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Tài liệu English for logistics


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Gontents lntroduction to loglistics 72 *O"t* servicesLogisticsacronyms Productranges 3PLproviders Value-added services I 20 28 53 I I I I I I Settingthescene fobsin togistics Regularactivities Sellingservices Explaining onlineservices Inventory managcmentand procurement Inventory management Continuous replenishment Jobadvertisements Thepassive Givingandaskingfor opinions Making suggestions Agreeing Modesaf transprt Transport andhandtingequipment Containertypes Typesofgoods Adjectives Makingcomparisons Describing features PlanninE!and a]langing transport Transport options Measurements Quotations Makingenquiries andrequests Advisingandofferingalternatives Numbers, dimensions, andweight Shippingl€loods Markings Loading Adviceof shipment Shippinginstructions Explaining howto do something Prepositions problems Tatking aboutshipping Warehousing and stofage Handlingequipment Warehouseareas lYareftousingtoday Thepassive with modals Tatking aboutimprovements Describing a process Documentation andfinance DocumenG in fureigntnde lmportinstructions Paymentmethods Apotogizing by anduntil payments Handling Deating withmistakes *g 69 7t 73 82 88 97 92 94 jobs Describing Talking aboutregular activities lestyourseff! Partner Files Answe*key Transcripts Ueefulphrasesandvocahlary Glossary of acronyms and abireviations l-Zword list Weigms aBd meaaures qDnversion chart About the book Englishfor Logisticshasbeendeveloped for peoplewhoworkin the specifically logistics industry andwhoneedEnglish with to communicate in a varietyof situations partners. youwiththetargetvocabulary colleagues, clients, andbusiness lt supplies andcommonly usedexpressions thatareessentiaI to communication whetheryouwork for a shipping agent,a customs broker,or a freightforwarder. Englishfor loglstirs coversa rangeof subjectsassociated with the logisticsindustry. positions Learners in management-leveI wiltfindtheirneedscatered for,justas much and asthosein warehousing or administration. Unitsfromthe bookworkindependently participants. Engllsh canbeselected accordingto the needsandinterests of the course forLogistic is alsoidealforself-study. Eachunitbeginswitha Startar,whichconsists of a shortexercise ora quizand servesasan introduction to thetopicofthe unit.Practical exercises, listening extracts, industry-specific textsaswellas photosandil[ustrations helpyouto acquirekey giveyoutheopportunity Realistic role-plays vocabulary andexpressions. to put atlyou intopractice. havelearned Eachunitcloseswithan Outputactivity, an articlerelated questions Finatly to thetopicof the unitfotlowedby for reflection anddiscussion. the bookfinishes up witha funquizto Testyourself!on someof thefactsandfigures discussed overthe previous eightunits. TheiluttiR0ll containsallthe Listenirgextractsfromthe book.Thesecanbe ptayed throughtheaudioplayeronyourcomputer, CDplayer.In order or througha conventional give yourself to extralisteningpractice, listento it in yourcar.TheInteractiveexercises let you reviewyourlearningby doingUsefulphrases,VocabularyandCommunlcatlon exercises on yourcomputer. Thiswill be particularly if you areusingthe book valuable for self-study. ln the appendixof fnglis} for Logistitsyouwill find the Partnerfiles for the rote-plays andtheAns*erkay so thatyou cancheckyourownanswers if you areworkingalone. Thereare also Tran*ripts of the listeningextracts,an A-Z word list, and a list of Usefulphrasesandvotabulary. Finatly, we haveinctudeda Glossaryofacronymsand abbreviationsand a Welghtsand measuresconversionchart; these can be used as handyreferences at work. ls lntroduction to logistics Makea list of al[ the different areasof logistlcsyou canthink of by completingthe diagram helow. I Fivepeoplegivetheir definition ol logistics.Conrpletetlre sentencesusing the wordsf rom the box. provide. storage. supportr distribution. deliveryo maintenance z 3 4 5 Logisticsmeansthat you manage the procurement and movement of goodsandthe of inventorv. lt meansthe of the goodsthe customer needsat the righttime,in the rightplace,and of the rightquatity. is this:it's to plan,organize, My definition of logistics and manageoperations that services andgoods. - that'sthe purchasing, Logistics maintenance, and reotacement of material andstaff. is the ptanning Logistics and of operations suchas warehousing, procurement, inventory, transport, s uppty,and AUDIO ,',it't 4:.1 Listento the racardinga*d checkyour' answ er5. Introduction to logistics 6 | UNIT1 : 2 Gompletethe foltowing table using the words from ejxerciseI Noun storage distribution l6 , itomaintain transoortation ''-'.:' purchasing 8i 3 with the correctformof the wordsfromthe table. ilow completethe sentences 7 2 ? 