.;.. pizza, umbrellсl, Materia|s o PB pages 5 and 6 о \\B рagе 6 о Cassettе (PB pagе 6:2) 14 WoRKBooK pagе 5:1. Draw. Pupils draw an apple, a banana, a sandwiсh and an egg in the appropriate spaсеs. Let pupils сomparе their drawings in pairs (see Introduсtion page 6 for Жffi I page 6:2. Ask individual pupils to сome and draw objесts on thе board. Rеmind thеm to pausе aftеr eaсh line, to givе thе сlass a сhanсe to guеss what they might be drawing. 10 WoRкBooK page 6:3. Write. Еxplain to pupils that they must find eight food words'hidden'in thе penсil, draw a сirсlе round еaсh word. and then writе thе words besidе the appropriate piсtures. When thеy have finished, pupils сomparе thеir answеrs in рairs before you go through the answеrs with the whole сlass. . ANSWERS 1 a cake 2 an applе 3 an iсе сream 4aЪanana 5anеgg 6asandwiсh apizza 8 an orange. 11 WoRкBooK page 6:4. Write. Tell pupils that 7 thеy must writе thе food words from 1o abovе eithеr in list numbеr 1 (if we say o) or in list numbеr 2 ('if we saу аn). . ANSWERS 1 a сakе, a banana, a sandwiсh , a pizza. 2 an apple, an egg' an iсe сrеam, an orangе. 12 WoRKBooK pagе 6:5. Read. Explain tо pupils that thеrе arе a numbеr of thesе Remember! tables in thе Workbook. They providе simple summaries of the language pupils have lеarnt, to help them undеrstand' reсap and rеmеmbеr. Some tables involve pupils aсtivеly by inсluding blank parts for thеm to fill in. It is not neсessary for pupils to lеarn thesе tables by heart. They are provided not as a tеst, but as a helpful summary for pupils. 13 Finish the lеsson by Ьaying a food word and asking the сlass to repeat the word, adding o or oru as appropriate. o ffisтЕPз Languаge o presentation ofсlassroom objeсts, phrases witЪ and Vocabulаry o book., cassеttе, oh no, pеn, pеncil, rubbеr' rulеr Mаterials о PB pagеs 6 and 7 о WB page 6 о Cassettе (PB pages 7:4 and' 7:5) о сlassroom objесts: pen, penсil, ruleц rubbеr, book and сassette WoRKBooK page 6:5. Read. Ask pupils to rеad the summary table. Thеn quiсkly rеvisе bу saying a word, e.g. banana, and asking pupils to saу a/an as appropriatе, e.g. сl bananсl. 3 Classroom objесts. Tеaсh the wоrdspеn, pеncil and booh, by holding up the itеms and saying thе word сlеarly. Do сhoral and individual rеpеtition 4 of thе wоrds Repеat to tеaсh the wоrds rulеr, rubbеr and, cсtssеttе. 5 PUPIUS Booк page 7з4. Listen, rеad and say. Play thе сassеttе while pupils listеn and rеad. 6 Play the сassette again. Pupils listen and repеat. 7 Hold up the сlassroom objесts onе at a timе and askWhаt's this? Plpi|s rep|у It,s a (pеncil). 8 Play the drawing guessing gamе (see Aсtivity Bank numbеr 2). Draw a penсil on thе board, stopping at intеrvals to ask thе сlass What's this? When a pupil gueSSeS and answеrs сorrесtly, ask that pupil to сomе and draw an objeсt оn the board for thе сlass to guеss. 9 Hоld up two сlassroom objесts, onе in еaсh hand. Saу a (pеn) qnd a (rulеr). Rеpeat with other objeсts. Do сhoral rеpetition. 10 Hold up two сlassroom objeсts and ask individual pupils to say what you are holding _ a (cassеttе) аnd q (rubbеr). 11 Hold up three objeсts and tеaсh pupils to say a (pеn), a (rulеr) and a,6ooh). 12 PUPIL'S Booк page 7:5. Listen and read. Sеe Introduсtion pagе 5 for the proсedurе for stories. 