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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Kiến thức tổng hợp business_vocabulary_builder_int_ _upper int...

Tài liệu business_vocabulary_builder_int_ _upper int


Mô tả:

Business Vocabulary Builder Road, Selween Town5 Onod OX43PP A divsonol Ma.millan Plb sheELmned Compan esandrcprcsentalivesihroughoullh€wo.ld Texl@PaulEnneron2009 D e s i q n a nudsl t r a l o n @ M a .amn P u b i 5 h e 6 t i m t e d 2 0 0 9 a r ghc reseNed,no partofth s pub .ar on maybe€podu.en, rtoredin a etiaa st5t€m,lrans tt€d in any or oth€Bise, wlhoL(rhepriorwiften lorm,or byanyheans,eletronc, m4hanca, photo.opynq,.{oding, pemissonoI rhepubishe6 Desgned byCaroynGibson I unraGdbyPeter Harper andill anMoseda e CoverdesqnbyKaleSleph€ns Aurrrol\a.know€dqem€nt5 th€bek, Kaenspillsforhs uaal Theaulhorwouldlke to thankAnna cowperior ommi55ionlnq whrl€ior herlhooughpr@fEding andsQeng oulstand n9conlibulononconlenr editing, andKarcn everylh nqthouqhto pub .aron Thanlsa@'nio Ma.naWaher16 ran(ibrng1heoigi^alinleryieson ationaHouse,london whi.hthelnenngscfptsarebat€d On.eaqainlhercwee manynudenbal Inlern whogaveupther tme lo be nteMeed lor lhe ne^ n9malerul,and would'kelo rhankAdnaSlvul, tiankKaiarh.aelMmery Li,fran.gc. Merella, ce nePerez, c audo 5ela,Em'lhano L'ma,tabr?ioFanne lu ancowanrnd Ma$imoLu(chin' lo eprcdu.elher photoqrapht: Theauthorandpubshe6wouldketo iha^k$e follownqlor pemieson A(dela .o.]4eocullump57,can@nbank.@ntMaie Can@nbank convchaesBa6oltip23, Canoonbank pl5, Canoonba^k p35,Can@^bank lvla(hetop7,Cad.onbank con4a.bara Smaler convrameSl4enson Whiktevery elto.thasbeenmadero localerheowne6ol copyqhrmaleial'nthBb@k,$eremayhave beenbme cases when$e pubishe6 ha@beenuabe ro (onl.clrhe@ne6 we fiould beEslelultoh$r l@manyone who Eogn se5copynqhtmars al andwho is unacknowedqedwe shal beplearedto makeIhe n{es;iy amendmenls in iuiureedlonsol lhe book Prinkdandboundn HonqKong 2013 2012 2411 2A1A2049 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Business Paur Emmerso" VOGabU Ia ry Builder to Upper-intermedi Intermediate Thewords& phrases vouneedto succeed A MACMILLAN Contents B U S t N E S St O P t C S Financial markets The businesswo.ld 31 Financial markets 66 32 Investing in stocks 68 33 Re.ruitment 7A 34 Pay and b€nefits 72 35 lisues in the workplacc 74 1 The econo y 6 2 Th€ businesscycle 8 3 lnternational tlade 10 4 Setting up and g.owing a businest 12 5 Company tt|pes and corporate gov€rnance 14 6 Global issuesfor the 21st - Xem thêm -