4 6 4 ln my iob I oversee the of vehiclesand machinery. parcelsand packages Dotheyalso on Sundays? boughtin the Goodsarenormally department. We a z4-hourdeliveryservice. goodsby road. Thiscompany only We all ourgoodsin the warehouse. iiatch the definitions(a-f) with thewords(r-6) betow. r carrier z freightforwarder 3 supplier 4 haulagecontractor/haulier 5 6 courier consignee n n n n T l UNIT1 b c d e f Introduction to logistics| 7 goodsby road whichcarries company personor firm namedin a freightcontractto whomgoodshavebeenshippedor turnedoverfor care companythat specializes in the speedyand securedeliveryof sma[[goodsand packages companythat transportsor conveysgoods partsor services company whichsupplies to anothercompany; alsocalledvendor personor business that arranges documentation andtravelfacilitiesfor companies dispatching goodsto customers AUDIO a 3 5 Listento threepeopledescribing theiriobsin togistics:a warehouse manager, a freight forwarder,anda shippingoperationsmanager.lllatcheachiob to the correctperson. 5 l{ow tisten again and completethe sentences. Personr 1 My job is to the transport of goodseitherby sea,air,road,or rail. partof thejob is z An important requests withcustomer aboutthe most suitablemodeof transport. goodshippingrateswithshippinglines alsoinclude 3 My responsibilities andtransport companies. customs clearance on behatfof my clients. 4l Personz 5 InmyjobI haveto thatthe cargois not damaged onboardthe shipor whileloadingor unloading. customers 6l on shippingratesand preparequotationsfor our salesoffice. Person3 with departments suchas transportand 7 Anotherpartof my job is to production. 8 Apartfromthat, I thatvehicles, machines, andanyotherkindof equipment aremaintained to a highlevet. Introductionto togistics 8 | UNIT1 : 7 I Thentisten ilatch theverbs(r-a) with the activities(a-h) to makephrasesfromthe recordings. againto checkif necessary. T r book z consolidate 3 deal 4 keep 5 6 make 7 8 check take care a b c d e f g h underonebil[of lading a numberof shipments bookingreservations are maintained that healthand safetystandards moderncomputersystems spaceon a ship,train,lorry,or plane whereto put them in the warehouse an eyeon the budget with all the necessary documentation use tr T T I n T TI Work with a partner to descrtbetwo different jobs. The phrases in the bor wilt help you. Li Questions Whatdo you do? What'syour line of work? Whatdoesyour iob involve? Descrlbingjobs I work for a major shipping compqny. I work in the regionol depot. Describingresponsibilities I'm responsiblefor ... ln my job I have to ... My job involves... Remember... You workfor or of a company. You work in an area or a department. Youare responsiblefor or in chargeof something. Herearesomeusefulverbsfor describing keyjob responsibilities: to advise to prepare to train to manoge to estimate to monitor to carryout to oversee to provide or supply to ensure to review to liaise with to orgonize PartnerA til€ or, p. 7r PartnerB Fileo9, p.7z UNIT1 9 Introduction to logistics| 9 verbswithwordsfromthe boxthat havethesamemeanlng. Replace the underlined '' .: :. .,,,..:,':.,,:,'r:1,].],,,.,,...,.. :: :. l .. . .:i,,,,'.,r,,:::,::,1ili:]::ll.:,,1:l,l provide. train . organize. ensure. informabout . check r z 3 4 5 6 Wesupplvsoftwarefor the carindustry. I oftenadviseclientson the mostsuitabletransportmethod. arriveon schedule. In my job I haveto makesurethat passengers goods. incoming My job is to supervise of goods. | alsoplanthetransport | instructstaff. 1O Comptetethe form with your own job detaits.Usecompletesentencesand expressionsfrom this unit. Jobprofile: Company: I worK for Jobtitte: Mainresponsibilities: 3-5 keyactivities: ACT IVIT IES T A I K I l { G A B OUTREGUL AR whatwe normalty do, WhentatkingaboutgeneraIfactsand describing we usethe presentsimple.lt is oftenusedwith wordsthat sayhow oftensomethinghappens,e.g.usually,often,always,sometimes,every, statements: and negative etc.We usethe verbdo to makequestions I workfor on internationallogisticscompany. He usuollyspendsa lot of time with his customers. Do you ship goods to Asia? He doesn'twork in the Europeanoffice. 