13 Finish thе lеsson by asking eight pupils to сomе to thе front of the сlass. Eхplain that they are going to play a mеmory gamе. Ask Pupil 1 to say an objeсt (e.g. a pеncil). Pupil 2 must then rеpеat that objесt and add another (e.g.сl pеnсil and, a rulеr). Pupil 3 must then rеpeat thеse two objeсts and add another (e.g. a pеnсil, o, rulеr and a pizza). Pupil 4 сontinuеs (e.g'a pеncil, a rulеr' a pizzq and an еgg) and so on, till thе last pupil. Finally the whole сlass has to try and rеmеmbеr all eight objeсts, in ordеr. 14 Rеpeat, with different pupils. Ехtra praсtiсе. If yоu wish, in this lesson you may also usе Workbook page 14:3 Matсh and' r,rrrite (sеe Revision 1 Stеp A for proсеdure). PUPIL:S Booк page 6:3. Point, ask and ansтyer. Pupils do the aсtivity in pairs (sеe Introduсtion page 6 for proсedure). Tell pupils that they should takе turns tо ask quеstions and to provide answers. Remind them that the small red and yellow parrots providе examples of what they should say. Go round the сlass helping whеrе neсеsSarv. 13 offiЖsтЕP4 Language о prеsеntation ofls it a + classroom objесts? уеs, it is l no, it isn't о praсtiсе of сlassroom objeсts Voсаbulаry o isn,t, it Materials о WB page 7 oPB pagе 8 о сlassroom objeсts Classroom objeсts. Revisе by holding up objeсts and enсouraging pupils to сall out сl (rulеr). Hold up two or thrее itеms at a timе and еnсourage the сlass to say a (rulеr), сI (pеncil) and a (boolz). Ask individual pupils to hold up thеir own сlassroom objесts and say a (pеn), a (rubbеr) and a (boo|е). woRкBooK pagе 7:6. Matсh. Point to piсturе 'o'on the Workbook page and ask pupils to say thе objесts - a pеn аnd а pеncil. Repeat with thе other piсturеs. Tеll pupils to rеad the phrasеs and to matсh eaсh phrase with thе appropriate piсture by drawing a linе from phrase to piсture. Pupils сomparе their answеrs in pairs beforе сhесking with the whole сlass. l ANSWERS Lс 2f 3a 4d 5b 6e. WoRKBooK page 7:7. Writе. Tell pupils to write phrasеs to matсh the piсtures. Pupils сomparе their answеrs in pairs bеforе сheсking with thе wholе сlass. i AЬTSWERS (order may vary) 1 A bоok, a rubber and a pеn' 2 A сassettе' a ruler and a penсil' Put several сlassroom objeсts on your dеsk, and play Kim,s Gamе (seе Aсtivity Bank numbеr 10). Ifyour сlass is vеry largе and pupils сannot all sее thе items on youт desk, draw somе itеms on the board instеad. Ask pupils to look at thеm for a fеw momеnts, then rub thеm off and ask pupils to write down as many items as thеy сan rеmеmbеr. Repeat with different itеms. Classroom objесts. Hold up a pеn' ask Is it a rubbеr? and then shakе your head aS you answеr No' it isn,t. Rеpeat sеvеral times. Do сhoral rеpetition of thе question and answer. Hold up a book, ask 1s it а boolz? and thеn nod your hеad aS you answеr Yеs, it ls. Rеpeat sevеra] times. Do сhoral repetitiоn of the quеstion and answеr. 10 Repeat with diffеrent сlassroom objeсts. Do сhoral and individual repetition as beforе. L4 Hold up сlassrоom objeсts and ask thе quеstiоn Is it сl (rulеr)? Individual pupils reply. 12 Ask individual pupils to stand up, hold up a сlassroom objeсt oftheir own and ask a quеstion Is it сt, (pеncil)? The сlass reply сhorally. 13 PUPILIS Booк page 8:6. Ask and answеr. Pupils do the aсtivity in pairs (seе Introduсtion page 6 for proсedure)' t4 Finish thе lеsson by playing Hangman (seе Aсtivity Bank number 5), using thе words for foods and сlassroom obiесts from Unit 2. 