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Trang chủ Ngoại ngữ Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh nâng cao (test 5)...

Tài liệu Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh nâng cao (test 5)


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Advanced level – Test 5 1. Because …………….. food is as 6. I used to earn …………….. money, but nutritious for a baby as its mother’s milk, then I lost my job. many women are returning to the practice of breast feeding. A. a lot of B. many A. not C. lot B. no D. few C. none D. some 7. The practical and legal implications of euthanasia, the practice of causing the 2. Civil engineers had better ………… to death of a person suffering from an use steel supports in concrete structures built incurable disease, are so controversial ….. on unstable geophysical sites. it is illegal in most countries. A. planning B. to plan C. plan D. plans A. as B. when C. since D. that 3. Three dangerous criminals escaped …....... 8. Since lightning was probably prison yesterday. significant in the formation of life, understanding it might help us …………. A. from life itself. B. for C. out A. understanding D. for B. understand C. understood 4. The exam results could …………….. D. to understanding your career. 9. Starfishes and sea urchins, members of A. determinant the echinoderms or spiny skinned animals, B. determination are particularly ………………. because of C. determine their unusual structures. D. determined A. to interest 5. If the oxygen supply in the B. interest atmosphere ………….. replenished by C. interested plants, it would soon be exhausted. D. interesting A. were not B. was not C. had not been D. has not been 10. ………. poetry is more enjoyable when it is read aloud. A. Almost B. Most C. Many D. Few 1 11. It is essential that cancer …………. diagnosed and treated as early as possible in order to assure a successful cure. A. is B. been C. was D. be 12. Products in this shop were ………….. arranged, displayed, presented on the shelves. A. attract B. attractive C. attraction D. attractively 16. The consistency of protoplasm and that of glue ……………. A. they are alike B. are similar to C. are similar D. the same 17. The lights and appliances in most homes use alternating current …………… A. instead direct current B. instead of direct current C. that instead direct current D. for direct current instead 13. The battle field was a ……….. sight. 18. When Franklin Roosevelt decided to run for a fourth term, the opposition said that he was ……………. A. fear B. fearsome C. fearlessly D. fearless A. so old B. too old C. oldest D. very older 14. A vine climbs from one tree to another, continuing to grow and support itself even when the original supporting tree is ……………. longer alive. 19. The decomposition of microscopic animals at the bottom of the sea results in an accumulation of ……. in porous rocks. A. no B. not C. any more D. none 15. Parents have great …………….. for their children’s future. A. expectant B. expectancies C. expects D. expectations A. the oil B. oil C. an oil D. oils 20. They discussed the matter calmly and …………….. A. reason B. reasoned C. reasonable D. reasonably 2 21. I saw a sample ……………… her work and it was quite impressed. A. of B. in C. on D. about 22. The U.S. postal service policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification ………… A. must present B. presented C. be presented D. for presentation 23. Nerve impulses …………. to the brain at a speed of about one hundred yards per second. A. sending sensations B. to send sensations C. send sensations D. be send sensations 26. I believe …………….. things openly. A. of discussing B. for discussing C. in discussing D. on discussing 27. Research in the work place reveals that people work for many reasons ……. A. money beside B. money besides C. beside money D. besides money 28. Seals can ………. because they have a thick layer of blubber under their fur. A. keep them warm B. keep themselves warm C. they keep warm D. keep their warm 29. Both liquids and gases flow freely from a container because they have …….. 24. Although exact statistics vary because of political changes, ……………. separate nation states are included in the official lists at any one time. A. not definite shape B. none definite shape C. nothing definite shape D. no definite shape A. more than two hundred B. as much as two hundred C. many as two hundred D. most that two hundred 30. One of Shaw’s ………., “Pygmalion”, was the story that formed the basis for the musical play “my fair lady”. 25. ……………. owe much of their success as a group to their unusual powers of migration. A. greatest work B. greatest works C. the greatest work D. the greatest works A. That birds B. A bird C. The bird D. Birds 3
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