10 J\l- 1 Intro du ctioto n Lo eis t ic s 11 put thewordsin theright order.Usethecorrectformof theverb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 an exceltent service / provide/ delivery / my company. you/ how much/ handleI cargo/ peryear? to othercountries products. / not ship/ we / chemical responsible for/ be/ the warehouse manager andmachinery. I alsolvehicles parts to foreigncompanies car this vendor suppty ? / / / usually / arrange / for companies / a freightforwarder / documentation. 1 2 Workwith a partner.Followthe stepsbelowto practisethis diatogue. A AskB whathe/shedoes. B Respond. TetlA whereyouwork. give yousomedetailsaboutthe job. A AskB to job. B TettA aboutyourmainjob activities. ThenaskA abouthis/her job your A Respond. Describe activities. 1J Completethe crcsswordpuzzlewith wordsfrom this unit. Across 4 Anotherword for freight. 5 Whatyou storein the warehouse. 6 Workcloselytogether withsomebody. Down r Anotherword for organize. z To giveinformation aboutthe price. 3 Anotherword for supervise. 5 Sendgoods. tr T T T UNIT1 Introduction to logistics| 11 Readthis article and answerthe questions. CHINA'S BOOMINGEXPORTBUSINESS China'seconomyis developing at a rapidpacewith double-digit growthratesin exportbusiness and an expectedincreaseof40 per cent by 2O7O.Withan estimated tradevolumeof nearly2 trillionUS dollarsin 20O6,Chinahandles morecargothan anyothercountry in the world.Giventhesegrowth rates,it is not surprisingthat the Chineselogisticssectorincreased by morethan 12 percent lastyear. In orderto supportthe booming industry,the government is currentlyinvestingmassivelyin the country'sinfrastructure. Over the nextfew years,the Chinese government wantsto improveand extendthe existingroadand railway networksas wellas maritime harboursand airoorts. Fortransportlogistics,Shanghaiis one of the mostattractivelocationsin China.lt is the secondlargestcityin the countryand hasgoodlinksto the most important industrialregions.AndShanghaiis also a modernandwelcominghostfor visitors andbusinesspeoplefromChinaandaroundthe world. 1 Doyou knowanyothercountries withconsiderable exportgrowthrates? play Howdoeslogistics an important rotein a country's economy? industryin yourcountry? Whatdo you knowaboutthe logistics L2l Logistics services Logisticsuseslots of acronyms.Howmanydo you know?Testyourself by writing theseonesout. r FCL z 3PL 3 HGV 4DC 5 LCL 6 EDI 7 VAS 8 RFID 9 lS0 ro GPS ilatch the words(r-8) with theirdefinitions (a-h) betow. 1 transshipment z break-bulk 3 cross-docking 4 orderpicking 5 6 reversetogistics 7 8 a b c d e f g h tracking andtracing warehousing collection n T T u T I l n directflow of goodsfromreceiptat warehouse to shipping,bypassing storage goodsor of reusable collecting and handling of usedor damaged transitequipment loadinggoodsfromonemeansof carriage ontoanother setecting andassembling itemsfromstockfor shipments packinggoodsin small,separable units pickingup goodsat a namedplace receiving andstoringgoods locating itemsin transit UNIT2 2 Logistics services| 13 r anduseyourdictionary(if necessary) thetabte. Lookat thesewordsfromexercise to complete Verb 7 receive equipment 2 3 Noun carry 4 assembly 5 location AUDIO tr\ t:r 3 presenting theirservices. Complete thetabte. Listento threelogisticsproviders specializesin transportmodeused Providerr (GFTGtobalCarrier) Provider z (HomeTexInternational) Provider3 (CargoExpress) 4 Listento the recordingagalnand completethe sentences. . fleetof vehicles. air carriersr transportcompanies providerr 5[ippin$,lines; o documentation with a freightvolumeof 6oo,ooo Weareoneof the wortd'sleading peryear. containers zWecanofferourcuStomerscompetitiverateSwithattmajor-. we canensurefast,safedeliveryof yourconsignments. 3 Witha modern r 8 5 4 :. 0ur services includeorderpicking,packing, distribution, and handling of alltransport 5 6 CargoExpress is Asia'sleading Wework ctoselvwith of air freightservices. aroundthe worldfor the fastestdelivervavailabte. Complete thesentences with wordsfromthe box. 5 happy o provide. range . specialize. major . ensureo customized r Asa 3 As a specialist in hometextites, we canofferourclients services to meet theirneeds. Ourteamwi[[be your order. to assistyou in all mattersregarding youwithtailor-made Wecan your solutions for airtransport requirements. We ctoselyco-operate with air carriersaroundthe worldand canofferour customers a wide of flexibleand cost-effective services. non-vessel operating commoncarrier, we canofferour customers competitive rateswith all maiorshippinglines. zWe in solutions for full container toads(FCL) and lessthancontainer consolidated loads(LCL). 