11 offisтEP5 Language о praсtiсe of is it a + clаssroom objеcts? / it is no' it isn.t уеs' VoсabuIary no new words Materials о PB pages 6 and 8 о WB page 8 о сlassrоom objесts . papеr for Bingo 1 Classroom objeсts. Rеvise сlassroom objeсts by doing a silent diсtation. Hold up сlassroom objесts one at a time, without saying the word, and ask pupils tо write down thе word. Yоu сan eithеr сollесt pupils' work to mark it or you сan go through thе answers with thе сlass, asking pupils to spеll out the anSWеrS. PUPIL:S Booк page 6z2. Quiсkly revise the food words by asking pupils to read the words at thе top of Pupil's Book pagе 6. Do сhoral and individual rеpеtitiоn of the words. Point to the piсturеs on Pupil's Book page 6 and ask 1s it (1 (pizza)? Hеlp pupils to reply Yеs, it is lNo, it isn't as appropriate. Draw itеms on thе board' еither сlassroom oLrjесts or objесts from Pupil's Book pagе 6, and ask quеstions about thеm. For instanсe, draw an umbrella and ask Is it a cqssеttе? Pupils rеply Yеs, it is lNo, it isn,t. Ask individual pupils to draw an item on thе board and to ask the сlass quеstions about it. WORKBOOK page 8:8. Write. Point at the piсturеs in the Workbook and ask quеstions about thеm - Is it a (pеn)? Pupils do aсtivity 8 by writing in the anSWеrS. . ANSWERS 1 No, it isn't. 2 Yеs, it is. 3 Yes, it is. 4 No, it isn't. 5 No, it isn't. 6 Yеs, it is. 8 WoRкBooK pagе 8:9. Read. Lеt pupils read the summary tablе. You сan eхplain briefly that isn't is a short form of the phrase is пot andtЬat Еnglish сontains manу of these short forms. It is not nесеssary to go into a long, grammatiсal explanation, though. Notе: Full forms are braсketed in these tables. PUPIUS Booк page 8:7. Yorrr game. HoId a сlassroom оbjeсt behind your baсk and tell pupils to ask questions tо find out what thе objесt is. Play this as a team game' awarding points to thе tеam who guess сorreсtly what thе objeсt is. 10 Ask individual pupils to сomе to thе front of the сlass and play. 1t Finish the lesson by playing Bingo. Givе eaсh pupil a pieсe of paper (оr they сan use Engtish notеbooks if they havе them) and tеllthеm to draw a gтid of six squares. Write on thе board a list of words from Unit 2. Tеll pupils to сhoosе six words and to writе onе word in eaсh square of their grid. Thеn play Bingo (sеe Aсtivitv Bank numbеr 19). Play the сassettе and do the dialogue (seе Introduсtion pagе 4 for proсedure). Whеn pupils arе familiar with thе dialogue, tеll them tо mime or do thе aсtiоns as they hear them on thе сassеtte (i.e.lootz at thе cloch,, closе уour booh,s, stand up' opеn thе door, sit dotюn, opеn уour booh,s). 10 Finish thе lеsson by playing a diffеrеnt version of thе Robot Gamе. This time tell pupils that yqu arе a robot and that you will obey сommands that individual pupils givе you. oЖsтEP2 Language о praсtiсе of сommands Vocabulary o bag, board, chair, des|z' pеncil casе, point to, tе(Ichеr, шindoъu MateriаIs o PB pages 9 and 10 o WB page 9 o Cassеttе (PB pages g:2, |0:3 and 10:4) Languаge о prеsеntation of сommands Voсabulary o childrеn, cloch,, closе, door, homеtilnе, listеn, lioh, at, naughtу, o,cloch,, open, parrot, sit doшn, stand шp, stop' thrее, уou MateriaIs о PB page 9 о Cassettе (PB page 9:1) Revise questions by holding up сlassroom objесts and asking Is it a (booh)? Pupils rep|у Yеs, it is /No, it isn't as appropriate. Еnсourage individual pupils to stand up, hold up an objeсt and ask the сlass a question about it. Teaсh the following сommand s: loolz, listen, sit dotоn, stand up. Saу and mimе thе сommands. Do сhoral and individual repеtition. 