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Tài liệu Bai tap 1


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V 1. If lai cflu: 5. Atlend/ coursellastyear/I/ pass/ exams/ good e got lost bocause we marks did have a map At the end of the course last year, I passed the exam with good marks. had had a map, we would not have got lost 4.r is ages sinco Alan visited A is parents. 6. U very I pleased/ meetl you/ conference/ New york I was very pleased to meet you at the conferencein has not visited his parents for ages Taylor does not like livi in such a small 5. New York 7.Youl Knod who/ interested/ buy/ second-hand Taylor wishes she did not I ve in a such smal car? ho uel started keeping a 7. for fi do not smoke in the ki d rather you did not flight to Moscow lasted three and a haft hours to llan regretted asking Arth has kept a diary S 8. I 9. It 10. Do you know who (is xem lai c6 hay ko?)interested in buying this second-hand car? five years ago. years. 8. busy/ today in the kitchen It is difficult for me to get in touch with the manager and a haft hours wished he has not asked 9. My parents' employer/ expect/ me/ stay to lend him 20 month. r to lend him 20 dol was such bad news that H len burst into tears. The was so bad that Hele burst into tears. 11. 12. was such a slaw speaker bored his students got He so slowly that his got very bored. 13. is too young to see the horror Hei not old enough to see the 5. I takel him/ long time/ readl E film. r film perlin sh It him a long time to read / look forward/ meet/ rel The look forward to meetins relatives 1.N friends can not get in to with her by e-mail for t days. t3. lhim/ indl My parents' employer expect me to stay with him intil the end of the month. I/ completel reportl byl timelyou/ return/ next month. I will have completed to report by the time you return next month Dich ti6ng ViQt sang ti6ng Anh 1. Chirng ta cAn ldm h6t sric minh dO tao diOu kiQn thu4n loi cho c6c nhd ddu tu nu6c ngodi o ViQt Nam We need to truy our best to create favourable conditions for forgein investor in Viet Nam ntlrng biQn phdp hfru hi6u hrit dang tdng l6n 6 c6c r in English 8. 15. e had better nake resevati so that we will be f getting a good table. men are better musicia than women. G c6u hodn chinh t.w youl goldol now? are you going to do now? sure because he is busy today. y to Moscow doll Ail Itl difficultl mel getl touch/ managerlbecause/ he/ The goverment is taking effective measures to fight agianst increasing drug-addition in universities and colleges 3. Cdng Uitit nnieu vA c6c nAn vdn h6a tr6n th6 gi6i chring ta cdng trd n6n khoan dung The more we know about other culturies the more to lerant we became minh ra 2. it co nan kh6 han Peter hurstlLondon/ together I met Peter hurst in London week/ welhavel 5. Vei tuAn together Il ill arrivelhome/ On iving home, I realised that my 4.rl Iha i realisel book/ room had left the book complete/ course/ local llege just completed the course f the local college tru6c ddy, c6c cu6c tdn c6ng khirng UO Aa xhy ratai brussel, Bi. Chring taphhi dodn ktitkh6ng phAn biQt, qu6c gia, s6c tQc hay dric tin dd ch6ng lai n4n khring b6 ndy. and we had to 3.o Laos is releasing water from its dams to the MeKong river to help Vietnam cope with drought and salt instrusion in the MeKong Delta. in Afew weeks ago, the terrorist attacks took place in Brussels, Belgium. We have to inite, regardless of nationality, or race or faith in fighting against this scourge of terrosirm. KINH TE vT mO P, 3 phuong phSp tinh GDp 1. 2. ning ti6n tQ 3. 4. rc ning cria ngdn hdng 5. 5c d6ng thitruong ti€n te d6n t6ng B 9 => bdng sO li€ thi) BA 10 sdn luong khiting cung ti6n (4 d6 => C, l, G, X, BA 14 16 I 16 Bdi 4 tra 86 Bii 90 Bai 7 tran Bei 7 xrruH rE vl 1',t1 urO 1. Cung, 2. Cau, d! chuy6n cung chuy€n cAu 3. Co gidn ia 4. C6u tru thitrucrng dQc quy6n N thuan triy 5. Gi6 cAu theo gi6, phucrng ph6p tfnh, trin 2. BitilAo di , ngdn s6ch => Dang 2 => 1 ngudi 2. SX, chi t0e2+ 30e vd lqi nhudn => 1 DN canh tranh 1. Tieu A c6 ng6n sdch 10 tri€u d6ng... c6 him t6ng chi phi TC = Q3 + 3. Thi dQc quy6n => ducrng cdu P = 66 - chi phi TC = Q'+2OQ+40 4. Thi dQc quy6n => dudng chi phi TC = 200 + 2Q + ciu P = 2OO 5. Cdu tr0c itrudng canh tranh hodn hdo => Q c6 hirm chi phibi6n d6i hu sau: VC = 2Q (O + 1) 1 Q2 cqnh tranh hoin hdo SX sdn phAm @ rt , fdA td tA b) [)'d YL,rri. o lrra o? tA u( l'( o.2, 1 = ts 6 VA 80.K o,e ' Ft ar9 dq: =SM f,I" {dqg /?,,WdK'/,/?", ^q/ o, roo *q'J - -q/* * #*t* SuqYrca,r'W 6Qe+€&q +&s &o= &.'o - NL+ * - 4d.\E ltw /o
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