4 5 6 l{ow listen and check your answets. youRcompAly'sloosrrg: sERvtc_Es sELuNG ro rHEcusromER _ Whendescribing a company's services or portfolio,we oftenusethe fottowingexpressions: Wecan offer you a wide range of ... Wecan provide (you with) customized/tailor-made logisticssolutionsfor ... Wespecializein ... As a specialistfor/in ... we can ... With our many years of experience... Wehave experienceand expertisein providing ... you ... Ourteam will be happyto handle/assist With our dedicatedteom of logisticsexpertswe can ... O I i Complete the list withyourowncompany's services. Thenpresentit to yourpartnerusing phrasesfrom this unit. 1 z 3 4 7 rangeof products or services in specialist experience extraservicesfor customers Presentthecompany's seryiceg to yourpartner.llse phrasesfromthis unit. Parln€r A Partner B F;te 02, p.7x Fite to, p.72 UNiT2 I Logistics servicesl r s Readthe foilowing text from a logistics companymagazineabout newtrends in third-party logistics.Thenlabel the paragraphswith the correctheadingsfrom the list. . Changing Today'sroleof major,providers logisticsrequirements for manufacturers r 3PLin the past . Newchattenges in logistics for 3PL . Change conceprs Recent trendsin 3P[ Untila fewyearsago,companies used to outsourceonlypartsof theirlogistics operations to providers specializing in services suchas distribution or warehousing. A singlecompany sometimes hadseveraIthird-party[ogisticsproviders (rPLs). Theglobatization of tradeandincreasing however,hasled to demandfor services, a drasticshiftin logisticsconceptsand management withan impacton both producers and logisticsproviders. As far as manufacturers areconcerned. logistics management hasbecome a lot morecomplex.By now,manyof themhave learnedthat outsourcing singlesegments to differentprovidershasnot reallymade theirlogisticsoperationsmoreefficient. Thatis why theyare lookingfor providers who canprovidea higherlevelof service andmorecomprehensive supplychain solutions. For3PLsall overthe world,requirements keepgettingmoredemanding with askingfor a widerrangeof customers logisticssolutions.Apartfromthat, logisticsproviderstodayarefacingan increasingty toughand highlycompetitive market.In recentyears,growingpressure in profit on priceshasled to a decrease for margins. In orderto compensate providers many this, third-party logistics now offervalue-added for their services Due fierce in the customers. to competition 3PLmarket,however,expertspredictthat playerswitt be onlythe big international ableto work profitablyin the future. Thebig gtobatplayers, alsocaltedsuperprovide can their customers with 3PLs, comprehensive supplychainor end-to-end solutions. Theseservices usuallyinclude forwarding, transportation, consolidation, warehousing, customs brokerage, and distribution, as wellas a rangeof valueaddedservices. 16 | UNIT2 9 Logisticsservices l{owsaywhich of thesestatementsare true E or fabeE. r In the past,companies usedto outsource onlysegments of theirlogistics operations. z Manufacturers foundout that outsourcing to 3PLprovidersis not efficient. 3 In the pastfewyearsmany3PLprovidershaveincreased theirprofitmargins. 4 morecomplex Customers todayaredemanding logistics solutions. 5 providecomprehensive problems. Super-3PLs solutions to logistics n n n n n 1O matctrthewords(r-6) fromthetextwith thecorrectdetinition(a-f). 11 n r outsourcing z comprehensive 3 consolidation 4 requirements 5 6 demand a b c d e f including a widerangeof services detailsof whatis expected and needed providers contracting functions out to third-party goodsor services the needfor particular companies tryingto se[[thesameor similarproducts to customers the grouping of smallshipments intoonecontainer competition T I n n n Lookatthethreewebsiteadvertisementsforvalue-addedservices.Thencomptetethetable. en 6 a .&f MaxwellExpressLogistics Warehousing isjustoneof theintegrated logistics we provide. Herearesome services value-added we canoffer: services Pickand pack Literature fulfilment Returnsprocessing Creditprocessing ...and muchmore! *9-"9-9*** @' & t SichuanInternationalLogistics Ourlogisticsteamat SichuanInternational Logistics hasthe experience and expertise to provideour customers with value-added services that complement theirbasicwarehouse ooerations. Ourservices include: Kitting Packaging services packing Import/export cargocustomsclearance Export and crating UNIT2 *qe9*__"-. *-.-__ - Xem thêm -