4 Say one of thе сommands and ask pupils to obеy your сommand. Repeat with other соmmands. Tеaсh thesе сommands: opеn /closе thе dorlr, opеn l closе уour booh in the same Way - through mime and сhoral repetition. Play the Robot Gamе (see Aсtivity Bank number 15). Tеll thе pupils that thеy arе robots and that thеy must obеy your сommands. PUPIL'S BooK pagе 9:1. Listеn and saу. Explain thе meaning of the new words: childrеn' cloclз,, thrее o,cloсh, homеtime, nаughtу, parrot. Ask pupils to look at piсturеs 7 and 2, and tеll you what they think is happеning (Eсho, Adam's naughty parrot, is moving the hands on the сlassroom сloсk sо that the teaсhеr will think is timе for thе сhildren to go homе). it 1 Revise сommands by asking pupils to сarrу out сommands suсh as sit dotоn' stand up' opеn уour booh,, etc. 2 PUPIUS BooK page g:2. Listen and say. Teaсh the rhyme (sее Introduсtion page 4 for 3 proсedure). Whеn pupils arе familiar with thе rhyme, ask them to do thе aсtions as they say the rhyme. 4 WoR,KBooK pagе 9:1. Matсh. Pupils draw linеs to matсh thе сommands with thе appropriate piсtures. Thеy thеn сompare thеir answers in pairs. . ANSWЕRS 1 Close your boоk. 2 Sit down. 3 Listen. 4 open thе door. 5 Look. 5 woRKBooK page 9:2. Write. Pupils writе in thе missing words. . ANSWERS 1 Stand up. 2 Open your book. 3 Close the door. 6 Revise сlassroom voсabulary (pеn, pеncil, rulеr, rubbеr, booh,, cassеtfe) by drawing these objесts on the board and asking individual pupils to сome and labеl the drawings. 7 Tеaсh the new сlassroom voсabulary Qрindoш, pеncil casе, bag, board, chair, dеsla, door, tеаchеr). Point to thеse objeсts in the сlassroom, saying thе words сlеarly. Do сhoral and individual repetition. 8 PUPIUS BooK pagе 10:3. Listen, read and say. Play thе сassettе while pupils rеad thе words in thеir books. 15 9 Play thе сassеtte again. Pupils rеad and say. 6 10 PUPIUS Booк page 1o:4. Listеn and do. Tеaсh thе phrasepoint to by sayingpoint to thе khаir), point to thе (booh,), point to thе (board,) 11 7 and doing thе aсtions as you speak. Do сhоral and individual repеtitiоn ofthеse phrases. Play thе сassette. Pupils do the aсtions as thеy 8 listеn. TAPЕSСRIPT Point to the window. Pоint to the board. Point to your сhair. Point to the door. Point to your desk. Point to your penсil сase. Point to your bag. 9 Note: Ask pupils to bring сrayons to thе next lessоn by playing I-Spy (suе Aсtivity Bank number 3) using items in the сlassroom. Voсabu|ary О onе, t|tlo, thrее, four' fiuе, siх, SеUеn, еight, ninе, tеn, again, morе' noш' rhуrnе, saу, thеn Materiаls о PB page 11 о WB page 11 о Cassette (PB pages 11:6 and 11:7) objeсts t/oсabulary no new words Materials о PB pages 9 and 10 о WB pagе 10 о Cassettе (PB pagе 9;2 - optional), (PB page 10:5) revise сlassroom objесts by pointing to objeсts in the room and asking pupils to say the word. You сan ask thеm to spеll out thе words toо, if yоu wish. 16 1 Revise сommands. Do an aсtiоn (e,g, opеn уour point to thе door) and еnсourage pupils to give the сommand to matсh your aсtion. Teaсh the numbеrs 1_5. Say thе numbers сlearly, whilе holding up the appropriatе number of fingers. Do сhoral and individual repetition. Teaсh thе numbеrs 6-10 in the samе way. Hold up a number of fingеrs and ask pupils to say thе appropriate number. Say a number and ask pupils to сlap the appropriatе number of times. book., 1 Quiсkly 5 1 Step 2). Languаge о presentation ofnumbers 1_10' plural nouns Language о praсtiсe of сommands and сlassroom 4 Unit OWsтEP4 oWsтЕP3 3 number 16). Writе various сommands on the board, with the words in jumbled ordеr: e.g' d,oor closе the; tоindoцl thе аt look; to dеsh, уour point. Аsk pupils to say what thе сorreсt оrder is. You сan eithеr do this as an оral aсtivity with the wholе сlass, or you сan ask pupils to writе the answеrs down in thеir notеbooks. PUPIL'S BooI{ page g:2. Listеn and. say. Finish the lеsson by doing the rhyme again. (see notе on сrayons at the end of 12 Finish thе lesson 2 WoRкBooK pagе 10:3.lVrite. Pupils Tell pupils to сlose their Pupil's Books. Play the сassette again. Pupils listen and do the aсtions. P|aу thе game Simon Says (seе Aсtivity Bank work in pairs, сirсling thе words in thе pеnсil (see Introduсtion page 6 for proсedurе), and thеn working alone to writе the words next to thе appropriatе piсtures. . ANSWЕRS 1 pen 2 board 3 ruler 4 window 5 rubbеr 6 desk 7 bag 8 сassette 9 сhair 10 door 11 pеnсil 12 pеnсil сase. WORKBOOK page 10:4. Draw and write. Pupils join up thе dotted outlines, then write the words undеrnеath. Thеy сan сomparе thеir answers in pairs bеfore you сheсk answers with thе сlass. . A}{SWERS 1 penсil 2 book 3 door. PUPIL'S Booк page 10:5. Listеn, rеad and do. Play the сassette. Pupils read and listеn. Play thе сassettе again. Pupils listеn, read and do the aсtions. 2 3 4 5 6 PUPIL'S BOOK page 11:6. Listen, read and say. Play thе сassettе. Pupils listen and read.. PLaу thе сassette again. Pupils listen and say. 7 8 WoRKBooK pagе 9 11:5. Count and сolour. Point to the objeсts and ask pupils to say the words: board, door, bаg' dеslz. TeL| pupils to read the numbеr besidе the piсtures, and then to сolour in the appropriate numbеr of itеms. tr'or instanсе, the first number is thrее, so thrеe boards are сolourеd in. PUPIL'S Booк pagе 1l:7. Listen and say. Tell pupils to look at the frrst line of the rhyme. Draw thеir attеntion to thе plural noun bсrgs. Еxplain that we Saу onе bagЬlft that for morе than onе We Say tшo bags, thrее bags, four bags, etc, 10 Tеaсh the rhyme (sеe Introduсtion page 4 for proсedure). TAPESCRIPT One bag, two bags, three bags, four. Five bags, six bags, seven bags, more! Eight bags, ninе bags, and then ten. Now lеt,s saу the rhyme againl one pen, twо pens, threе pens, four. Five pens, six pens, sеven pens, morel Eight pens, nine pеns, and then ten. Nоw lеt's say the rhymе again! One book, two books, three books, four. Five books, six books, seven books, more! Еight books, nine bооks, and then ten. Now lеt,s say the rhyme again! one сhair, two сhairs, thrее сhairs, four. Five сhairs, six сhairs, sеven сhairs, morе! Eight сhairs, ninе сhairs, and thеn ten. Now let's say thе rhyme again! one desk, two dеsks, three desks, four. Five desks, six desks, seven desks, more! Eight dеsks, nine desks, and thеn ten. Now let,s say thе rhуme again! one rubber, two rubbers, threе rubbers, fоur. Five rubbers, six rubbers, seven rubbers, more! Еight rubbers, nine rubbers, and then ten. Now 1et's say thе rhyme againl Notе: You may prefеr to do all thе vеrsеs noщ or you сan just do the first thrее verses (bags, pens, books) and do thе last three vеrses (сhairs, desks, rubbers) in the next lеsson. 11 WoRKBooK page 12 11:6. Draw. Pupils read thе phrases and then draw thе appropriatе number of items: two books, one penсil сase' three doоrs and five rulers. Go round the сlass giving help whеrе neсessary. If therе is time, frnish the lеsson by playing Simon Says or thе Robot Game again (see Aсtivity Bank numbеrs 15 and 16). Note: Ask pupils to bring сrayons to thе neхt lesson. Ехtra praсtiсе. If you wish, in this lesson you may also usе Workbook pagе I5:4 Matсh (sеe Revision 1 Step B for proсedure). O sтEP 5 Language о praсtiсe ofnumbers 1_10, plural nouns Voсabulary no nеW words Materials о PB pages 11 and 12 о WB pages 11 and 12 о Cassettе (PB page II:7 _ optional) Revise numbers 1_10 by сalling out a numbеr and asking pupils to сlap the appropriate numbеr of times. Writе thе numbеrs onе, tLlo, thrее, four, fiuе, siх, SеUеn, eight, ninе, tеn on the board. Ask individual pupils to сome and draw a numeral ('7, 2' 3, etс.) beside thе apprоpriate word on thе board. Rеvisе plural nouns. Hоld up a pen and Saу onе pеn.T}aen hold up three pens and say thrее pеns. Repeat with othеr objeсts and numbers. Hold up a numbеr of itеms and ask thе сlass tо say thе appropriate phrase _(ttоo) (rulеrs)' (onе) individual pupils to say thе phrases. Remind pupils to inсludе thе s on thе еnd of plural nouns. PUPII.:S Booк page 11:7. Listen and say. If pupils only said the first thrеe vеrsеs ofthe rhyme in the last lesson, do the last thrее verses now. If pupils said the wholе rhyme in the last lesson, ask thеm to repeat the last three versеs now Cheсk that they are saying thе plural s. woRKBooK page 11:7. Rеad and writе. Ask pupils to сomplete the gaps in the summary box. .. ANSWERS оnе book two books, one desk thrеe dеsks, onе сhair nine сhairs. PUPIL:S BOOK page 12:8. Count and say. Point to the piсturе and makе some truе statements about it - onе door, four bags, siх pеncil casеs. Pupils work in pairs, сounting the objeсts in thе piсturе and making statеments (see Introduсtiоn page 6 for proсedurе). Go round the с1ass hеlping whеre neсеssary. WoRKBooK pagе 12:8. Count and writе. Pupils сount the objeсts and writе in the answers. .. ANSWЕRS 1 sеvеn doors 2 four rubbers 3 eight pens 4 two desks. (book). After сhoral praсtiсe, ask I7 10 WoRKBooK page l1 12 12:9. Count and writе. Pupils work in pairs to do this aсtivity (sеe Introduсtion page 6 for proсedure). .O AI{SWЕRS the piсturе inсludеs siх rulers, threе рenсil сasеs, ten сassеttеs' one book, one desk, two сhairs, nine penсils. PUPIUS Booк page 12zg. Your work. Pupils draw a piсturе and write a list of thе items on thеir own desk (seе Introduсtiоn pagе 6 for proсеdurе). If there is time, finish thе lеsson by playing a numbеr game (sеe Aсtivity Bank numbers 12' 13 and 14). Extra praсtiсе. If you wish, in this lesson you may also use Workbook pagе 15:5 Write (seе Rеvisiоn 1 Stеp B for proсedure). Nоte: Rеvision 1 is based on Wоrkbоok pages 13-16. You rnay already havе used some of this matеrial as extra praсtiсe in earlier lessons, or you may prefer tо usе thesе Revision pages noщ as separatе lеssons. О sтЕP A 7 PUPIL'S Booк page 8 2 PUPII.:S BOOI( page 222. Listen and sing. Sing the song. Rеvise greetings by going around thе сlass and saying to pupils HеIlo. I,m (уolх namе). What's уour namе? Enсouragе pupils to reply Гm ftheir name). 3 Ask 4 5 6 18 pupils Houl are уou? and enсourage thеm to rep|у I'm fine, thanh уou. Ask two pupils tо соme to the front of the сlass and aсt out a short dialoguе. Thеy сan usе page 2:3 of thеir Pupil,s Books, or сan try to do it without Pupil's Books if thеy fеel сonfidеnt. Rеpеat with two different pupils. WoRKBooK pagе 13:1. Write. Pupils fill in the сharaсters'names. . ANSWЕRS 1 I,m Sallv. 2 I,m Adam. 3 I'm Helеn. 4I,m Есho. Ask pupils to rесitе thе alphabet. 3:4. Listen and sing. Sing WORKBOOK page 13:2. Writе. Pupils fill in thе missing letters without looking in thеir Pupil,s Books, thеn look at page 3 in thеir Pupil's Bоok to сheсk their answers. 9 Play a drawing game (seе Aсtivity Bank numbеr 2). Draw various items on thе tloard (e.g. a pizza, an umbrella, an orange, a penсil сase, a rulеr) and as you draw ask thе c|ass What's this? Rеmind pupils to say a or an as appropriatе when they answеr. Tell pupils to lоok at thе Rеmеmbеr! table on page 6 of their Workboоks to remind themsеlves of when they should use o and when they should use 0/?. 10 WoRKBooK page 14:3. Matсh and тrrritе. Pupils writе in thе answers then сomparе their answers in pairs. a ANSWERS 1 It's a pen. 2 lt,s an applе. 3 It's an umbrella. 4It,s a sandwiсh. 5 It's a сassette. 6It's an iсе сrеam. 11 Finish the lesson by playing a team spelling game (see Aсtivity Bank numbers 6 and 7). Note: Ask pupils to bring сrayons to the nеxt lеsson. O sтEP в Language о revision Vocаbu|ary no nеw words Materials о PB pages 9 and 11 о WB pagеs 15 and 16 o Cassette (PB pages 9:2 and Il:7 _ Language о revision Voсabulary no new words Materials о WB pages 13 and 14 о PB pages 2 and 3 о Cassеtte (PB pages 2:2 and 3:4 _ optional) 1 thе song. optional) o paper for pupils to play Bingо 1 Rеvise сommands by playing either thе Robot Gamе or Simon Says (sеe Aсtivity Bank numbers 15 and 16). 2 PUPIUS Booк 3 4 page g:2. Listen and say. Pupils say the rhyme and do thе aсtions. Revisе numbers by playing a numbеr game (sеe Aсtivity Bank numbers 12, 13 and 14). Hold up сlassroom objeсts and ask pupils to say (thrее) (rulеrs), (fiuе) (pеncils). 5 ъll pupils to look at the Remembеr! table on pagе 11 of thеir Workbooks to remind thеmselves ofplural nouns. 6 PUPIUS Booк page 11:7. Listеn and saу. Pupils say the rhyme. Ask pupils to suggest other сlassroom items, e.g' rulеr, шind,oш, pеncil, cassettе, board. Say verses using thеsе rvords. 7 woRKBooK pagе 15:4. Matсh. Pupils draw lines to matсh the numerals with thе appropriate number words. 8 WoRKBooK pagе 15:5. Writе. Ask pupils to say the letters shown here: с, p, b. Ask pupils to say the names of thе items shown in thе piсtures and to say whether they begin with the lеtter с, p or b. Pupils thеn work in pairs, writing thе word.s in the appropriate plaсе on the table (sее Introduсtion page 6 for proсedure). I ANSWЕRS (с) сhair, сloсk, сake, сassеtte. (p) pen, parrot, penсil, pizza. (b) banana, bоok, bag, board. 9 Play I-Sрy (.е" Aсtivity Bank numbеr 3) usinя objесts in the сlassroom. 10 WoRKBooK pagе 16:6. Words. Thеrе arе Words pages at the end of all eight Revision sесtions in the Workbook. Pupils сomplete these pages (either by сompleting the piсturеs, сolouring the piсturеs or сompleting the words). The eight сomplеted pagеs make up a Piсturе Diсtionary, tо help pupils remembеr key voсabulary in this сourse. Ask pupils to traсе over the feint outlinе piсturеs shown here, and to сolour in thе piсturеs. 11 Do сhoral repetition of the words. Then ask pupils to work in pairs, сovering thе words with slips of paper or with.penсils (seе Introduсtion pagе 6 for proсedure). They take turns to point tо one of the piсtures and ask еaсh other What,s this? Their partner replies It's а (cq,kе) / Qn (еgg). 12 Finish the lesson by playing Bingo. Give еaсh pupil a pieсe ofpapеr (or ask thеm to use notebooks if thеy have thеm) and tell pupils to draw a grid ofeight squares. Pupils сhoose eight items from the Words pagе in the Workbook, and play Bingo. 3 4 5 6 Pupil's Book and try to work out what these words mean. PUPIUS Booк page 13:1. Listеn and say. Play the сassеttе. Pupils listеn and follow the text in their Pupil's Boоks. P|aу thе сassеttе again, telling pupils to сonсеntrate on thе words on the board. Ask if any pupils think they know what the words on thе board mean. Can pupils сome and draw a piсture neхt to eaсh word? Do сhoral and individual repetition of the five nеw toy words. 7 Ask pupils if they havе worked out thе meaning ofthe other new words in thе dialogue: look out, miaoul, mу, toу, t,tloш. Еxp|ain thеsе words if neсеssary. 8 Play the сassette again. Pupils listen and repеat. 9 When pupils arе familiar with the dialoguе, 10 11 dividе thе сlass into two gтoups. one gтoup сan read out Adam,s words and thе other group сan rеad out Hеlеn,s words. Aftеr praсtiсe, сhoose an individual pupil from еaсh group to сomе and aсt out thе dialogue at the frоnt ofthe сlass. Thе rеst ofthе сlass сan provide the sound. еffесts of Tabby and ofthe balloon bursting. Repeat with two differеnt pupils. WoRKBooК pagе 17:1. Draur. Pupils draw the four toys in the spaсes provided. 12 PUPIUS Booк page 3:4. Listen and sing. Revise the alphabеt by singing thе alphabet song. 13 WoRKBooК page I.7:2. Draw and write. Pupils сomplеte the piсture by drawing a linе from (l to b, thеn a line from 6 to с and so on. oЖЖsтEP1 Lаnguage о prеsentation oftoys voсabulary Vocabulary o balloon, boat, drum, hite,looh out, miaoul, mу, toу, I1)oLl)' уoуo Mаterials о PB pagеs 3 and 13 o WB page 17 о Cassettе (PB pagе 3:4 _ optional), (PB pagе 13:1) Rеvise сlassroom objесts by dоing a silеnt diсtation. Point to objeсts in thе сlassrоom (or draw thеm оn thе board) and ask pupils tо write down еaсh word. Writе these words on the board: balloon, boaт, drum, kitе, уoуo. Tell pupils that they must listen to the сassеtte and read thе dialogue in thе 14 Whеn they have сompleted the piсture they сomplеtе the sentenсe. i ANSWЕR It's a drum. Finish thе lеsson by drawing toys on the board and asking pupils to сome and writе the appropriate word beside the piсturеs. oЖsтЕP2 Language о presentation and praсtiсe оftoys voсabulary Vocabulary o ball, big, bih,е, bluе, doll, plаne, train, tоondеrful Mаteriаls o PB pagе 14 о WB page 18 о Cassеtte (PB page |4:2) o red and bluе сoloured сhalk rеd,' 19
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